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Tomorrow's target!

Remaining 50% of Bank Audit.

MCQs at 9:30 pm tomorrow.

Be smart!

3 exams policy to be implemented this year.

Sep’25 & Jan’26 exams for CA Final happening now.

Please don’t appear for exams in FOMO!

Minimum 2-3 proper revisions for every subject is a must.

Prepare well & give the exams.

Study well 😊👍

CA Final Exams also 3 times a year!

Similar pattern like Inter & Foundation.

More details maybe after May exams.

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Tomorrow’s target!

Bank Audit (50% portion)

Study well 😊👍

MCQ Score? 2m each
  •   8-10
  •   4-6
  •   Here for results
759 votes

any 5 points --> 5m

5 Marks (8 mins)

  •   A
  •   B
  •   C
  •   D
923 votes

5. While auditing consolidated financial statements of YK Industries Limited for the year 2022-23, a manufacturing company whose financial statements are required to be prepared in accordance with Division II of Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013, CA. Palash Shah notices as under: -

The notes to accounts in respect of consolidated financial statements disclose additional information pertaining to the holding company and its subsidiaries. It provides disclosure regarding percentages of consolidated net assets, of consolidated profit and loss and of total comprehensive income along with their respective amounts pertaining to holding company and its subsidiaries.

Considering disclosure of additional information in consolidated financial statements as stated above, which of the following statements is correct?

(a) The said disclosure is not proper as percentage of consolidated revenue from operations along with respective amount pertaining to holding company and its subsidiaries is also required.

(b) The said disclosure is not proper as percentage of other comprehensive income along with respective amount pertaining to holding company and its subsidiaries is also required.

(c) The said disclosure is not proper as percentages of consolidated revenue from operations as well as other comprehensive income along with their respective amounts pertaining to holding company and its subsidiaries are also required.

(d) The said disclosure is proper.

  •   A
  •   B
  •   C
  •   D
978 votes

4. Which of the following statements is correct in respect of goodwill and other matters ?

a. Goodwill represents current period consolidation adjustments. Adjustments relating to intra-group indebtedness and those relating to harmonizing different accounting policies being adopted by the parent and its subsidiaries represent permanent consolidation adjustments.

b. Adjustments relating to goodwill, intra-group indebtedness and those relating to harmonizing different accounting policies adopted by parent & its subsidiaries represent current period consolidation adjustments.

c. Goodwill represents permanent consolidation adjustments. Adjustments relating to intra-group indebtedness and those relating to harmonizing different accounting policies being adopted by the parent and its subsidiaries represent current-period consolidation adjustments.

d. Goodwill and adjustments relating to harmonizing different accounting policies being adopted by the parent and its subsidiaries represent permanent consolidation adjustments. Adjustments relating to intra-group indebtedness represent current period consolidation adjustments.

  •   A
  •   B
  •   C
  •   D
1102 votes

3. B Limited controls entity C Limited (75%) and entity A Limited (an investment company). Entity B Limited reduced the control of entity C Limited from 75% to 60%. With regard to that certain adjustments were made to account for the change in the shareholding of entity C Limited which is consolidated. These adjustments are known as:

a. Memorandum adjustments.

b. Current period consolidation adjustments.

c. Permanent consolidation adjustments.

d. Temporary period consolidation adjustments.

  •   A
  •   B
  •   C
  •   D
1046 votes

2. “We perform Limited” is a listed company. CA K, its Chief Internal auditor, has joined recently.

On taking over responsibilities, he finds that many prior audit issues highlighted in previous internal audit reports are still open.

Taking the matter seriously, he compiles status of prior audit issues in the shape of ATR (Action taken report) duly ageing pending issues and genuine reasons for delay on basis of available material and inputs received.

Which of the following statements is likely to be correct in this regard?

a. The Chief Internal Auditor is responsible for closure of prior audit issues through timely implementation of action plans included in past audits.

b. The Chief Internal Auditor is responsible for continuously monitoring the closure of prior audit issues through timely implementation of action plans included in past audits. However, the responsibility for implementation of the action plan lies with management.

c. The Chief Internal Auditor, by resorting to such actions, is going beyond scope of his work.

d. The Chief Internal Auditor should have immediately escalated such delays to top management and his approach highlighted above is not proper.

  •   A
  •   B
  •   C
  •   D
1148 votes

1. MN & Associates, a firm of Chartered Accountants, having CA. M and CA. N as partners, is based at Mumbai. MN & Associates are appointed to conduct statutory audit of Zinc Ltd. Zinc Ltd. is required to appoint an internal auditor as per statutory provisions given in the Companies Act, 2013 and appointed CA. IA as its internal auditor.

MN & Associates asked Mr. IA to provide direct assistance to him regarding evaluating significant accounting estimates by the management and assessing the risk of material misstatements. He also seeks his direct assistance in assembling the information necessary to resolve exceptions in confirmation responses with respect to external confirmation requests and evaluation of the results of external confirmation procedures.

MN & Associates sought direct assistance from CA. IA, internal auditor as stated in the above scenario. Advise as to whether he is permitted to do so in accordance with relevant Standards on Auditing.

a) CA. IA cannot assist MN & Associates in assembling information necessary to resolve exceptions in confirmation responses. However, MN & Associates can ask Mr. IA for direct assistance regarding evaluating significant accounting estimates and assessing the risk of material misstatements as per SA 610.

b) MN & Associates cannot ask CA. IA for direct assistance regarding evaluating significant accounting estimates and assessing the risk of material misstatements. However, CA. IA may assist MN & Associates in assembling information necessary to resolve exceptions in confirmation responses as per SA 610

c) MN & Associates cannot ask CA. IA for direct assistance regarding evaluating significant accounting estimates and assessing the risk of material misstatements and in assembling the information necessary to resolve exceptions in confirmation responses as per SA 610.

d) MN & Associates can ask CA. IA for direct assistance regarding evaluating significant accounting estimates and assessing the risk of material misstatements and in assembling the information necessary to resolve exceptions in confirmation responses as per SA 610.

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