The Yukki

Гео и язык канала: Индия, Английский
Категория: Музыка

Web :
Bots : @YMbots
Status : @YMstatus
Support : @YukkiSupport
Promotions and Advertising: @YukkiAdvertising
Powered By : Pm Modi

Связанные каналы  |  Похожие каналы

Гео и язык канала
Индия, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Officially entering into 1k stars gang nowwww !⭐️


How about Yukki wrapped with interactive UI and web design ?

coming soon !

updates on repo updates : we’ll be pushing fixes + new updates including subtitles, pyro 2.0 , Multi language play etc etc in upcoming weeks. (v4.0 release)

updates on premium : we are currently working on it and will be released very soon

We missed you , new updates this month. Stay tuned.

Checkout and Join : @The_Chatting_Hub

TCH is the best
family friendly group to make new friends from whole world.

Yukki is now sponsored and backed by TCH Network !!! a big shoutout to snowy bhaiya

Yukki on sale !

120k chats , 20+ Bots , 10+ channels , 10M+ community , websites , Complete ownership transfer to you.👍

Get Private repository + access to premium bot codes also , checkers , bots and all.

Dm your offer @Shikhar 🌝 ( pls no 150 rupiyah joks* 😠 )

Happy Diwali to everyone from Yukki Fam

Fake Bot Alert !!

Keep doing your community, rival fights we got no issues with that , why the f playing with our name?

stop banning whole groups , karma strikes back hard my friend. I know who are you !!

Also there are alot of fake bots in the name of yukki always do check @YMbots before adding them. We aren’t responsible for any other XYZ YUKKI BOT

bots which we own:
htt rel='nofollow'>ps://

Welcome to Yukki Music Bots !

Bots List : @YMBots
Bots Status : @YMStatus

Advertising : @YukkiAdvertising
Owner : @Shikhar

Support : @YukkiSupport
Store : @YukkiStore

Tried of promotional advertisements on Yukki Music Bots ?

@MisakiBots are here with their no promotional advertisement and zero log issues. Project is sponsored and backed by Yukki for better growth and reach.

📌Why Misaki?
• No Promotional Ads
• High Uptime and High Infrastructure Server
• Re-Edited Core and Highly Optimised
• No more lags and downtimes.

🤖 Official Misaki Music Bots

🔗 Official Channel :- @MissMisakiTG
🤖 Bots :- @MisakiBots

YukkiMusicBot will be there for everyone for the Hacktoberfest 2022

A list of tasks will be there in issues soon!
keep a check

Seems like it was only yesterday when we first started with Yukki Music. Now look at us! Time really flies fast when you're having fun!

Yukki Music Bot passes 100k chats , handling 5000+ active voice chats at a time daily , 170+ core servers , 8 different server locations, 20+ different bots.

Thanks for being the part of it

🚀 Deploy your own Yukki Music Bot 🚀


Documentation :- Here
Tutorial :- Here

Yukki Commands List : Here

Yukki Music Bots : @YMbots
Yukki Music Status : @YMStatus
Yukki Music Support : @YukkiSupport

Репост из: YukkiFlix
💡Yukki Store presents cloud services sales , get best services in whole market with us at affordable prices.

Dm @YukkiAdvertising to buy !

📌 VPS:
• Available Cpu Sizes : 2 core / 4 core / 8 cores
• Ram upto 64GB
• Storage Upto 500 GB
• Working Period : 25 Days

📌 RDP ( 25 port open ) :
• Available Sizes : 4 gb / 8 gb / 16 gb
• Anti Ban RDP's
• Working Period : 15 Days

📌 Close port RDP:
• Available Sizes : 8gb / 16gb / 32 gb / 64 gb
• Anti Ban RDP's
• Working Period : 25 Days

📌 Whm Cpanel:
Hits Webmail / TG
• Yandex both available
• Working Period: 15 days

📌 Domains :
Available: .me .tech .in
• 1 year warranty
• No carded , legal purchase

