Stages of Unconsciousness
•Confusional state
1. Confusional State-Confusion is a state in which the patient cannot take into account all elements of his/her immediate environment, implying an element of sensorial clouding.
•Shortened attention span.
•Memory deficits.
•Difficulty in following commands.
•Alteration in perception of stimuli.
2. Delirium-It is characterized by a fluctuating disturbance in consciousness and change in cognition that usually develops over a short period of time.
•Disoriented to place and person.
•Increased motor activities
•Illusion, Hallucinations
3.Obtundation-Decreased alertness and hypersomnia.
•Obtundation is characterized by reduced alertness and hypersomnia.
•Hypersomnia is technically defined as a state of sleep in excess i.e, 25% more of the expected normal sleep.
•Obtundation is often seen with substance abuse in the form of narcotic or alcohol over dosage.
4. Stupor-Stupor is unresponsiveness from which the patient can only be aroused by vigorous repeated painful stimuli.
•Deep sleep or unresponsiveness
•Can be aroused only with painful stimuli.
•Responds by withdrawing or Grabbing at the source of pain.
5.Coma- State in which a patient is totally unaware of both self and external surrounding, and unable to respond meaningfully to external stimuli.
Characteristics of coma
•No eye-opening
•Inability to follow instructions
•No speech or other forms of communication
•No purposeful movement
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•Confusional state
1. Confusional State-Confusion is a state in which the patient cannot take into account all elements of his/her immediate environment, implying an element of sensorial clouding.
•Shortened attention span.
•Memory deficits.
•Difficulty in following commands.
•Alteration in perception of stimuli.
2. Delirium-It is characterized by a fluctuating disturbance in consciousness and change in cognition that usually develops over a short period of time.
•Disoriented to place and person.
•Increased motor activities
•Illusion, Hallucinations
3.Obtundation-Decreased alertness and hypersomnia.
•Obtundation is characterized by reduced alertness and hypersomnia.
•Hypersomnia is technically defined as a state of sleep in excess i.e, 25% more of the expected normal sleep.
•Obtundation is often seen with substance abuse in the form of narcotic or alcohol over dosage.
4. Stupor-Stupor is unresponsiveness from which the patient can only be aroused by vigorous repeated painful stimuli.
•Deep sleep or unresponsiveness
•Can be aroused only with painful stimuli.
•Responds by withdrawing or Grabbing at the source of pain.
5.Coma- State in which a patient is totally unaware of both self and external surrounding, and unable to respond meaningfully to external stimuli.
Characteristics of coma
•No eye-opening
•Inability to follow instructions
•No speech or other forms of communication
•No purposeful movement
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