тαявιууαн вσσкѕ

Гео и язык канала: Индия, Английский
Категория: Религия

And no (moving) living creature is there on earth but its provision is due from Allah. And He knows its dwelling place and its deposit (in the uterus, grave, etc.) all is in a Clear Book (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz- the Book of Decrees with Allah).
Surah Hud:6

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Индия, Английский
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The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Excessive laughing kills the heart.
Sunan Ibn Majah 4217
Shaykh Albani رحمه الله: Sahih in Sahih Sunan Ibn Majah 3400

Bishr bin al-Harith رحمه الله: Two traits that harden the heart are excessive talking and excessive eating.
Abu Nu'aym رحمه الله: Al-Hilyah 8/350

📚 A Treatise In Condemnation of The Hardness of The Heart pg.36
Author: Al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali رحمه الله (d.795 Hijri)
Translation: Hassan Hussein Abdi
Reviewed and Edited and Published by: Hikmah Publications


It is affirmed from him (Prophet ﷺ) as that he made water to flow from between his fingers and the people took that which they needed from this water, to drink, perform ablution, wash their clothes, perform Istinjaa etc., all of this occurred.

The water of Zam-Zam, if it is not similar to the water which flowed from between the fingers of the Prophet ﷺ then it is not more than it. Both of them are noble waters. So if it is permissible to perform ablution, bathe, perform Istinjaa', and wash clothes from the water which flowed from between his fingers, then likewise it is permissible to do these things from Zam-Zam water.

📚 Rulings Related To The Traveler pg.18
Author: Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Baaz رحمه الله (1420 Hijri)
Translator: Aboo Moosaa Raha Batts حفظه الله
Authentic Statements Publications



The act of cleaning oneself (after urinating and defecation) with water is called istinjaa' (الاستنجاء) and cleaning with other than water like stones and tissues and the likes is called istijmaar (الاستجمار)

So in conclusion while performing istijmaar water is not used.
Therefore the issue of using Zamzam water to perform istijmaar is ruled out completely.

And Allaah Knows Best 📚

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This person is asking about the permissibility of shortening and combining the prayer for the one who always regularly travels from the Kingdom to outside of it, or from some cities within the kingdom to other cities wherein it is permissible to shorten and combine such as chauffeurs and those who bear their ruling, from the buyers and sellers whose (regular) travel is known

These people bear the ruling of travelers and it is legislated for them to shorten the prayers and it is permissible for them to combine prayers just like the rest of the travelers, according to the Jumhoor of the scholars, due to the generality of the legislative evidences regarding that. We do not know of any evidence to contradict that.

📚Rulings Related To The Traveler pg.55
Author: Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez Ibn Baaz رحمه الله
Translator:Aboo Moosaa Raha Batts
Authentic Statements Publications


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A Summary of the Pleasures of The Grave

1. Its width
2. Its comfort
3. The grave of the believer is lit like the night of a full moon
4. The opening of a door to Heaven
5. The opening of a window to Heaven
6. The believer's clothes in the grave
7. His righteous companions
8. His surety at the time of questioning
9. His request to the Angels to be allowed to pray
10. His request to be returned to his family to give them glad tidings

11. The believer's Supplication to his Lord whilst in the grave: “Oh Lord, establish the hour.”
12. The believer's saying to his pallbearers: “Bring me forth, bring me forth.”
13. The angels' glad tidings of the Lord's pleasure and Heaven for the believer when he is brought near.
14. The believer's love for meeting his Lord when he approaches it
15. The believers' happiness to meet Him, sit with Him, and being spoken to
16. The angels that come with the angel of death to remove the soul have white faces.
17. The believer's soul is wrapped in a shroud and embankment from Heaven by the angels
18. The believer's soul is raised upto the seventh heaven
19. And he is followed by those that are near to each heaven
20. He is mentioned in the heavens by the most beloved names to him

