✅Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 11.01.2025
1. EQUILIBRIUM (NOUN): (शांति): calm
Synonyms: calmness, composure
Antonyms: agitation
Example Sentence:His intense behaviour could unsettle his equilibrium.
2 CREDIBILITY (NOUN) (विश्वसनीयता): plausibility
Synonyms: believability, acceptability
Antonyms: implausibility
Example Sentence:The book's anecdotes have scant regard for credibility.
3. PURSUE (VERB): (संचालित करना): conduct
Synonyms: undertake, follow
Antonyms: give up
Example Sentence:We shall not pursue the matter any further.
4. VIRTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (न्याय परायण): righteous
Synonyms: good, moral
Antonyms: bad
Example Sentence:He considered himself very virtuous because he neither drank nor smoked.
5. DWINDLE (VERB): (क्षीण होना): diminish
Synonyms: decrease, reduce
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:The majorities behind the government dwindled and grew.
6. ANTIPATHY (NOUN): (विरोधभाव): hostility
Synonyms: antagonism, animosity
Antonyms: liking
Example Sentence:He certainly had antipathy to capitalism.
7. IMPLICATION (NOUN): (निहितार्थ): suggestion
Synonyms: inference, insinuation
Antonyms: explicit statement
Example Sentence:The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.
8. INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अंतरिम): provisional
Synonyms: temporary, pro tem
Antonyms: permanent
Example Sentence:An interim arrangement was made.
9. FLICKER (VERB): (टिमटिमाना): glimmer
Synonyms: glint, gleam
Antonyms: burn steadily
Example Sentence:The interior lights flickered, and came on.
10. CAPTIVATE (VERB): (मोह लेना): enthrall
Synonyms: charm, enchant
Antonyms: repel
Example Sentence:He was captivated by her beauty.
1. EQUILIBRIUM (NOUN): (शांति): calm
Synonyms: calmness, composure
Antonyms: agitation
Example Sentence:His intense behaviour could unsettle his equilibrium.
2 CREDIBILITY (NOUN) (विश्वसनीयता): plausibility
Synonyms: believability, acceptability
Antonyms: implausibility
Example Sentence:The book's anecdotes have scant regard for credibility.
3. PURSUE (VERB): (संचालित करना): conduct
Synonyms: undertake, follow
Antonyms: give up
Example Sentence:We shall not pursue the matter any further.
4. VIRTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (न्याय परायण): righteous
Synonyms: good, moral
Antonyms: bad
Example Sentence:He considered himself very virtuous because he neither drank nor smoked.
5. DWINDLE (VERB): (क्षीण होना): diminish
Synonyms: decrease, reduce
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:The majorities behind the government dwindled and grew.
6. ANTIPATHY (NOUN): (विरोधभाव): hostility
Synonyms: antagonism, animosity
Antonyms: liking
Example Sentence:He certainly had antipathy to capitalism.
7. IMPLICATION (NOUN): (निहितार्थ): suggestion
Synonyms: inference, insinuation
Antonyms: explicit statement
Example Sentence:The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.
8. INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अंतरिम): provisional
Synonyms: temporary, pro tem
Antonyms: permanent
Example Sentence:An interim arrangement was made.
9. FLICKER (VERB): (टिमटिमाना): glimmer
Synonyms: glint, gleam
Antonyms: burn steadily
Example Sentence:The interior lights flickered, and came on.
10. CAPTIVATE (VERB): (मोह लेना): enthrall
Synonyms: charm, enchant
Antonyms: repel
Example Sentence:He was captivated by her beauty.