โ๏ธ Small Update on Durov's Arrest
๐ The current procedure can last up to 96 hours, but this doesn't mean anything, and it can be extended.
๐ TON reached $5 last night, and most traders are waiting to open short positions.
๐ด Neither Telegram nor the UAE is motivated, and no additional information has been provided by Durov's side.
๐ฃ There are many messengers in the world where the same violations occur as Telegram, but neither the owner of WhatsApp, Signal, Threema, or Discord has been arrested.
๐ฃ At the same time, Durov is accused of involvement in terrorism, fraud, and money laundering due to his refusal to cooperate with the security forces; the ๐hearing scheduled for Aug. 25 has been postponed several times.
Wait for it! Tomorrow, weโll dive into a case study on how Telegram transformed from a messaging app into a blockchain powerhouse.
๐ The current procedure can last up to 96 hours, but this doesn't mean anything, and it can be extended.
๐ TON reached $5 last night, and most traders are waiting to open short positions.
๐ด Neither Telegram nor the UAE is motivated, and no additional information has been provided by Durov's side.
๐ฃ There are many messengers in the world where the same violations occur as Telegram, but neither the owner of WhatsApp, Signal, Threema, or Discord has been arrested.
๐ฃ At the same time, Durov is accused of involvement in terrorism, fraud, and money laundering due to his refusal to cooperate with the security forces; the ๐hearing scheduled for Aug. 25 has been postponed several times.
Wait for it! Tomorrow, weโll dive into a case study on how Telegram transformed from a messaging app into a blockchain powerhouse.