Indian Express for UPSC by CSE Topper

Гео и язык канала: Индия, Английский
Категория: Образование

This is a channel meant for helping you to make notes out of daily newspaper of Indian Express.
People often have this query of what and how much to note down from editorials and from other articles.
This Channel Strives to fulfill exactly that need.

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Фильтр публикаций

#Prelims #Economy

Read About FPI’s, FII’s, LTCG, STCG and impact of weakening rupee on market returns.

Extremely important for Prelims(all of these concepts)

📌Click here to avail the Marks Accelerator Compilations which gives you the best usable material from best of the topper copies

#Prelims #Economy

US Tariffs: Implications

📌Click here to avail the Marks Accelerator Compilations which gives you the best usable material from best of the topper copies

#GS1 #Society #GS2 #Health

India’s Obesity Problem

You might just see one question coming from this topic in GS-1

📌Click here to avail the Marks Accelerator Compilations which gives you the best usable material from best of the topper copies

#Prelims #Tech

Cryptocurrency Reserves in USA

El Salvador Last year became the first country to make Bitcoin its official

Now Trump has signed an order for strategy crypto reserves for USA.

#Prelims #Polity #GS2

Delimitation Dilemma

Important facts, reading the exact language of Article 81 and 82 will be handy.

Only this article is important in today's paper

#GS3 #Environment

New climate rule book

The recommendation given my Marina Silva can be used as way forward in questions related to climate change.

📌Click here to avail the Marks Accelerator Compilations which gives you the best usable material from best of the topper copies

Join here if you are preparing for UPPSC or BPSC

#Prelims #Environment

UN Loss and Damage Fund

Climate change financing is a very very important topic for Prelims. Do read about it.

🟪 Facts and analysis important for Prelims, mentioned in Violet.

🟩 Way forward or conclusions for mains are in green.

Source: 📰 The Indian Express

Click here for daily the Hindu Highlights

Articles on Women @csetopper.pdf
Compilation of Editorials and Articles discussing issues of women in Indian Express

Everything from women’s quota to Unpaid work covered.

Will be helpful particularly for Mains(GS-1), Essay paper and optional papers.

📌Click here to avail the Marks Accelerator Compilations which gives you the best usable material from best of the topper copies

Join here for daily Indian Express Highlights for Prelims and Mains

Репост из: The Hindu for UPSC by CSE Topper
Science and Tech Compilation from Newspaper.pdf
📰Science and Tech yearly News compilation

Click here to know about the last batch of 10k Program for Prelims starting tomorrow

Click here for UPPSC Mains Improvement Group(MIG-GS-1) starting 12th March

Considering there is no established source other than the newspaper, this compilation will be saviour those appearing in Prelims-2025.

For those appearing in UPPSC Mains.

⬆️Starting on 12th March for UPPSC Mains:

Brochure and Schedule for GS-1's Mains Improvement Group(MIG-UP25) for UPPSC Mains 2025.

A total of 15 mini tests to cover the most probable questions for UPPSC Mains paper of GS-1.

Fee of the program: Rs 2999/-

15% discount for the first 50 takers.

Only in English medium

🪜Text at @csetopper_helpline for queries and enrolment.

#GS2 #Polity #Prelims

Delimitation Dilemma

Remember that delimitation falls in Article 82 of the constitution. 42nd amendment first froze the year of population yardstick at 1976.

Some good suggestions mentioned in green can be wriiten in a probable mains question. Do note that down.

Click here to check the 10k Program for Prelims(last batch starting on 7th March)

#Prelims #Polity

Reasonalble classification test:

Supreme Court in 1952 held that the law can provide an exception to right to equality and apply to specific class of people given that it passes the test of intelligible differentia(clear reasons for singling out special class of people.

Important for Prelims

Click here to check the 10k Program for Prelims(last batch starting on 7th March)

Species in News.pdf
Compilation of species in News in the past one year.

Since the UPSC Prelims paper is also a Preliminary paper for Forest Service Mains, species in news always are hot topics for Prelims.

You can go through the various species seen in the newspaper in the past year here.

Click here to check the 10k Program for Prelims(last batch starting on 7th March)

Репост из: UPSC CSE Topper by Vikas Dhayal
SCG-10k Program for Prelims-25 (Last Batch) .pdf
Last Batch of SCG-25!

Starting in two days

A maximum of 70 Seats, detailed schedule and method shared in the brochure.

Text at @csetopper_helpline to enrol(10% discount only for old students of our earlier Mains and Prelims Programs)

#Prelims #Environment

Olive Ridley Turtles: Arribads nesting at Rushikulya and Gihirmatha.

Important for Prelims.

#Prelims #Economy

India’s Agriculture Trade

1. Top imports Vegetable oils, pulses, fresh fruit.
2. Top exports: Marine Products, Basmati Rice, non basmati rice.

India is a net importer of spices which a bit counterintuitive.

#Prelims #Economy #IR # GS2

Race for copper

Note data for Prelims: Hindustan Copper Ltd is the sole domestic copper minor. Chile, Peru and DRC are top 3 copper producers.

#GS2 #GS3 #Pollution

Making sustainable cities

Just a few things to be noted from it are highlighted.

🟦 Keywords are mentioned in blue

🟥Data and facts for Mains are mentioned in red!

🟨The yellow parts are for analysis for Mains.

🟪 Facts and analysis important for Prelims, mentioned in Violet.

🟩 Way forward or conclusions for mains are in green.

Source: 📰 The Indian Express

Click here for daily the Hindu Highlights

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