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English में "Have to" का Use करना जानलो

मुझे जाना हैं
I have to go
मुझे खाना हैं
I have to eat
मुझे सोना हैं
I have to sleep
मुझे आना हैं
I have to come
मुझे खेलना हैं
I have to play
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🎯 Synonyms and Antonyms

1. Tired

Synonyms: Exhausted, Fatigued, Weary (थका हुआ, थकान से भरा)

Antonyms: Energetic, Fresh, Active (ऊर्जावान, ताज़ा)

2. Cold

Synonyms: Freezing, Chilly, Icy (ठंडा, ठिठुरन वाला)

Antonyms: Hot, Warm, Heated (गरम, उष्ण)

3. Cheap

Synonyms: Inexpensive, Affordable, Budget (सस्ता, किफायती)

Antonyms: Expensive, Costly, Pricey (महंगा, खर्चीला)

4. Dark

Synonyms: Dim, Gloomy, Shadowy (अंधेरा, धुंधला)

Antonyms: Bright, Light, Radiant (प्रकाशमय, चमकदार)

5. Old

Synonyms: Aged, Ancient, Elderly (पुराना, वृद्ध)

Antonyms: New, Young, Modern (नया, युवा)

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🎯 Synonyms and Antonyms

1. Fast

Synonyms: Quick, Rapid, Speedy (तेज़, शीघ्र)

Antonyms: Slow, Gradual, Delayed (धीमा, धीरे-धीरे)

2. Happy

Synonyms: Joyful, Cheerful, Content (प्रसन्न, खुश)

Antonyms: Sad, Miserable, Sorrowful (दुखी, उदास)

3. Safe

Synonyms: Secure, Protected, Shielded (सुरक्षित, संरक्षित)

Antonyms: Dangerous, Risky, Unsafe (खतरनाक, असुरक्षित)

4. Kind

Synonyms: Generous, Compassionate, Caring (दयालु, उदार)

Antonyms: Cruel, Harsh, Mean (निर्दयी, कठोर)

5. Bright

Synonyms: Shiny, Radiant, Gleaming (चमकदार, उज्ज्वल)

Antonyms: Dull, Dim, Gloomy (मंद, अंधकारमय)

6. Hard

Synonyms: Tough, Solid, Rigid (कठिन, सख्त)

Antonyms: Soft, Easy, Flexible (मुलायम, आसान)

7. Near

Synonyms: Close, Adjacent, Nearby (पास, समीप)

Antonyms: Far, Distant, Remote (दूर, लंबा)

8. Early

Synonyms: Prompt, Punctual, Ahead (जल्दी, समय से पहले)

Antonyms: Late, Delayed, Overdue (देर से, विलंबित)

9. Easy

Synonyms: Simple, Effortless, Uncomplicated (सरल, आसान)

Antonyms: Hard, Difficult, Complex (कठिन, जटिल)

10. Healthy

Synonyms: Fit, Strong, Robust (स्वस्थ, मज़बूत)

Antonyms: Sick, Unhealthy, Weak (बीमार, कमज़ोर)

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🎯 Synonyms and Antonyms

1. Beautiful

Synonyms: Pretty, Gorgeous, Lovely (सुंदर, आकर्षक)

Antonyms: Ugly, Plain, Unattractive (बदसूरत, साधारण)

2. Quiet

Synonyms: Silent, Peaceful, Calm (शांत, चुपचाप)

Antonyms: Loud, Noisy, Boisterous (शोरगुल वाला, उधम मचाने वाला)

3. Love

Synonyms: Affection, Care, Fondness (प्रेम, स्नेह)

Antonyms: Hate, Dislike, Loathe (घृणा, नापसंद)

4. Wide

Synonyms: Broad, Spacious, Extensive (चौड़ा, विस्तृत)

Antonyms: Narrow, Slim, Thin (संकरी, पतली)

5. Clean

Synonyms: Neat, Tidy, Spotless (स्वच्छ, साफ़)

Antonyms: Dirty, Messy, Untidy (गंदा, अस्वच्छ)

