English Grammar Vocabulary ™

Гео и язык канала: Индия, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

English notes for SSC,BANK, RAILWAY, IELTS and OTHER EXAM.
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Гео и язык канала
Индия, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

✍ 50 Important Idioms And Phrases Asked In SSC Exams.

1. At sixes and seven – In disorder or confusion

2. Lose head – Panic 

3. Take to task – To criticize severely/ to punish

4. Sit in judgement – To pass judgement(or comment on someone ) especially when you have no authority

5. Leave in the lurch – To desert someone

6. Cry over spilt milk – Cry over irreparable loss

7. Bad blood – Active enmity

8. Close shave – A narrow escape

9. Grease palms – To bribe someone

10. Carrot and stick – Reward and punishment policy

11. To cut teeth – To gain experience of something for the first time

12. Cut no ice – Had no influence

13. Close the book - Stop working on something

14. In fits and starts - Irregularly

15. Bird’s eye view – An overview 

16. Run in the same groove – Clash with each other 

17. Keep your head – Remain calm 

18. Pull strings – Use personal influence

19. Pot luck dinner – Dinner where somebody brings something to eat

20. To hit below the belt – To attack unfairly 

21. All at sea - Puzzled 

22. Sought after – Wanted by many people because it’s of good quality or difficult to find/Pursued by 

23. Build castle in the air - Daydreaming 

24. On the spur of the moment – To act suddenly, without planning

25. To have something up one’s sleeve – To have a secret plan

26. A red letter day – An important or joyful occasion in one’s life

27. To explore every avenue – To try every opportunity 

28. At one’s beck and call – Ready to follow orders/ To be dominated by someone 

29. By fair or foul means – In honest or dishonest way 

30. Status quo – As it is/ unchanged position 

31. To burn candle at both ends – To be extravagant/ Spend without any worry

32. To hit the jackpot – To make money quickly 

33. To bring to light – to reveal 

34. At the eleventh hour – At the last possible moment 

35. Go scot-free – To escape without punishment

36. To shed crocodile tears – To pretend grief 

37. To look down one’s nose – To regard with contempt 

38. To miss the bus – To miss an opportunity 

39. A white elephant – Costly and troublesome possession, with much use to its owner

40. To call spade a spade – To be frank

41. To fight tooth and nail – To fight heroically, in very determined way

42. Birds of same feather – Persons of same character

43. Take exception – To object over something 

44. High handed – Using authority in an unreasonable way, overbearing

45. Too fond of one’s own voice – To like talking without wanting to listen to other people/Very selfish 

46. By leaps and bounds – Rapidly

47. An open book – Straight forward and honest dealings 

48. Fall short – Fail to meet expectation/ have no effect 

49. Heart to heart talk – Frank talk 

50. Give the game away – Give out the secret(unintentionally)

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1.Vowed (V)-to make a determined decision or promise to do something.

2.Victor (N)-the winner of a game, competition, election, war, etc. विजेता

3.Backlash (N)-a strong, negative reaction to something, esp. to change.

4.Backyard (N)-the territory close to a particular country, regarded with proprietorial concern.

5.Pull Back (Phrasal Verb)-to withdraw from close action or move backwards. हटना

6.Peacekeepers (N)-a member of an international military force whose job is to prevent or stop fighting in a place.

7.Clout (N)-power or influence.

8.Fragile (Adj)-easily destroyed or threatened.

9.Close On The Heels Of (Phrase)-very soon after something else.

10.Placebo (N)-a harmless substance given to a sick person instead of medicine, without telling them it is not real. प्रयोगिक औषध

11.Efficacy (N)-the ability to produce a desired or intended result. प्रभावकारिता

12.Curbing (N)-something that restrains or holds back. रोकने

13.Scaled Up (Phrasal Verb)-to increase the size, extent, or effect of.

14.Ramped Up (Phrasal Verb)-increase the level or amount of something sharply. बढ़ाना

15.Implausible (Adj)-difficult to believe; not probable. अविश्वसनीय, अकल्पनीय

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10. I shall take revenge……… you.
  •   at
  •   on
  •   with
  •   from
392 голосов

9. We should always stick to our decisions otherwise the people will mock… … us.
  •   over
  •   all
  •   on
  •   upon
306 голосов

8. He has resigned himself…….. fate.
  •   in
  •   into
  •   for
  •   to
298 голосов

7. We should abide……… the rules of the institution.
  •   with
  •   to
  •   on
  •   by
386 голосов

6. You must adapt yourself…..... your new surroundings.
  •   towards
  •   in
  •   with
  •   to
282 голосов

5. The storehouse was infested… rats.
  •   by
  •   of
  •   with
  •   in
282 голосов

4. He stumbled at the stone and fell….. a ditch.
  •   on
  •   into
  •   in
  •   within
282 голосов

3. Our country is committed……… a policy of peaceful co-existence.
  •   with
  •   for
  •   to
  •   by
271 голосов

2. Kanak is endowed……….many great qualities.
  •   in
  •   with
  •   of
  •   by
271 голосов

1. She has great affection __ me.
  •   for
  •   in
  •   with
  •   to
286 голосов

Today's Quiz Based on Fixed Preposition

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1.Remission (N)-the cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty. माफ़ी

2.Assassination (N)-murder of a public figure by surprise attack. हत्या

3.Clemency (N)-the act of forgiving or the state of being forgiven. राज्यक्षमा

4.Tenable (Adj)-able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection. तर्कसंगत

5.Ramifications (N)-a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event. प्रभाव

6.Incarceration (N)-the state of being kept in confinement. कैद

7.Humanitarian (Adj)-concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare. मानवतावादी

8.Hackles (N)-a feeling of anger and animosity.

