Why is it necessary to read NCERT books?
Features of NCERT books🎯 The language of these books is kept simple.
🎯 The terminology used in them is easy.
🎯 Technical terminology of the subject has been used.
🎯 Practical presentation of the subjects has been done.
🎯 The presentation is pictorial and interesting.
🎯 The information and facts mentioned are authentic.
🎯 Its practice questions provide completeness to the subject.
Importance of NCERT books🎯 NCERT is a reliable source for UPSC preparation.
🎯 They are important in all three stages (preliminary exam, main exam and interview).
🎯 Many questions in the exam are asked directly from NCERT.
🎯 It is easy to make short notes and synopsis for the exam from these books.
🎯 The simple and understandable language of the books makes answer writing effective.
🎯 They provide a base for studying standard books of the subject.
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