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🎯 Synonyms and Antonyms

1. Angry
Synonyms: Furious, Annoyed, Irritated (गुस्से में, चिढ़ा हुआ)
Antonyms: Calm, Peaceful, Happy (शांत, प्रसन्न)

2. Beautiful
Synonyms: Pretty, Lovely, Attractive (सुंदर, आकर्षक)
Antonyms: Ugly, Plain, Unattractive (बदसूरत, सामान्य)

3. Soft
Synonyms: Smooth, Gentle, Delicate (नरम, कोमल)
Antonyms: Hard, Rough, Harsh (कठोर, सख्त)

4. Brave
Synonyms: Courageous, Fearless, Bold (बहादुर, निडर)
Antonyms: Cowardly, Fearful, Weak (कायर, डरपोक)

5. Help
Synonyms: Assist, Aid, Support (मदद करना, सहायता)
Antonyms: Hinder, Obstruct, Block (बाधा डालना, रोकना)

6. Quickly
: Rapidly, Swiftly, Promptly (तेजी से, शीघ्रता से)
Antonyms: Slowly, Gradually, Leisurely (धीरे, धीरे-धीरे)

7. Hardworking
Synonyms: Diligent, Industrious, Persistent (मेहनती, परिश्रमी)
Antonyms: Lazy, Idle, Careless (आलसी, लापरवाह)

8. Happy
Synonyms: Cheerful, Glad, Content (खुश, प्रसन्न)
Antonyms: Sad, Unhappy, Miserable (दुखी, उदास)

9. Warm
Synonyms: Cozy, Mild, Balmy (गरमाहट, कोमल)
Antonyms: Cold, Cool, Chill (ठंडा, ठिठुरन)

10. Rich
Synonyms: Wealthy, Affluent, Prosperous (धनी, संपन्न)
Antonyms: Poor, Impoverished, Needy (गरीब, निर्धन)

11. Quiet
Synonyms: Silent, Peaceful, Calm (शांत, मौन)
Antonyms: Noisy, Loud, Boisterous (शोरगुल वाला, उधम)

12. Smart
Synonyms: Intelligent, Clever, Bright (चतुर, होशियार)
Antonyms: Dumb, Foolish, Stupid (मूर्ख, बेवकूफ)

13. Strong
Synonyms: Powerful, Robust, Sturdy (मज़बूत, ताकतवर)
Antonyms: Weak, Feeble, Fragile (कमज़ोर, नाज़ुक)

14. Bright
Synonyms: Shiny, Radiant, Gleaming (चमकदार, उज्जवल)
Antonyms: Dim, Dull, Gloomy (मंद, अंधकारमय)

15. Truth
Synonyms: Honesty, Reality, Fact (सत्य, सच्चाई)
Antonyms: Lie, Deception, Falsehood (झूठ, धोखा)

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🎯 Synonyms and Antonyms

1. Improve

Synonyms: Enhance, Develop, Better (सुधारना, उन्नति करना)

Antonyms: Worsen, Decline, Degrade (बिगाड़ना, गिरावट लाना)

2. Important

Synonyms: Significant, Essential, Vital (महत्वपूर्ण, आवश्यक)

Antonyms: Unimportant, Minor, Insignificant (महत्वहीन, गौण)

3. Friendly

Synonyms: Kind, Sociable, Amiable (मित्रवत, दयालु)

Antonyms: Hostile, Unkind, Rude (दुश्मनी भरा, असभ्य)

4. Simple

Synonyms: Easy, Plain, Basic (सरल, साधारण)

Antonyms: Complex, Complicated, Difficult (जटिल, कठिन)

5. Bright

Synonyms: Shiny, Glowing, Radiant (चमकदार, उज्ज्वल)

Antonyms: Dull, Dim, Dark (मंद, अंधेरा)

6. Clean

Synonyms: Tidy, Neat, Spotless (साफ़, स्वच्छ)

Antonyms: Dirty, Messy, Untidy (गंदा, अस्त-व्यस्त)

7. Quick

Synonyms: Fast, Rapid, Swift (तेज़, शीघ्र)

Antonyms: Slow, Sluggish, Delayed (धीमा, सुस्त)

