നിങ്ങളുടെ email / phone number ഈ bot ൽ കൊടുത്താൽ ഏതെങ്കിലും വെബ്സൈറ്റോ ആപ്പോ വഴി നിങ്ങളുടെ data ലീക്ക് ആയിട്ടുണ്ടെങ്കിൽ അത് അറിയാൻ പറ്റും.
You can search for the following data:
Search By:
┣📧 Emails
┣📞 Phones
┣👤 Names
┣👥 Nicknames
┣📍 IP
┣🔒 Passwords
┣🌐 Domains
┣🏢 Companies
┣🚗 License plates
┣📇 VIN
┣💸 INN
┣🪪 Snils
┣✈ Telegram ID
┣📘 VK ID
┣📖 Facebook ID
┗🛂 Passports
And many other data
⚠️ Particularly sensitive information (bank cards and passwords, which may still be relevant) is partially hidden. Using the bot with any malicious intent is strictly prohibited.
You can search for the following data:
Search By:
┣📧 Emails
┣📞 Phones
┣👤 Names
┣👥 Nicknames
┣📍 IP
┣🔒 Passwords
┣🌐 Domains
┣🏢 Companies
┣🚗 License plates
┣📇 VIN
┣💸 INN
┣🪪 Snils
┣✈ Telegram ID
┣📘 VK ID
┣📖 Facebook ID
┗🛂 Passports
And many other data
⚠️ Particularly sensitive information (bank cards and passwords, which may still be relevant) is partially hidden. Using the bot with any malicious intent is strictly prohibited.