📌 Github Student Pack:
• Free Access To 20+ Cloud Services
• $100 DigitalOcean Credit
• $200 MongoDB Atlas Credit
• check all benefits at :

• Sending Limit : 20K
• With Domain

📌 Portal / Clouds :
• Vultr ( 105-155$ credits)
• Clubvps ( 100$ credits)
• Ovh cloud ( 200$ credits )
• Azure ( 200$ credits / pay as you go )
• Hetzener / Cloudways / AWS
• Kamatera / Linode / ClubVPS / DigitalOcean ( 100$ credits )

Dm @YukkiAdvertising to buy !

💡If you are facing issues with Yukki Music Bot ,we got alternative for y’all

Introducing Sarah Bots , with no promotional ads , no lag issues , optimised core and anime theme based.

You can add any of them and enjoy better quality streams.

🤖 Official Sarah Music Bots:

🔗 Official Channel :- @MissSarahTG
🤖 Bots :- @SarahBots

😔 Tried of Promotional Ads ? Miss Sarah is Here !

Yukki’s little sister is on telegram now with no promotional advertisement or lag issues.

Yukki proudly launches a new project with collaboration with Sarah to scale it around the whole world by putting huge efforts into it.

Checkout @MissSarahTG and @SarahBots

y Sarah?
• Anime Theme Based Thumbnails and Ideas
• No Promotional Ads
• High Uptime and High Infrastructure Server
• Re-Edited Core and Highly Optimised
• No more lags and downtimes.

🔗 Official Channel :- @MissSarahTG
🤖 Bots :- @SarahBots

💰 Yukki’s Exclusive Offer/Deal Worth 100$ / 7000₹ 💰

•Get gift coupons worth 10-100$ totally free and use them to claim rewards and discounts on pre-launch sales and goodies.

•Offer is only valid for next 48 hours !

•Click on the link below and get coupon in 10 seconds ! No signup login hassle or advertisement. Just one click and get coupon !!

Be Fast , before coupon codes goes out of stocks !!

Claim Here:

♐️ Yukki Commands and Help List !

❇️Playing Music :
/play - for audio only
/vplay - for video
/cplay - for playing in channel

❇️Admins :
Basic admin commands are : /pause /resume /mute /unmute /skip /stop

/seek - forward the music.
/shuffle - shuffle the queued music.
/speed - change the speed of music.

❇️Extra :
/restart - restart bot.
/lang - change language of bot.
/queue - check the queued playlist
/song - download music from youtube

Check Status of Yukki Bots : @YMStatus
List of all Yukki Bots : @YukkiBots
Support Group : @YukkiSupport

🤝 Helping Hand Post :

Anyone facing issues in hosting their bots due to server issues , we are here💀

We’ll host your bot on our servers with Yukki’s private repo , you being the owner in sudolist also!


1. Minimum 4-5k chats required.(active chats , not the served chats )
2. You’ll have to transfer bot ownership to us till we are hosting it .
3. Your bot will be taken under @TheYukki Project afterwards.

Dm @YukkiAdvertising for the helping hand🤝

Happy Independence Day 🇮🇳

⚠️ Security Reminder :

Heard many cases like bots getting hacked when deployed from our repo,its totally upto the people whom you give sudo.

Sudo users can easily access anything of your bot , be it your bot token or api keys !

Also there are alot of fake bots in the name of yukki always do check @YukkiBots before adding them. We aren’t responsible for any other XYZ YUKKI BOT

If you are using Yukki's repo make sure you arent giving your sudo to any random user, No one except you will be responsible for it.

Репост из: YukkiFlix
A complete solution to your demand and ideas.

Get custom bots , projects , smm panels, websites , payment gateway integrated , source codes and many more thing made with Team Yukki.

Team Yukki consists of many devs from different region knowing different languages. We’ll get your projects working within time and in proper manner.

For more queries: @ShutUpShikhar

Join @YukkiStore
Join @YukkiStore
Join @YukkiStore

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