The next level of Call Analyser: Call Power (CPW)⚡️
We all know the difference between a 5x call from 10k market cap to 50k mc compared to a 5x call from 1M mc to 5M mc. But with ROI, both cases we see the same 5x (500%).
In addition, other parameters such as the stability of ROI over a period of time (form) and the increase in volume should be recognized as components to evaluate the “power” of the channel.
🎯 Beside ROI, based on the above factors, we propose Call Power with our own formula.
(continue to be updated and rolled out new features).
✔️It will not only be helpful for investors, but also for Devs when they want to find quality channels with high “promoting power” as many devs still often ask us.
CPW will also bring opportunities for new Kols who are good at research, find good projects to quickly grow their channels. Show your Call Power if you are good and get more subscibers.
📌For now, you can check CPW of channels on our free bot: (on the dashboard).
Later we will let you check the Top Ones by time on our ProBot.
✔️Call Power (CPW) will replace ROI to become the most important parameter to reference everything in our system:
1. Kol Trending (previously Call Trending): Based on CPW to know which tokens are trending;
An example: Let’s say a project has 10 calls but all these channels are at low tiers compared to a project that has 3 calls from the top tier channels, you know which one is better.
That’s why from now on you could find many X’s at KOL trending.
2. Kol Title: Based on CPW and some other parameters, we will provide titles for channels: Top tier, Verified, Trusted, Mass volume, Potential, New Star etc… after running Call Power some time;
…read more here👇
We all know the difference between a 5x call from 10k market cap to 50k mc compared to a 5x call from 1M mc to 5M mc. But with ROI, both cases we see the same 5x (500%).
In addition, other parameters such as the stability of ROI over a period of time (form) and the increase in volume should be recognized as components to evaluate the “power” of the channel.
🎯 Beside ROI, based on the above factors, we propose Call Power with our own formula.
(continue to be updated and rolled out new features).
✔️It will not only be helpful for investors, but also for Devs when they want to find quality channels with high “promoting power” as many devs still often ask us.
CPW will also bring opportunities for new Kols who are good at research, find good projects to quickly grow their channels. Show your Call Power if you are good and get more subscibers.
📌For now, you can check CPW of channels on our free bot: (on the dashboard).
Later we will let you check the Top Ones by time on our ProBot.
✔️Call Power (CPW) will replace ROI to become the most important parameter to reference everything in our system:
1. Kol Trending (previously Call Trending): Based on CPW to know which tokens are trending;
An example: Let’s say a project has 10 calls but all these channels are at low tiers compared to a project that has 3 calls from the top tier channels, you know which one is better.
That’s why from now on you could find many X’s at KOL trending.
2. Kol Title: Based on CPW and some other parameters, we will provide titles for channels: Top tier, Verified, Trusted, Mass volume, Potential, New Star etc… after running Call Power some time;
…read more here👇