Mehak Jain, AIR 17 : Notes and Strategy

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Hello everyone. I am Mehak Jain, AIR 17 in UPSC CSE 2021. Follow the channel for notes and insights on UPSC CSE.

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16k 0 960 16 161

Did his part so well in taking badla, the revenge! 💙

24.9k 0 38 51 564

36.5k 1 1.9k 47 401


35.7k 0 14 100 556

Observations so far :

1. Laxmikanth is your truest friend.

2. Factual questions ~ scope of applying ‘elimination techniques’ and committing ‘silly mistakes’ in equal measure

3. PYQs is the only constant in UPSC preparation.

4. Paper may appear to be ‘easy’, but it wasn’t. Cutoff will not cross 100 (Telegram pe toh 201 bhi jaa sakti hai). It will definitely increase from last year.

5. CSAT was CSATing - making its importance felt but not acting as a dream killer.


1. Start preparing for Mains right away. Can chill for 3-4 days. Watching a few lectures a day is also a part of chilling.

2. Prepare a schedule for your Mains prep - sources, revision, value addition, test series. Do the planning part now.

3. Speculating the cutoff will do you no good, completing Ethics paper before the results are announced will do.

Available for any doubts that you might have about Mains prep, but I expect you to go through the pinned messages before asking.

Happy ‘prelims is done!’ ❤️😋

46.9k 0 255 46 506

27k 0 108 3 40

Hoping for the same sanity in CSAT paper as well!
Best wishes✨

Forward from: UPSC & You with Neelkanth Bhardwaj!
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When Insiders predict a repeat of last year’s difficulty and convoluted questions! 😃

Atleast commission recognised the blunder and didn’t make it overtly erratic.

I’m sure Sherlockers would have handled well!


25.4k 0 158 13 33

Sending best wishes your way! ❤️✨

32.1k 0 58 13 533

Things to let go of before appearing for Prelims 2024

1. Fear of failure - Once you accept the worst possible outcome, you free yourself of the burden of expectations and this helps you attempt the paper in a much better mental state.

2. Overthinking - Trust your instincts.

3. Unnecessary stress - listen to some calm music, take adequate rest and be at peace with yourself.

4. Perfectionism - Accept that good is good enough! You have done whatever you could have.

5. The baggage of past mistakes/failures - you don’t have to carry it all, just lessons learned and the strength gained.

6. Things you have no control over - the difficulty of the paper, the type of questions asked, from which sections of the syllabus , cutoff etc etc.

Have faith in your abilities and in the magic of the Universe✨

33.5k 0 256 36 527

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Perfection is impossible. Even the best ranked tennis player win barely more than half the points he plays. The point you’re playing is the only point that matters. Similarly, the question you’re solving should be the only question you’re focusing on. Mindset is everything!

34.8k 0 392 10 491

Mantra for the upcoming days! 🍊

40.7k 0 224 28 759

43.8k 0 217 25 172

Mindset is the most important thing in the last few days. And PYQs, of course! 🧘🏻‍♀️

40.3k 0 148 7 397

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Rattling. Heartbreaking. Beautiful.

46.2k 0 49 35 242

41.4k 0 162 11 161

"If, Then" Trigger Action Algorithms for Self-Care

1. If you’re pursuing a goal, then avoid telling people about it.
It releases cheap dopamine and tricks your brain into thinking you've already achieved it (lowering motivation).
Move in silence.

2. If you’re unhappy, then start with brain health.
Sleep, hydrate, exercise, eat well, rebalance your dopamine with less screen time. Society labels many issues as mental health that are actually brain health.

3. If you’re experiencing a beautiful life moment, then write it down.
Best tacos ever. Presentation you crushed. Bonfire with friends.
Save the memory and, one day, the memory may save you.

4. If you find yourself regretting past decisions, then stop.
You made the best choice at the time, with the knowledge you had. Be at peace with it.

5. If you’re stuck in a mental loop, then ask yourself :
"Is this useful?"
"Will I care about this in a year?"

6. If you’re comparing yourself to others, then don’t.
Trust me, they have their own issues you'd never want.
Only compare yourself to your former self.

7. If they steal your energy, then run away from them as fast as you can.
And if they're prone to conflict, then ditto.

8. If you feel overwhelmed by mainstream media, then turn it off.
You're allowed to NOT have your attention monetized.

9. If you’ve recently been destroyed by something, then now’s the best time to change your life.
Focus on your values and daily habits to build yourself back stronger. You get to write how the story ends.

10. If you’re feeling rushed, then try going at 85%.
"Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast." Carl Lewis 9-time Olympic God medalist ran his fastest at 85% anyway.

63.7k 0 898 32 681
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