Daily Podcast Recommendations by Abhi and Niyu

Channel's geo and language: India, English
Category: Edutainment

This is a channel to receive daily podcast recommendations curated by Abhi and Niyu
The group is primarily for podcast recommendations and discussions on podcasts.

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India, English
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This year has been super tough for both me and Abhi but I can't believe I'm finally back to listening to podcasts and I enjoy it so much

I'm so sorry for the huge delay and big gaps.

Thank you to all of you who have stuck with this group for so long.

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  •   Twice a week
  •   3 times a week
2751 votes

Hello everyone, sorry for the huge break! Are you excited to listen to more podcasts in 2024?


Sorry had a bit of a longish break on the podcasts. But this was something that was on my mind. We all have self doubt. For me, sometimes self doubt cripples me. And stops me from doing any meaningful work. Listen to this one for clear breakthroughs


Habits are tough to figure out. How do we get them right? Why is it so easy to fall back on the old habits? Why is it hard to start new ones? This one examines it all.

Again listen to it at 0.9x for best experience. And this one has a video on Spotify too if you like that

Please listen to this episode at 0.9x speed for best listening


This is a very atypical talk on startups. People glorify startups in India. But they never realize that the path to startup success is filled with a lot of failures, many pivots and a LOT of hard work. Usually movies skip the hard work part but that's what makes the startup. This was quite valuable to me even though I run a content studio, not a startup.

Just a reminder, you can scroll up and check all the previous episodes I've shared. Every episode is a particular podcast Episode that I have curated for you. Please listen to them there is a lot of value in them


This is something that I am continuously learning. I have a lot of money assumptions and that impacts how I spend money. Money is meant to be spent either today or after you save it for tomorrow. How you spend it can make the difference between a fulfilled life or a life full of struggles. This one has a lot of learnings


The conclusion of this episode was one of the most profound pieces I've ever come across. Nature holds so many mysteries and on our part, what we do is we simply think we are superior and quite literally ignore the rest. This episode was to satisfy my curiosity. I loved it!


You asked for Indian Episodes and I'm sharing more. I've been tracking Phool's journey for a long time and what they are doing is absolutely amazing. Forget about what they are doing, the founder himself gives a lot of different insights on starting a business. Mind you, starting a business is HARD. It takes a lot of effort to start a business and keep it up for a long time without losing interest. This episode has a LOT of value so take notes.


This is IMPORTANT! Please don't skip this episode. I also listen to cyber security and safety podcasts because the world as we know it is not safe. People get greedy or they get scared and they take actions that cause them to fall straight into a fraudster's trap.

Please listen to this because this is about credit card fraud with the product head of VISA. credit card frauds are better resolved than debit card frauds since the credit card company does not settle the dues instantly. But still, people can get defrauded. So, it's best to keep yourself safe

I've changed the settings so now you can comment on the podcast episodes as well. Please keep the comments respectful and don't use this as a place to spread hate. This is solely a place for growth and development. I personally learn from these episodes. I learn a lot about storytelling as well and only share high quality episodes. I'm trying to make the communication two way.

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697 votes


99% invisible is my FAVOURITE because it shines light on things that aren't really that well spoken about.

If you were ever curious about North Korea, then you'll find a fascinating connection between African nations and North Korea in this episode. These are the type of episodes I LOVE listening to, they provide so much learning and perspective about our world. You'll love this


How to Achieve your Goals in Half the Time with these 3 steps

One of my focus areas this year is to achieve my goals faster. I'm a classic procrastinator. I put off things for rather silly reasons. So I'm listening to a lot of podcasts that talk about proper goal setting and achieving more in less time. This one is a valuable episode that shares some actionable nuggets


I think this podcast is very valuable in understanding how our societies work. It will teach you about economics and decision making in a fun and interesting way. There's a lot to learn about how we as humans make decisions and one of the factors is how we react to what others do or say. This episode has a LOT of value for people looking to make better decisions

10k 0 15 9 25


I just keep thinking, we are always told on the internet that some experience will be fun
But oftentimes that is not what we experience when we do the same things. Our lives are also so mechanical and so busy that we don't do the things that genuinely bring us joy. This episode made me think a lot about picking stuff up that can make me feel pure joy just for the fun of it.

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