8. Polite

Synonyms: Courteous, Respectful, Well-mannered (विनम्र, शिष्ट)

Antonyms: Impolite, Rude, Disrespectful (असभ्य, अपमानजनक)

9. Expensive

Synonyms: Costly, Pricey, Valuable (महंगा, कीमती)

Antonyms: Cheap, Affordable, Inexpensive (सस्ता, किफायती)

10. Weak

Synonyms: Feeble, Fragile, Frail (कमज़ोर, नाज़ुक)

Antonyms: Strong, Sturdy, Powerful (मज़बूत, ताकतवर)

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Above questions are from the post about synonyms that were posted earlier in the channel

Comment below your score out of 5

Synonym of "Angry"
  •   Furious
  •   Fire
  •   Fun
540 votes

Synonym of "Sturdy
  •   Bold
  •   Ideal
  •   Strong
484 votes

Synonym of "Sluggish"
  •   Lucky
  •   Lazy
  •   Liar
461 votes

Synonym of "Unusual"
  •   Strange
  •   Tiny
  •   Ordinary
478 votes

Synonym of "Perilous"
  •   Renowned
  •   Dangerous
  •   Issue
448 votes

🔸Synonyms with explanations:

1. Happy - (खुश)
: Joyful - प्रसन्न
Explanation: "Happy" and "joyful" both refer to a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction. "Joyful" suggests a more intense and lasting happiness.

2. Sad - (उदास)
: Melancholy - विषादग्रस्त
Explanation: "Sad" describes a feeling of unhappiness, while "melancholy" suggests a deep, lasting sadness, often without a clear reason.

3. Angry - (गुस्से में)
Furious - क्रोधित
Explanation: Both describe strong displeasure, but "furious" indicates a more intense and uncontrolled anger.

4. Brave - (बहादुर)
: Courageous - साहसी
Explanation: "Brave" and "courageous" both mean showing a willingness to face danger, but "courageous" implies moral strength as well.

5. Beautiful - (सुंदर)
Gorgeous - आकर्षक
Explanation: Both refer to attractiveness, but "gorgeous" suggests striking, stunning beauty that attracts attention.

6. Help - (मदद करना)
: Assist - सहायता करना
Explanation: "Help" and "assist" both mean to provide support, but "assist" is more formal, often used in professional contexts.

7. Smart - (चतुर)
: Intelligent - बुद्धिमान
Explanation: "Smart" and "intelligent" refer to mental ability, but "intelligent" implies higher intellectual skills.

8. Rich - (अमीर)
: Wealthy - धनी
Explanation: Both describe someone with a lot of money, but "wealthy" often implies a larger, long-term financial status.

9. Old - (पुराना)
Ancient - प्राचीन
Explanation: "Old" refers to something from a past time, while "ancient" implies something extremely old, often from historical times.

10. Fast - (तेज)
: Rapid - शीघ्र
Explanation: Both mean moving quickly, but "rapid" implies speed that is almost immediate or very swift.

11. Fear - (डर)
: Dread - भय
Explanation: Both mean an intense worry about something, but "dread" implies a stronger fear with more anticipation.

12. Begin - (शुरू करना)
: Commence - प्रारंभ करना
Explanation: "Begin" and "commence" both mean to start, but "commence" is more formal.

13. End - (अंत)
: Conclude - समाप्त करना
Explanation: "End" and "conclude" mean to bring something to a finish, but "conclude" suggests a more thoughtful or formal ending.

14. Simple - (सरल)
Basic - मूल
Explanation: "Simple" and "basic" both mean easy or not complex, but "basic" implies something fundamental.

15. Weak - (कमजोर)
Synonym: Fragile - नाजुक
Explanation: Both indicate a lack of strength, but "fragile" suggests delicacy and the potential to break easily.

16. Love - (प्यार)
: Adore - प्रेम करना
Explanation: Both refer to strong affection, but "adore" implies a deep, admiring love.

17. Cry - (रोना)
Weep - अश्रु बहाना
Explanation: Both refer to shedding tears, but "weep" suggests a softer, more prolonged sadness.

