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Forward from: Hacker Tips
Premium Hacking Course Bundle

Certification courses from
* EC-Council
* Sektor7
* INE Security
* Sans security
* 7A Security
* Offsec

Course Topics
* Certified Ethical Hacking
* Practical Bug Bounty
* Malware Analysis
* Privilege Escalation
* Penetration Testing
* API pentest & hacking
* Digital Forensics
* Phishing Campaigns
* Python for hacking
* Open Source Intelligence ( osint )

Price : ₹8499 / $100 / 100USDT

DM @itspyguru

Forward from: Hacker Tips
Valid till 8 PM tonight only

Forward from: Hacker Tips
Which tutorial you want first ( today ) ??
  •   Scripting in silverbullet
  •   Database dumping using salmap
  •   Account takeover by cracking weak JWT token
56 votes

For all the beginner & intermediate hackers out there, we have two channels for private files

* This one is free and is enough for you to learn hacking from basic to advanced

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* This channel contains certified tutorials, BlackHat content and leaked files, but it requires a monthly payment of 5 stars. I'll not recommend you to join it unless you really want to learn more advanced stuffs.

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