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Гео и язык канала
Индия, Английский
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​​What is the difference between ‘Cemetery’ and ‘Graveyard’?

From about the 7th century C.E., the process of burial was firmly in the hands of the Church (the Christian organization), and burying the dead was only allowed on the lands near a church (now referring to the building), the so-called churchyard. The part of the churchyard used for burial was called graveyard.
As the population of Europe started to grow, the capacity of graveyards was no longer sufficient (the population of modern Europe is almost 40 times higher than it was in the 7th century). By the end of the 18th century, the unsustainability of church burials became apparent, and completely new places for burying people, independent of graveyards, appeared—and these were called cemeteries.

Word of the day


🔖Mnemonic tip for Candor:
Candor bole to ‘kaun darta hai’; jo mann mein aata hai wohi bolenge.
Candor is frankness and openness of speech, without any bias or prejudice.

Meanings of Candor:
1. Frankness or sincerity of expression; openness.
2. Freedom from prejudice; impartiality.

Pronunciation: kan-der


1. SEGREGATION (NOUN): (अलगाव):  separation
Synonyms: setting apart, isolation
Antonyms: integration
Example Sentence:
The segregation of pupils with learning difficulties was done.

2. ENTANGLE (VERB): (उलझाना):
Synonyms: entwine, tangle
Antonyms: disentangle
Example Sentence:
Fish attempt to swim through the mesh and become entangled.

3. BATTER (VERB): (मारना):

Synonyms: pound, buffet
Antonyms: aid
Example Sentence:
A prisoner was battered to death with a table leg.

4. COLLABORATE (VERB): (सहयोग करना):  fraternize
Synonyms: conspire collude
Antonyms: resist
Example Sentence:
During the last war they collaborated with the Nazis.

5. DISSEMINATION (NOUN): (प्रसार): spreading
Synonyms: circulation distribution
Antonyms: eradicate
Example Sentence:
The dissemination of public information was very necessary.

6. RETRACT (VERB): (वापस लेना):  pull in
Synonyms: draw in, pull back
Antonyms: extend
Example Sentence:
She retracted her hand as if she'd been burnt.

7. APACE (ADVERB): (झटपट): 

Synonyms: fast, swiftly
Antonyms: slowly
Example Sentence:
Work always continues apace.

8. REVIVAL (NOUN): (पुनस्र्त्थान):

Synonyms: rallying, betterment
Antonyms: downturn
Example Sentence:
A revival in the fortunes of the party was a good news for all.

9. PREDICAMENT (NOUN): (कठिन परिस्थिति):  mess
Synonyms: difficulty, issue
Antonyms: advantage
Example Sentence:
The club's financial predicament was evident.

10. SURGE (VERB): (वृद्धि होना):

Synonyms: grow, escalate
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:
Shares surged to a new high.

The Hindu Analysis
New Delhi Edition Late cuty
9 june 2020
Page 1 : Malls,cafe reopen to a new normal
Physical distancing and limited public transport mean its just a trickle of visitors at business centres
(1). Who's afraid of monetisation of the deficit?
The shrill clamour against it is based on misconceptions
(2). The critical role of decentralised response
Strategic on tackling the covid crisis must include local government being equipped
Resume dialogue with Nepal now
India should take the lead in ending a deadlock that goes against the interest of bilateral ties
Page 10: centre seeks district level plans
Health minister directs states to make prospective blueprint to tackle covid 19
Page 11: Farmers are strong ,not vulnerable
Option for direct marketing during the lockdown period has reduced government procurement of wheat in some state
(1). New Zealand is free of covid
Prime minister jacinda ardern thanks citizens as nation lift restrictions after 75 days
(2). China to train 14 million migrant workers in 2 years
Unemployment number reached 33 million - 40 million in may
(1). Economy to contract 3.2% in FY21: WB
shrinkage in India GDP attributed to covid
(2). RBI moots comprehensive norms for sale of loans
Price discovery process deregulated to be in accordance with lender's policies
Gomathi handed four year ban
Will lose Asian 800m gold; insist she didn't take any prohibited substances
That's all you need to know from THE HINDU Newspapers

Word Root: –cide (kill)

- patricide (father)
- matricide (mother)
- fratricide (brother)
- sororicide (sister)
- regicide (king) 🤴🏻


🌹By All Means: Yes Certainly, Definitely.

🌹By Any Means: To achieve a goal in any possible way, no matter how.


“Motherly,” “lonely,” “friendly,” “neighborly,” and “lovely” are some -ly words that are NOT adverbs. 🙅



💁‍♀️ The past tense of “quit” is QUIT or QUITTED, but the past tense of acquit can only be ACQUITTED:

Thanks to DNA evidence, I was acquitted of murder. 🔪🔫


1 . To blaze a trail :- to lead the way as a pioneer.

2 . Red - Letter day :- happy and significant day.

3 . Have the last laugh :- to be victorious at the end of an argument.

4 . Turn a deaf ear :- disregard.

5 . To smell a rat :- to suspect a trick.


1 . A mild or indirect expression substituted for an offensive or harsh one :- euphemism.

2 . The murder of parent or a near relative :- parricide.

3 . Animals who live in herds :- gregarious.

4 . A broad road bordered with trees :- boulevard.

5 . Violation of something holy or sacred :- sacrilege.

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