9.Left No Stone Unturned (Phrase)-try every possible course of action in order to achieve something.

10.Whopping (Adj)-unusually large in size, extent, or degree.  

11.Constellation (N)-a group of associated or similar people or things.

12.Triumphed (V)-to win a great victory, or to have a great success.

13.Burnish (V)-To improve or make more impressive.

14.Ruffle A Few Feathers (Phrase)-to make someone feel worried or annoyed.

15. Disengagement: the action or process of withdrawing from involvement in an activity, situation, or group.

16. Moratorium : A moratorium is a delay or suspension of an activity or a law.

17. Armoured:  steel-plated, bulletproof, bombproof.

18. Patrolled: keep watch over (an area) by regularly walking or travelling around it.

19. Artillery: a military detachment or branch of the armed forces that uses large-calibre guns.

20. hard nut to crack(phrase) :A difficult problem.

21. stand-off (Noun) : a situation in which agreement in an argument does not seem possible.

22. predates : exist or occur at a date earlier than (something)

23. Condemnation(N):the expression of very strong disapproval; censure.तिरस्कार

24. Ostensibly(प्रकट रूप से): apparently

25.Laundered(Adj.):(of money) obtained illegally and processed secretly, typically by transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses.

26.Brush aside(Phrasal verb):to treat (something) as not important : to ignore or dismiss.

27.Relentless(adj.):persistent, continuing.

28.Grievances(N):complaint, criticism, objection.

29.Behoves(v):it is right for someone to do something.

20.Dissenters:objector, protester.


1.Cling On To (Phrasal Verb)-to be unwilling to lose something or try very hard to keep something.

2.Mounting (Adj)-increasing, often in a manner that causes or expresses worry. बढ़ता हुआ

3.Crackdown (N)-a series of severe measures to restrict undesirable or illegal people or behaviour. कार्रवाई

4.Dictator (N)-a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force. तानाशाह

5.Crack Down (Phrasal Verb)-to take strong action to stop something. कड़ी कार्यवाही करना

6.Coercive (Adj)-relating to or using force or threats. बलपूर्वक, अनिवार्य

7.Rigged (Adj)-to influence something such as an election in a dishonest way in order to produce a particular result.

8.Thrown Their Weight (Phrase)-To use one's influence or power to support or promote someone or something.

9.Beleaguered (Adj)-experiencing a lot of criticism and difficulties. परेशान

10.Tide Over (Phrasal Verb)-to help somebody during a difficult period by providing what they need.

11.Woes (N)-great sorrow or distress. संकट

12.Die Down (Phrasal Verb)- to gradually become less strong.

13.Wreak Havoc (Idiom)-to cause a lot of damage or problems.

14.Propping Up (Phrasal Verb)-to give help, encouragement, or support to (someone).

15. Daunting (Adj)-seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating. कठिन, चुनौतीपूर्ण

16..Quest (N)-a long or arduous search for something. खोज

17.Inoculated (V)-treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; vaccinate. टीका

18.Laudable (Adj)-(of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation. प्रशंसनीय

19.Paucity (N)-the condition of having very little or not enough of something. कमी

20.Stringent (Adj)-(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting. सख्त

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1.Stipulations (N)-a rule that must be followed or something that must be done. शर्तों

2.Deteriorating (Adj)-becoming progressively worse. बिगड़ जाना

3.Firecrackers (N)-a kind of firework that makes a lot of loud noises when it explodes. पटाखों

4.Precautionary (Adj)-intended to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous from happening. सावधानतापूर्ण

5.Surge (N)-a sudden and great increase. बढ़ना

6.Resolutely (Adv)-in an admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering manner. सख्ती

7.Stubble (N)-the ends of plants that are left above ground after a farmer cuts a crop such as wheat or barley.

8.Demonstrably (Adv)-in an obvious and provable manner. प्रमाण्य रूप से

9.New Dawn (N)-A rebirth or revival.

10.Reached Out To (Phrasal Verb)-to make an effort to communicate with people.

11.Purged (V)-to remove people or things that are not wanted. हटाना

12.Broke Out (Phrasal Verb)-to begin or arise suddenly.

13.Cut Their Teeth (Phrase)-acquire initial practice or experience of a particular sphere of activity.

14.Junta (N)-a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force. सत्ताधारी सेना, शासकगुट

15.Ethnicities (N)-the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition. जातियों

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