Гео и язык канала: Индия, Английский
Категория: Психология

Our Fam @Med_Makers ❤️
TC 2.0 🖤
I promise you, you are not alone in this journey ❤️ Love yourself the way you are. You are the most beautiful person alive 😻. You can contact me anytime if you need any help.. And I love you all 🥰 , take care 💜

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Гео и язык канала
Индия, Английский
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Take care ❤️ and love yourself 💜

Builders Engineering college

Schlorship details are

180 cut off above
Admission fees: 10,000
Placement fees: 15K

C.F+ H.F+Food : FREE

CUT OFF: 175Above

Department: ECE, MECH, CIVIL, EEE

Admission fees: 10,000
Placement fees: 15K

C.F+ H.F +Food: FREEE

CUT OFF: 170Above

Department: MECH/CIVIL/EEE

Admission fees: 10,000
Placement fees:15K

C.F+ H.F+Food : FREEE

CON :V.ANGAPPAN 9786663022

If you need scholarship for engineering course mentioned here , you can talk to them .

And I don't know the complete information i just got this information so I wanna share with you so some one might be benefitted.

Take care ❤️ and love yourself 💜

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Whether you accept it or not , you're living someone's dream life .

Stop thinking too much and start living your life.

Take care ❤️ and love yourself 💜

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Do you think your life is miserable?

watch this then

Just in case you needed a reminder:

Happiness isn't about getting all you want, it's about enjoying all you have.

Take care ❤️ and love yourself 💜✨

I just want to say don't share your mobile number, email and other details with anyone you don't know. And on two step verification in WhatsApp, insta.... Today evening someone tried to open my WhatsApp account but because of verification code , it's safe now . So , stay safe and in Google account settings in privacy options remove third parties so apps won't be able to collect your info and don't install apps from website always go for Play Store.

And if you're Looking for consultancy don't believe everyone always research about them and don't share your details right away.

Just a reminder for your safety.

Anyone know about this consultancy?

someone graduated at 21 but waited 10 years to get a good job . Someone had no education, but was a millionaire at 25 . someone got married at 25,but divorced 5 years later . someone got married at 40 ,but found everlasting love . You're not late , you're not early , you are exactly where you are supposed to be .

I hope you believe that you can still make a beautiful life for yourself even if you lost many years of it to grief, or darkness, a wound that wouldn't close.

Don't think too much.

Have tight sleep 💤 💞

Take care ❤️ and love yourself 💜✨

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You will always be young in someone's eye & old in another's , talented to one and terrible to another. You'll be seen as too loud, too bold , too much to one person and too quiet , too reserved and not enough to another.

The world is never going to agree on a definition of who you are , so you might as well create your own 👑❤️.

Have a stress free day 💞

Take care❤️and love yourself💜



Take care ❤️ and love yourself 💜✨

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I was late then
And maybe I'm late now too
If I start again and again,
It's neither being too late nor a failure
If I can let go , I believe I can grab it again
I want to try to start over

Favourite one from I saw today.

Do you have any favorite line like this?

Hey ! Listen..

Why u r trying so hard to change yourself to fit in the society? Do u really want yourself to change?

Take a moment and ask yourself ..why you are trying to change yourself..if ans is for society...stop it ..deep down inside u...u don't want to change so stop it..

Be the best friend of yourself and love yourself the way you are...the people who are telling you to change yourself is the people who just want to get benefited from u...and they can't even think of change themselves for that...so be urself and love yourself 💜

Yourself need u the most than anyone in this world💞

Take care ❤️ and love yourself 💜

Remember, in 10 years from now it won't really matter what shoes you wore today, how your hair looked, or what brand of clothes you wore. What will matter is how you lived, how you loved, and what you learned along the way.

It's not easy to be positive all the time , some days you will feel like you just can't do it anymore and that's okay 💌

Take care ❤️ and love yourself 💜✨

Today i wanna talk about not feeling worthy.
people think they are not worthy about different things. So, I'm going to talk about each things seperately.

1st, I see many people thinking they are not worthy of the love /care / support they get from their loved ones because They think they didn't do enough/ achieve something to get that love/care/support. But , the truth is You get that love/care/support not because you have to do something or achieve something, you get that love /care/support simply because it's you . You get it because you're important to them and your presence with them is more than what they ask for . You don't have to do/achieve something to be worthy of love , you get it for who you are not for who are becoming/going to be . Just stay with them , it's enough for your loved ones. If you take yourself from their life because you think you're not worthy of their love/care/support, you're punishing your loved ones.

2nd,not feeling worthy to live your life because you couldn't do what you wanted or what others expected from you . Can I ask you one simple question? ,why you have this life when someone out there in their death bed ? Why you get opportunities to choose what you want when someone out there struggling to live in war?
We have different point of views in this world so I'm gonna tell you few two different point of views of people. Let's say 1 is your Worries / point of view and 2 is someone out there .
1)I wish I had different kind of foods today, eating same food everyday is boring.
2)I wish I get to eat atleast once today.
1)I wish my parents don't ask me questions.
2)I wish to see my parents/ hear their voice atleast once in my lifetime.
1)I wish my parents buy me expensive things
2)I wish I don't have to overwork to pay for my tuition fees and food .
1)I wish I don't have to study and i want to throw my Books away.
2)I wish I can atleast see/touch the books.
We can say lots of POV like this But you know you like to compare yourself with someone who have more than you to come up with an excuse.No one is not worthy of the life they get , every single one is enough and worthy to live the life they got . You might get some questions like okay, I'm worthy but why do I deserve this (bad situation in life)?But the real question you should ask yourself is If i don't deserve this, then i should change this so what I have to do to change this? . What did you do to change your situation instead of complaining and coming up with excuses?!
Everyone misunderstood that worthy of a person is based on what they achieve but no you're worthy simply because it's you. Society will judge you /will tell you you're not worthy based on their assumptions about life but what about you? what is your assumption about life ? Is someone should achieve something to be worthy?
Your presence is more than enough/worth than you think, you absence might turn someone's life up and down . You assume everything on your mind and conclude on your own but life is more than what you think.
You might be feeling not worthy because you failed in doing something/exam , but no you're worthy because you tried it and there is much more to life that's waiting for you to see . Here the question is .. is this is the only thing available to you in this world?
And some of you might think you're not worthy because no one loves you but take a deep breath and think again.. there is someone who always love you and wants best for you . If you're not able to see someone around you,go and look in the mirror. You will see a person who is always with you in every situation.It's okay to feel lost sometimes but don't stay there for long time.Give yourself hug and take single step at a time.Don't rush yourself to do the things,it's okay to take slow.Everyone have different timeline,don't compare your timeline with others.You learn different things at different times.Not feeling worthy comes from comparing yourself with others instead cherish what you have before it leaves you,don't regret it later.
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Take care & luv urself.


Recommended one 💯❤️

(When breath becomes air book review)

Just take few minutes to listen to it (English subtitles also available)

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