Brahma Kumaris

Channel's geo and language: India, English

Brahma Kumaris is an international non-governmental organization known for its spiritual teaching of Rajyoga Meditation.

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We honour and commemorate this day to Dadi Gulzar ji, whose serene presence would soothe our minds and nurture the deepest parts of us.

Dadiji said, "My sansaar (world) is the divine, which is why it is present in all of my sanskars."

#remembranceday #peace #positivevibes #happy #omshanti #brahmakumaris

जीवन में लक्ष्य का होना जरूरी है। लक्ष्य को हासिल करने के लिए निश्चय का होना आवश्यक है। खुद पर और परमात्मा पर रखें निश्चय। सफलता तय है।
#brahmakumaris #bkhindi

Living for the divine service of humanity is a very special life. ✨ Each moment becomes a highly responsible duty which requires us to stay in our full awareness.

Having said that, it's deeply satisfying and nourishing.🙏 The joy we receive from serving others is incomparable to any worldly pleasure.

Have you felt that closeness with God & your divine purpose for this life? Please write your experiences in the comments below! 💫


When you release the weight from your heart and shine with your true light, others are drawn to you without understanding why.
They feel your presence like the air they breathe, so close yet so natural they barely notice.

It's in this purity that souls truly connect, with nothing between them but truth.


This Women's Day, may we honor the caring energy flowing through all souls, regardless of form. We recognize how your patience & courage reshapes the world.

As we celebrate all the shaktis, we also embrace these balanced qualities within ourselves, knowing that together, we can create a new, divine world built on both love and power.

To every nurturing heart and every fierce spirit, Happy Women's Day.

#brahmakumaris #Women'sDay

Our relationship with others is not based on our blood connection. It's much deeper than what is on the physical level.

When we see that eternal soul dwelling in everyone, all strangers transform into family. In that sacred recognition, we realize that we are branches of the same human tree.

Do you practice to see a soul inside every human being you meet?


Silence allows energy to harmonise with the supreme wisdom. It allows us to reconnect with the supreme intelligence and listen to its subtle messages.

Long term meditators know this secret: silence isn't empty, it's full of answers. When we embrace the quiet spaces between our thoughts, we don't just understand the truth, we merge with it, we become it.

#silence #brahmakumaris

Sometimes we rush to get where we're going, but the obstacles we face on the way hold all the crucial knowledge.

After passing each step, this wisdom emerges and expands our awareness. That's why the journey is more important than the destination.


God is dynamic. God can take the role of a child and father, friend and guide, mother and lover. God can be our everything and make us need nothing.


Be the sample of that which you want to see in the world. People pick up our vibrations more quickly than our speech.

They absorb our attitude and behaviour through observation, and this has a long-lasting effect on their consciousness.


ईश्वर का दिया सबसे बड़ा तोहफा है आनंद। जो व्यक्ति आनंद में रहता है, उसका तन मन दोनों स्वस्थ रहता है।वो अपना हर काम आनंदपूर्वक करता है। इसलिए तनाव नहीं रहता।

#brahmakumaris #bkhindi

When our speech and actions echo the spiritual virtues of genuineness, compassion, and higher purpose, we are in alignment with our true self. This feeds the spirit with confidence and higher self esteem which brings a sense of fulfilment.


Our words have an immense amount of energy. If we conserve this energy without wasting it, it will have an immense result.

People trust our words when they are backed up by our energy, conviction, and good wishes. Everybody starts listening to us when we say what is truly essential, powerful, and sweet.


When we release the grip of everyday worries, something profound happens, our inner compass becomes clearer, our decisions more aligned, our perspective wider.

Take a moment today to step back from the noise. Listen. That clarity you've been searching for? It's already within you, waiting for the stillness to speak.


पवित्रता एक ऐसी शक्ति है, जिसका प्रकाश दूर दूर तक फैलता है। इसलिए इंसान के हर कर्म में पवित्रता अर्थात् सचाई सफाई होनी चाहिए। जिसकी मनसा, वाचा, कर्म सब में पवित्रता होती है, उसके चेहरे का तेज ही अलग होता है।

#brahmakumaris #bkhindi

कहते हैं संकल्प से श्रृष्टि बनती है। जैसा संकल्प करेंगे, वैसा परिणाम मिलेगा। अगर खुद को कोसते रहेंगे। अपने बारे में नकारात्मक सोचेंगे, तो नुकसान भी खुद का करेंगे। अपने बारे में हमेशा अच्छा सोचें। ईश्वर अपनी संतान आत्मा को सौभाग्य का तोहफा देता है। स्वयं को सदा भाग्यशाली समझें।

#brahmakumaris #bkhindi

✨ When our hearts remain eternally immersed in the divine remembrance of our beloved Father Shiva, we discover Mahashivratri's deepest essence. 💫

May each thought, each breath connect us to the Supreme Soul, illuminating our journey through this Yuga. Happy MahaShivratri. 🕉️


कहते हैं संकल्प से श्रृष्टि बनती है। जैसा संकल्प करेंगे, वैसा परिणाम मिलेगा। अगर खुद को कोसते रहेंगे। अपने बारे में नकारात्मक सोचेंगे, तो नुकसान भी खुद का करेंगे। अपने बारे में हमेशा अच्छा सोचें। ईश्वर अपनी संतान आत्मा को सौभाग्य का तोहफा देता है। स्वयं को सदा भाग्यशाली समझें।

#brahmakumaris #bkhindi

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