120 Rules of Grammer
RULE06: If there is a combination of “Number + Unit + Noun” or, “Number + Unit + Adjective” in a sentence, we always use the singular form of the Unit.
(I) He saw a ten inch snake. [Unit – Singular] (Noun) ✅
(II) She gave me two five hundred rupee notes. [Unit – Singular] (Adjective) ✅
#NOTE: If there is a combination of “Number + Unit” in a sentence, a singular Unit will be used if the sentence is not self explanatory , otherwise a plural Unit will be used if the sentence is self explanatory.
(I) He had five dozen. [Singular Unit] { Not self explanatory, hence we have used a singular noun} ✅
(II) I have five rupees. [Plural Unit] {Self explanatory; hence we have used a plural noun} ✅
#NOTE: In a sentence, if there is more than one Unit, Units are always arranged in ascending order.
(I) Thousands of lakhs of students took the test. [Units arranged in ascending order] ✅
RULE06: If there is a combination of “Number + Unit + Noun” or, “Number + Unit + Adjective” in a sentence, we always use the singular form of the Unit.
(I) He saw a ten inch snake. [Unit – Singular] (Noun) ✅
(II) She gave me two five hundred rupee notes. [Unit – Singular] (Adjective) ✅
#NOTE: If there is a combination of “Number + Unit” in a sentence, a singular Unit will be used if the sentence is not self explanatory , otherwise a plural Unit will be used if the sentence is self explanatory.
(I) He had five dozen. [Singular Unit] { Not self explanatory, hence we have used a singular noun} ✅
(II) I have five rupees. [Plural Unit] {Self explanatory; hence we have used a plural noun} ✅
#NOTE: In a sentence, if there is more than one Unit, Units are always arranged in ascending order.
(I) Thousands of lakhs of students took the test. [Units arranged in ascending order] ✅