A young trader came to a wise DeFi farmer at the end of the bull run and said, “your wisdom is grand, I have been blessed to have reached my target goal of $10m and I wish to retire and live off the yield.”
The farmer said “what glorious news, diversify your funds across platforms to minimize risk. You can buy some t-bills, place some in aave, high yield savings accounts, you can even deposit some on centralized exchanges to earn yield.”
The young trader said “but farmer, these yields are only 3-4% and surely not enough for me to fly private, vacation in the Maldives, rent a coastal party house, and live my best life.”
The farmer said “young trader, I can tell you of higher yields but you must be forewarned for with each percentage comes more risk.”
The trader retorted “I want the highest yield, I care not where it comes from”
“Very well” said the farmer and he handed the trader an envelope, “40% apy, use at your own risk”
The trader left gleefully.
A fortnight later the trader returned to the farmer and said “it was quite unusual, I lost 10% of my principal when the peg broke and I sold. I’m down from $10m to $9m but surely still have enough to live off yield. Tell me, tell me wise farmer where I can get the highest yields?”
The farmer handed him an envelope labeled 20% and warned, “you may use this strategy but beware for it is a basket of…”
The trader rudely interrupted “if I wanted to hear about baskets, I’d have gone to a basketweaver at the market”
Three fortnights later the trader returned to the farmer and said “I feel Jupit-poor, I’m down another 25% on my principal. I have only 6.75m left. I understand I’ll have to fly commercial, I won’t be purchasing that yacht but perhaps I can still earn a decent living from yield.”
The farmer handed him an envelope marked 10% and said “I must warn you, this strategy takes the other side of trades for traders on hy…”
The young trader, wind blowing through his broccoli haircut interjected “I care not about sides, I only care for yield”
The trader returned to his abode, opened the envelope and muttered under his breath, “hyperliquid”
H/T my ceo lunch