These are just SOME uses, but here are a few more:
🟢 COULD (past ability, possibility, polite requests)
✅ I could swim when I was five. (past ability)
🟢 COULD HAVE (past possibility, missed opportunity)
✅ I could have studied harder for the exam. (past possibility, but I didn’t)
🟠 SHOULD (advice, expectation, obligation)
✅ You should drink more water. (advice)
🟠 SHOULD HAVE (regret, past advice)
✅ I should have studied more for the test. (regret)
🔵 WOULD (hypothetical situations, polite offers/requests, past habits)
✅ I would travel the world if I had more money. (hypothetical)
🔵 WOULD HAVE (hypothetical past, regrets)
✅ I would have called you, but my phone died. (hypothetical past action)