18. Look - (देखना)
Gaze - निहारना
Explanation: Both mean to look, but "gaze" implies a longer, more thoughtful or intense way of looking.

19. Big - (बड़ा)
: Large - विशाल
Explanation: "Big" and "large" both mean of considerable size, but "large" often suggests a greater magnitude.

20. Bright - (चमकीला)
Radiant - उज्ज्वल
Explanation: Both mean emitting light, but "radiant" suggests a stronger, often glowing brightness.

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1. Calm - (शांत)
Synonym: Tranquil - शांतिपूर्ण
Explanation: "Calm" and "tranquil" both mean peaceful, but "tranquil" suggests a deeper, undisturbed peace.

2. Lazy - (आलसी)
Synonym: Sluggish - सुस्त
Explanation: Both describe a lack of activity, but "sluggish" suggests a slow, lethargic movement or response.

3. Strong - (मजबूत)
: Sturdy - ताकतवर
Explanation: Both mean having strength, but "sturdy" implies something physically tough or well-built.

4. Quick - (तेजी से)
Synonym: Swift - शीघ्र
Explanation: "Quick" and "swift" both refer to speed, but "swift" often suggests a graceful or smooth speed.

5. Idea - (विचार)
Synonym: Notion - धारणा
Explanation: Both mean a thought or concept, but "notion" implies a vague or undeveloped idea.

6. Correct - (सही)
Synonym: Accurate - सटीक
Explanation: "Correct" and "accurate" both mean free from errors, but "accurate" suggests precision and exactness.

7. Strange - (अजीब)
: Unusual - असामान्य
Explanation: Both mean out of the ordinary, but "unusual" suggests something not common or typical.

8. Small - (छोटा)
Tiny - नन्हा
Explanation: "Small" and "tiny" both refer to size, but "tiny" suggests something very, very small.

9. Tired - (थका हुआ)
Exhausted - थका हुआ
Explanation: Both describe fatigue, but "exhausted" implies extreme tiredness.

10. Famous - (प्रसिद्ध)
Renowned - प्रसिद्ध
Explanation: Both refer to being well-known, but "renowned" suggests widespread respect and admiration.

11. Funny - (मजेदार)
Amusing - हास्यास्पद
Explanation: Both mean humorous, but "amusing" suggests light-hearted entertainment.

12. Dangerous - (खतरनाक)
Perilous - जोखिमपूर्ण
Explanation: Both mean full of risk, but "perilous" suggests extreme or life-threatening danger.

13. Trust - (भरोसा करना)
Rely - विश्वास करना
Explanation: Both mean to depend on someone, but "rely" suggests a more confident expectation of support.

14. Problem - (समस्या)
: Issue - मुद्दा
Explanation: Both refer to a matter needing a solution, but "issue" is often used for broader or less urgent concerns.

15. Job - (काम)
Occupation - व्यवसाय
Explanation: Both refer to a person’s work, but "occupation" suggests a long-term or professional role.

16. Cold - (ठंडा)
: Chill - ठंडा
Explanation: Both mean low temperature, but "chill" suggests an uncomfortable or sharp coldness.

17. Clean - (साफ)
: Spotless - बेदाग
Explanation: Both mean free from dirt, but "spotless" implies perfect cleanliness without any blemishes.

18. Hardworking - (मेहनती)
Diligent - परिश्रमी
Explanation: Both mean putting effort into work, but "diligent" implies thoroughness and dedication.

19. Bright - (चमकीला)
Luminous - प्रकाशमान
Explanation: Both mean shining, but "luminous" suggests an intrinsic, glowing light.

20. Quiet - (शांत)
Serene - शांति
Explanation: Both mean peaceful, but "serene" suggests calmness in surroundings or atmosphere.

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Hope you all enjoyed the quize
Comment below 👇 your score
out of 15 🤩🤩

'Virtue' meaning in Hindi?
  •   सद्गुण
  •   विश्वास
  •   आभार
509 votes

' Insight ' meaning in Hindi?
  •   धैर्य
  •   न्याय
  •   अंतर्दृष्टि
482 votes

20 last posts shown.