Фильтр публикаций

🥀°•Girls fall in love with what they hear
Boys fall in love with what they see
That's Why?

Girls wear makeup
and Boys lie.•

   °Midnight Thoughts🥀•

7.6k 0 77 57 325

Репост из: Trump's Ear
Who the hell is this guy who Trump ajust the chair for?!

#Trump #USA #America

👂 More on Trump's Ear ⚠️

🥀°•”Forever” is a loop of Lies°

       °Midnight Thoughts🥀•

8.2k 0 40 2 145

🥀°•Be strong enough to forgive but not stupid enough to trust again!!.°
              °Midnight Thoughts

11.3k 0 76 34 217

🥀°•Stop checking your phone again and again. I know you miss them. Trust me i do to but... They don't miss you. Yeah,they're online but not for you. Yeah they're free but not for you. Yeah you're waiting for a text back from them, but they're waiting a text from someone else. Keep your head up.°
              °Midnight Thoughts

10.8k 0 122 15 264

🥀°•Let whoever think whatever.°

       °Midnight Thoughts🥀•

🥀°•If you want something spoken about ask a man,
If you want it done ask a
              °Midnight Thoughts

🥀°•Being alone is my comfort zone.°

       °Midnight Thoughts🥀•

🥀°•I don't hate you because hating is a feeling and i have no feeling for you.°
              °Midnight Thoughts

🥀°•Be useless. So nobody can use you.°

       °Midnight Thoughts🥀•

16.7k 0 97 35 399

🥀°•Better to keep quiet
When no one is there to understand you.

       °Midnight Thoughts🥀•

17.4k 0 86 14 336

🥀°•I hope we can protect our relationship until they said
“damn, they are married”.°

       °Midnight Thoughts🥀•

21k 0 144 11 398

🥀°•Imagine if your parents read the chats between you and your bestfriend Bro you're gonna be homeless for sure..😂
              °Midnight Thoughts

21.3k 0 122 50 459

🥀°•When things don’t go right,
Try to go left.

       °Midnight Thoughts🥀•

22.5k 0 85 16 392

🥀°•Will you be my Swan🦢??.°

       °Midnight Thoughts🥀•

23.4k 0 169 24 452

🥀°•Satisfy your soul not the society.°

       °Midnight Thoughts🥀•

24.3k 0 101 18 327

🥀°•Babe, if you see someone better than me, please close your eyes okay.°

       °Midnight Thoughts🥀•

24.2k 0 126 18 420

🥀°•Sometimes one hope makes you never give up.°

       °Midnight Thoughts🥀•

27.7k 0 82 39 297

🥀°•I don't care what people say about me only I know my story only I know what I've been through I was born to be authentic and not please everyone °

°Midnight Thoughts🥀•

25.1k 0 104 27 291
Показано 20 последних публикаций.