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😈 [ NetSPI @NetSPI ]

Introducing PowerHuntShares 2.0 Release!

NetSPI VP of Research @_nullbind introduces new insights, charts, graphs, & LLM capabilities that can be used to map the relationships & risks being exposed through the network shares:


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😈 [ Zerotistic @gegrgtezrze ]

Excited to share my latest blog post: "Breaking Control Flow Flattening: A Deep Technical Analysis"

I showcase usage of formal proofs and graph theory to automate CFF deobfuscation, among other things !
Might make it a talk...? 👀


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😈 [ Octoberfest7 @Octoberfest73 ]

This is a neat blog post on some of the new features in the 4.10 release of Cobalt Strike from @RWXstoned


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😈 [ drm @lowercase_drm ]

TIL you can ask the DC to resolve a foreign security principal by querying the msds-principalname (hidden) attribute. The DC will use the trust secret to perform authentication against the foreign domain and then call LsarLookupSids3 (so it even works with selective auth).

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😈 [ mpgn @mpgn_x64 ]

If you want to first blood a windows box in @hackthebox_eu every minute counts ! 🩸
I've added a special flag --generate-hosts-file so you just have to copy past into your /etc/hosts file and be ready to pwn as soon as possible 🔥

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😈 [ Steven @0xthirteen ]

I’ve always thought Seatbelt was a great situational awareness tool, I created a python implementation of it. Due to the nature of how I expect it to run, it only implements the remote modules, but I hope someone finds it useful.


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Forward from: 1N73LL1G3NC3
Шишинг с Rogue RDP. Используем встроенные средства Windows для проникновения в сеть

За последний год EDR и XDR значительно повысили уровень защиты от фишинга. Особые трудности доставляет эвристический анализ. Классическая рассылка документов теперь почти не работает. В качестве альтернативы я выбрал Rogue RDP как средство доставки и технику Living off the Land Binaries — для первичного доступа в сети заказчика.

Наконец-то, спустя пол года, моя статья вышла в свет. Кстати, не так давно этой техникой стали активно пользоваться APT😄

😈 [ 7eRoM @7eRoM ]

While verifying the PE digital signature in Windows kernel, I encountered several new terms and concepts, such as PKCS7, ASN.1, calculating the thumbprint, and verifying signatures.


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😈 [ Rtl Dallas @RtlDallas ]

KrakenMask is back with more opsec


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😈 [ Usman Sikander @UsmanSikander13 ]

7 Methods to dump lsass memory. This is a powerful tool provide users an option to extract data from lsass memory.


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😈 [ 5pider @C5pider ]

Reimplemented the Early Cascade Injection technique documented by the @OutflankNL team

The code is boring but the blog post was very interesting to read, especially when it came to how the process is initialized and how LdrInitializeThunk works. Cheers


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😈 [ Octoberfest7 @Octoberfest73 ]

There are some interesting detections for U2U/UnPAC the hash in certipy/rubues/mimiktaz/impacket based on TGS ticket options. Did some tinkering and by removing a few flags you can shake detection while still recovering the NT hash from a TGT.


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😈 [ ap @decoder_it ]

A short and light post on one of my favorite topics: spotting and exploiting GPO misconfigurations, nothing too technical, just the basics! 😅


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😈 [ eversinc33 🤍🔪⋆。˚ ⋆ @eversinc33 ]

Wanted to learn a bit about the .NET Common Intermediate Language (CIL) and programmatically modifying assemblies, so I wrote a quick automated deobfuscator for @dr4k0nia's XorStringsNet string obfuscator and a mini blog post:


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😈 [ Clement Rouault @hakril ]

In our search for new forensic artifacts at @ExaTrack, we sometimes deep dive into Windows Internals.
This one is about COM and interacting with remote objects using a custom python LRPC Client.

STUBborn: Activate and call DCOM objects without proxy:


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😈 [ Cerbersec @cerbersec ]

nc -lvnp 4444
python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

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спать, режим

😈 [ Renzon @r3nzsec ]

I recently co-authored a @Unit42_Intel blog about a unique IR case in which a threat actor’s custom EDR bypass (using #BYOVD) exposed their toolkit, methods, and even identity. Check out how we unmasked them through an opsec slip-up! #dfir


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😈 [ Thomas Roccia 🤘 @fr0gger_ ]

New LOL project, LOLAD a collection of Active Directory techniques!👇


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Лайфхак, как найти офсеты до интересующего символа в пачке PE разных ревизий Windows

1. Идем на, ищем нужный бинарь.
2. Сохраняем страничку локально (нормальной апихи не завезли, а результаты формируются на клиент сайде).
3. Граббим версии и ссылочки на загрузку (pup в помощь):
curl -s '' | pup 'td:nth-of-type(5) text{}'
curl -s '' | pup 'td:nth-of-type(8) a[href] attr{href}'
4. Формируем команды вида (ниже), копипастим в консоль, ждем пока все загрузится:
curl -sSL -o ntdll_.dll
5. Питоним скрипт для Binary Ninja по базовому экзамплу, получаем список офсетов:
import sys
import hashlib
from pathlib import Path
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count, set_start_method

import binaryninja as bn

pe_dir = Path(sys.argv[1])
symbol_name = sys.argv[2]

def spawn(dll_path):
with bn.load(dll_path, update_analysis=True) as bv:
symbol_obj = bv.get_symbol_by_raw_name(symbol_name)
if symbol_obj:
with open(dll_path, 'rb') as f:
md5sum = hashlib.md5(
print(f'[*] {}:{md5sum} -> {hex(symbol_obj.address)}')

if __name__ == '__main__':
processes = cpu_count()-1 if cpu_count() > 1 else 1
pool = Pool(processes=processes)

results = []
for dll_path in pe_dir.glob('*.dll'):
results.append(pool.apply_async(spawn, (dll_path,)))

output = [result.get() for result in results]
Результат может быть полезен, например, для оценки примерных границ при поиске паттерна, когда заморачиваться с крафтом более аккуратного паттерна под все ОС лень, а так можно считерить и вывезти на грязном паттерне и более узких границах поиска:
PVOID getPattern(BYTE* pattern, DWORD patternSize, BYTE* startAddress) {
BYTE* addr = startAddress;
while (addr != (BYTE*)startAddress + 0xffff - patternSize)
if (addr[0] == pattern[0])
DWORD j = 1;
while (j < patternSize && (pattern[j] == '?' || addr[j] == pattern[j])) j++;
if (j == patternSize) return addr;
addr = addr + 1;

return NULL;

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