21 Dec, 17:54
21 Dec, 15:02
21 Dec, 10:12
21 Dec, 09:53
21 Dec, 09:50
21 Dec, 09:08
21 Dec, 08:46
20 Dec, 20:38
20 Dec, 20:05
20 Dec, 18:24
20 Dec, 17:38
20 Dec, 17:02
About 5000 accounts have been banned in the Netherlands in these 5 days. We have paid for 4000+ accounts. Remaining 1000 thousand accounts will not be paid. Some dishonest people have given fake numbers to bots from various websites and all account have been banned. Do not ask the leader for payment of 31 countrie code and don't send fake numbers to next time.Then you won't get payment. We have lost a lot.
19 Dec, 17:07
Assalamu Alaikum. Our team is in an arrangement today. We will leave here tomorrow and all payments today will be done together tomorrow.Today we will not give any list or payment to leaders.So please no member ask for list or payment from his leader.We are sincerely sorry for today's problem.The bot is still open, everyone keep working. Members will get your today's withdrawal money together with tomorrow Insha'Allah. So no one disturb his leader todayThe bot is still open. Please everyone keep working
18 Dec, 23:28
18 Dec, 17:26
18 Dec, 12:10
17 Dec, 18:07
16 Dec, 18:01
All leader lists have been sentPlease account all leaders If you don't count, I won't pay you. Too many payments, so please help me calculate. Because it's expensive for me to concentrate so much
15 Dec, 21:39