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Гео и язык канала
Индия, Английский
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❇️ What is AGI?

▪️Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a form of artificial intelligence that possesses the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks and domains, similar to human intelligence. Unlike narrow AI, which is designed for specific tasks, AGI aims to exhibit human-like cognitive capabilities, including reasoning, problem-solving, creativity, and self-improvement.

▪️The development of AGI holds the potential to revolutionize various industries and significantly impact society. It could lead to breakthroughs in areas such as healthcare, education, transportation, and automation, enhancing efficiency, productivity, and innovation. However, AGI also raises concerns about ethical, societal, and existential risks, including job displacement, privacy violations, and the potential for unintended consequences.

▪️As researchers continue to explore the possibilities and challenges of AGI, it is essential to prioritize ethical considerations, safety measures, and responsible deployment to ensure that AGI technology benefits humanity while minimizing potential risks. Collaboration between policymakers, researchers, industry stakeholders, and the public is crucial to shaping the future of AGI in a way that promotes societal well-being and ensures a positive impact on our collective future.
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❇️ What does HTTP Response Status Code Says? ❇️

List Of Most Commonly Shown Status Code Along With Their Saying👇

100 : Continue
101 : Switching Protocol
102: Processing (WebDAV)
103 : Early Hints
200: OK
201 : Created
202 : Accepted
203 : Non-Authoritative Information
204 : No Content
205 : Reset Content
206 : Partial Content
207 : Multi-Status (WebDAV)
208 : Already Reported (WebDAV)
226 : IM Used (HTTP Delta encoding)
300 : Multiple Choice
301 : Moved Permanently
302 : Found
303 : See Other
304 : Not Modified
305 : Use Proxy
306 : unused
307 : Temporary Redirect
308 : Permanent Redirect
400 : Bad Request
401 : Unauthorized
402 : Payment Required .
403 : Forbidden
404 : Not Found
405 : Method Not Allowed
406 : Not Acceptable
407 : Proxy Authentication Required
408 : Request Timeout
409 : Conflict
410 : Gone
411 : Length Required
412 : Precondition Failed
413 : Payload Too Large
414 : URI Too Long
415 : Unsupported Media Type
416 : Range Not Satisfiable
417 : Expectation Failed
418 : I'm a teapot
421 : Misdirected Request
422 : Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV)
423 : Locked (WebDAV)
424 : Failed Dependency (WebDAV)
425 : Too Early
426 : Upgrade Required
428 : Precondition Required
429 : Too Many Requests
431 : Request Header Fields Too Large
451 : Unavailable For Legal Reasons
500 : Internal Server Error
501 : Not Implemented
502 : Bad Gateway
503 : Service Unavailable
504 : Gateway Timeout
505 : HTTP Version Not Supported
506 : Variant Also Negotiates
507 : Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)
508 : Loop Detected (WebDAV)
510 : Not Extended
511 : Network Authentication Required

HTTP Response Status Codes Indicates Whether A Specific HTTP Request Has Been Successfully Completed


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Thanks to website builders like Squarespace, WordPress, and Shopify, you don't need coding skills to get a website online. But you do still need a plan. In this course, learn how to set yourself up for success by determining the purpose of your website, the type of site youre going to make, and which goals to track along the way.Instructor Avery Swartz— the founder and CEO of Camp Tech, a tech workshop company for nontechnical people—breaks down different website styles and how to pick the one that's best for your project. She explains how to get clarity on the overall purpose of your site, set goals, and figure out how you're going to track your progress. Avery then shifts her focus from the big picture to the actual look and feel of your website, explaining how to ensure that the words, images, and overall design are accessible, mobile-friendly, and optimized for performance and search engines.

🔅 How to Plan Your Website

🌐 Author: Avery Swartz
🔰 Level: General

Duration: 1h 31m

🌀 You no longer need coding skills to build a website, but you do still need a plan. Learn how to determine what type of website to make and which goals to start tracking.

📗 Topics: Website Building, Web Design

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❇️ What is Bot? | Protect your Computer from Bot Attacks

📌 Bots are also known as spiders, crawlers, and net bots. Many computer users will be using search engines to look for information, but it's important to be aware of the risks of malware being attached to these search engines.


〽️ The Vital Importance of Regular Software Updates

▪️In today's fast-paced digital world, the relevance of software updates cannot be overemphasized. They stand as the unyielding sentinels guarding your digital life against an ever-evolving army of threats. Whether on your smartphone, computer... (Read more...)

(Open the first result)

❇️ 12 Modern Face Coming Directly To Smartphones

📌 It’s pretty clear that smartphones will instantaneously create even brisker. In the intermediary 2000s, flying phones deliver only do a tiny contained current fashion that their current counterparts are respectable.


❇️ What is Chrome OS?

📌 The Added-value features computer software for basic operation (OS) was silent only for Chromebook consumers, before expected time, it’s feasible for additional schemes.


❇️ What is VPN Logs?

🔹 A no-log VPN means that the virtual private network provider does not collect, or “log,” any information transmitted through the network.

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❇️ Domain & Web Hosting Explained

🌀 All websites on the web need web hosting. When someone types your name into your browser, it will be translated to the computer address of your host's laptop. This notebook keeps your website files and sends them back to your browser.


❇️ Email Marketing Explained with Pros & Cons

🔹 Electronic mail shopping is a strong shopping channel, a form of direct shopping in addition to mathematical shopping, that uses electronic mail to advance your business’s amount or duties.


❇️ Features That Android 13 Adds For Developers

📌 Android 13 has some great new features for developers. These include features that make developing on Android easier and more streamlined.


❇️ 12 Modern Face Coming Directly To Smartphones

📌 It’s pretty clear that smartphones will instantaneously create even brisker. In the intermediary 2000s, flying phones deliver only do a tiny contained current fashion that their current counterparts are respectable.


Build amazing appealing designs with Adobe Xd .

Good UI/UX is super important in today's scenario.

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❇️ Data Structures and Algorithms In C

Data Structures and Algorithms in C Using Data Structures Algorithms with C Data Structures Algorithms C leetcode DSA C

Created by :: Deepali Srivastava

Here we have it
⭕️ Link : Click Here to Download   📥

🔔 Visit Site: APKINDIA.XYZ

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