MCU - The Direct (Instagram)
The #MCU's 2025 slate contains 3 animated Disney+ series, 3 live-action series, and 3 theatrical movies!
Here's the full slate and why we think it will be the best year in MCU history: (LINK IN BIO)
#Quantumania #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 #TheMarvels #DeadpoolAndWolverine #CaptainAmericaBraveNewWorld #Thunderbolts #TheFantasticFourFirstSteps #Blade #SpiderMan4 #ChangChi2 #AvengersDoomsday #AvengersSecretWars #SecretInvasion #IAmGroot #Loki #WhatIf #Echo #XMen97 #AgathaAllAlong #YourFriendlyNeighborhoodSpiderMan #EyesOfWakanda #DaredevilBornAgain #MarvelZombies #Ironheart #ArmorWars #WonderMan #Vision
The #MCU's 2025 slate contains 3 animated Disney+ series, 3 live-action series, and 3 theatrical movies!
Here's the full slate and why we think it will be the best year in MCU history: (LINK IN BIO)
#Quantumania #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 #TheMarvels #DeadpoolAndWolverine #CaptainAmericaBraveNewWorld #Thunderbolts #TheFantasticFourFirstSteps #Blade #SpiderMan4 #ChangChi2 #AvengersDoomsday #AvengersSecretWars #SecretInvasion #IAmGroot #Loki #WhatIf #Echo #XMen97 #AgathaAllAlong #YourFriendlyNeighborhoodSpiderMan #EyesOfWakanda #DaredevilBornAgain #MarvelZombies #Ironheart #ArmorWars #WonderMan #Vision