21. His soul emanates the scent of the most beautiful perfume
22. There is not a single gaurdian of the gates of the heavens except that they ask Allah to raise him by way of them
23. Allah's saying to the angels: “Write my slave's book in the ILLIYEEN
24. The angels saying to the believer: “Sleep the sleep of the groom who does not awake except that his family has become more beloved to him.”
25. The righteous companion's saying to the believer: “May Allah reward you with good, for by Allah, indeed, I knew you to rush to do good but you were slow to do evil.”
26. The believer in his grave bears witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad (ﷺ) is the Messenger of Allah
27. The believer is shown his place in Heaven day and night
28. The saying of the inhabitants of the heavens to the souls of the believers: “A good soul has come from the people of Earth, may Allah bless you and your body that you used to inhibit.”
29. The grave is a green garden for the believer
30. The angels place the soul of the believer in white silk
31. The believer is relaxed in his grave.

📚 The Grave Its Torment and Its Pleasure pg.32-33-34
🖌Shaykh Muhammad Al-Wasaabee
✏️ Ihsan Ibn Gerald Gonsalves
🖨️ Authentic Statements Publications


The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
Any Muslim that dies on the Day or Night of Jumuah will be protected by Allah from the trial of the grave.
Shaykh Albani رحمه الله in Ṣaḥīḥ At-Targhib wat-Tarhib 3562

The Grave: Its Torment and Its Pleasure pg.107
Shaykh Muhammad Al-Wasabee
Authentic Statements Publications



The Prophet ﷺ said:
There lies within the body a piece of flesh. If it is sound, the whole body is sound; and if it is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt. Indeed, this is the heart.
Bukhari 52, Muslim 1599

📚 In Condemnation of the Hardness of the Heart pg.17
Author: Al-Hafiz ibn Rajab al-Hanbali رحمه الله
Translation: Hassan Hussein Abdi
Hikmah Publications



ad-Dir'iyyah: A town in current day Saudi Arabia located on the northwestern outskirts of Riyadh.
It was a small kingdom of Prince Muhammad Ibn Sa'ūd رحمه الله
It was the very same place from where Shaykh ul Islaam, The Reviver of Sunnah Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab رحمه الله was able to propagate the True Teaching of Islaam and Sunnah ie Salafiyyah without any hindrance.

So ad-Dir'iyyah is one of the most important place.

Source: various lectures by our teachers on the life and history and Dawah of Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab رحمه الله

Denying the existence of the Jinn is disbelief and apostasy from Islam because this is denial of what appears in numerous places in the Qur'ān and the Sunnah, which informs us of their existence.

As for denying Jinn possession this does not necessitate disbelief; although denying Jinn possession is incorrect and to deny this is to belie what has been affirmed by the legislative proof and evidences and the recurrent reality that exists.

📚 Question Relating to the Jinn, Magic and Conjuring
Shaykh Fawzan حفظه الله
Translation: Rasheed Barbee حفظه الله
Authentic Statements Publications



It is related that Abu Ayub Al-Ansari رضي الله عنه said:
When the soul of the slave is removed, he meets the people of mercy from amongst the slaves of Allah, like they would meet the bringer of good news in the dunya.
So they approach him to ask him: 'What is so and so doing?' and 'What is so and so doing? Did she marry ?'

Chapter 11: The Deceased Ask Each Other About Personal Issues
The Grave: Its Torment and Its Pleasure pg.115-116
Authentic Statement Publications



Beware of forbidden seclusion and intimate conversations

Ibn Qayyim رحمه الله said:

"...a woman from the nobles of the Arabs was asked: what led you to commit fornication?

She replied: "The closeness of the cushions and the lengthy period of intimate discourse."

She meant: The closeness of the man's pillow to mine, and the long period of private conversation between us."

The Disease and The Cure page.459

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This version is the Best Available English Translation Of Tafsir as-Sadi
- Ustaadh Mustafa George



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