WayOf Psychology

Гео и язык канала: Индия, Английский
Категория: Психология

Explore the depths of the human mind with daily tips, facts, and insights on psychology. Learn, grow, and transform your perspective with practical advice for mental health, self-improvement, and personal growth.
For promotion -- @SayMyyNameee

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Индия, Английский
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Just as the moon fades into darkness before it shines brightly again, we too must navigate moments of emptiness to rediscover our fullness.





The Case of #RICHARD_CHASE (The Vampire of Sacramento, 1977-1978)

Richard Chase's crimes provide an example of paranoid schizophrenia, a disorder where a person experiences intense delusions and hallucinations. Chase believed that drinking blood would prevent his own from turning to dust. This delusion led him to commit murder. This case illustrates how severe mental disorders, like schizophrenia, can lead to violent behavior, especially when untreated. His psychotic beliefs reflect how distorted thinking can fuel extreme actions.

Image source - CVLT NATION

Psychological Terms Starting With A

15- A-S Scale
A psychological assessment tool used to measure an individual's level of
#authoritarianism and susceptibility to fascist propaganda.

16- A* Search
An algorithm used in computer science and psychology for finding the most efficient path through a problem space, often applied in models of human problem-solving.

17- A1
Refers to the primary auditory cortex in the brain, responsible for processing
#auditory information.

18- A2
Denotes the secondary auditory#cortex, which processes more complex aspects of sound beyond basic auditory information.

19- AA
Commonly stands for Alcoholics Anonymous, a fellowship dedicated to helping individuals recover from



is a medical operation in which cuts are made in or near the front part of the brain, used in the past for the treatment of severe mental problems.

#EgasMoniz ,Portuguese #Neurologist pioneered the Lobotomy (1930) and #WalterFreeman popularized the procedure in the US


🎉 It’s Finally Here!
Join the channel now—mock tests start tomorrow, along with additional educational content to supercharge your prep! 🎯
👉 Join Here


As long as you are alive, you have the power to transform your life. Every moment is a chance to grow, change, and make your dreams a reality. Don't let fear hold you back—take action and watch yourself become who you’re meant to be. The only limit is you.

#StayDriven #KeepGrowing #LiveFully

Hello, WayOfPsychology fam!!!

I’m starting a daily series to explore psychological terms alphabetically. While it might not be possible to cover every term, I’ll do my best to include as many as I can to make this journey enriching for all of you.

Regarding the premium channel, I understand that subscriptions may not be ideal for everyone, and that’s completely okay! Every member here is equally valued, so I’ve decided to create a separate channel without any subscription fees. Initially, I’ll focus on providing mock tests to help with exam preparation.

The channel link will be shared tomorrow!"







1.#A_fiber - Myelinated nerve fibers that transmit sensory information (like touch and pain) to the brain at high speeds due to their insulation.

#A_posteriori - Understanding gained after experience or observation, such as conclusions drawn from scientific experiments.

#A_posteriori_comparison - A method used in research to examine specific differences in data after the primary analysis is done.

#A_prime - A statistic in signal detection theory used to measure how well a person can distinguish between different stimuli (e.g., detecting a signal vs. noise).

#A_priori - Knowledge that is based on logical reasoning rather than empirical evidence, like mathematical truths or philosophical ideas.

#A_priori_comparison - Comparisons or hypotheses in research that are decided before the experiment begins to ensure objective testing.

7. a- (an-) - A
#prefix meaning "not" or "without," used to describe a lack or absence, as in "asocial" (lacking social interaction) or "anemia" (lack of red blood cells).

#A_alpha_fiber - The largest and fastest nerve fibers that transmit information about muscle movements and body position to help with coordination.

9. A-B design - A two-phase experimental model where a baseline (A) is observed first, followed by the introduction of an intervention or treatment (B).

10. A-B-A design - A three-phase design that includes baseline (A), treatment (B), and a return to baseline (A) to measure the treatment's effect.

11. A-B-A-C-A design - A multi-phase experiment introducing two treatments (B and C) alternated with baseline phases to assess multiple interventions.

12. A-beta fiber - Medium-sized, fast nerve fibers responsible for transmitting information about touch and pressure to the brain.

13. A-delta fiber - Thin, myelinated nerve fibers that carry sharp, acute pain signals quickly to the brain, such as the pain from a pinprick.

14. A-not-B task - A task in developmental psychology where infants repeatedly find an object in location A, but when moved to location B, they still search in A, testing their memory and cognitive development.


Hello,  WayOfPsychology Fam!!!

Here’s an important update regarding the #premium channel—thank you for your patience! 🙏 I’m planning to use Telegram’s ⭐️ star system for subscriptions, with a fee of 24 stars (₹48) per month.

Please react ❤️ and share your thoughts in the comments below to help me finalize this step. Your input is highly valued! 😊✨

You can't skip chapters, that's not how life works. You have to read every line , meet every character. You won't enjoy all of it. Hell, some chapters will make you cry for weeks. You will read things you don't want to read, you will have moments when you don't want the pages to end. But you have to keep going. Stories keep the world revolving. Live yours, don't miss out.


Take time to know yourself.
When you know who you are, you can be wise about your goals, your dreams, your standards, your convictions. Knowing who you are allows you to live your life with purpose and meaning


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