Forward from: Call Analyser
✨Below are the stats of @TokenPingBot ✨
✅️Total Active Groups/Channels so far: 883
🟢 Risk Level 1 (SOL) = 563
🟡 Risk Level 2 (SOL) = 425
🟣 Risk Level 3 (SOL) = 314
🟢 Risk Level 1 (ETH) = 195
🟡 Risk Level 2 (ETH) = 119
🟣 Risk Level 3 (ETH) = 90
🟢 Risk Level 1 (SUI) = 110
🟡 Risk Level 2 (SUI) = 65
🟣 Risk Level 3 (SUI) = 46
✅As of now, you can choose calls based on the following criteria:
1. By chain
2. By risk level
3. By market cap
✅Over time, you'll have more options in the bot to choose the strategy you want. This also means that different channels/groups will have different calls based on the owners' preferences.
🥇The quality of the calls will depend on your choices.
Of course, we have already filtered calls based on certain criteria, and if a caller's performance declines, their calls will no longer be picked by the bot.
✅️Total Active Groups/Channels so far: 883
🟢 Risk Level 1 (SOL) = 563
🟡 Risk Level 2 (SOL) = 425
🟣 Risk Level 3 (SOL) = 314
🟢 Risk Level 1 (ETH) = 195
🟡 Risk Level 2 (ETH) = 119
🟣 Risk Level 3 (ETH) = 90
🟢 Risk Level 1 (SUI) = 110
🟡 Risk Level 2 (SUI) = 65
🟣 Risk Level 3 (SUI) = 46
✅As of now, you can choose calls based on the following criteria:
1. By chain
2. By risk level
3. By market cap
✅Over time, you'll have more options in the bot to choose the strategy you want. This also means that different channels/groups will have different calls based on the owners' preferences.
🥇The quality of the calls will depend on your choices.
Of course, we have already filtered calls based on certain criteria, and if a caller's performance declines, their calls will no longer be picked by the bot.