Dear Shoonya User,
We want to bring to your attention that we’ve noticed some fake WhatsApp / Telegram groups, apps, and other platforms falsely claiming to represent Shoonya. These entities are not associated with us in any way and may attempt to mislead you.
Here’s how you can stay safe -
Do not engage with unofficial groups or apps claiming to be from Shoonya.
Verify information through our official channels before taking any action. Our only official website is The only official social media handles are those listed on our website.
Do not share personal or financial details with unverified sources.
Do not complete account opening or KYC forms from any source other than our official website to ensure your security.
Please note, Shoonya will never, directly or indirectly, through any means (online or offline or through personal messaging apps) share or recommend buying/selling of scrips or give any other investment-related tips. Also note that no paid services of the nature mentioned above are provided, and therefore, no fees are solicited.
If you come across any such dubious or doubtful messages you are encouraged to report the same to the relevant platform and mark it as spam. You may also alert us about the same or even raise a cybercrime complaint at
We have already lodged a complaint to the relevant authorities and are taking necessary action to protect our users.
Your security is our top priority, and we are committed to ensuring a safe experience for all. Stay informed, stay cautious, and rely only on Shoonya's official updates.
For any queries or concerns, please contact our customer support team at +91-172-474-0000 or +91-172-675-0000 or on or connect with us on live chat.
Thank you for your continued support and confidence in Shoonya.
Team Shoonya
We want to bring to your attention that we’ve noticed some fake WhatsApp / Telegram groups, apps, and other platforms falsely claiming to represent Shoonya. These entities are not associated with us in any way and may attempt to mislead you.
Here’s how you can stay safe -
Do not engage with unofficial groups or apps claiming to be from Shoonya.
Verify information through our official channels before taking any action. Our only official website is The only official social media handles are those listed on our website.
Do not share personal or financial details with unverified sources.
Do not complete account opening or KYC forms from any source other than our official website to ensure your security.
Please note, Shoonya will never, directly or indirectly, through any means (online or offline or through personal messaging apps) share or recommend buying/selling of scrips or give any other investment-related tips. Also note that no paid services of the nature mentioned above are provided, and therefore, no fees are solicited.
If you come across any such dubious or doubtful messages you are encouraged to report the same to the relevant platform and mark it as spam. You may also alert us about the same or even raise a cybercrime complaint at
We have already lodged a complaint to the relevant authorities and are taking necessary action to protect our users.
Your security is our top priority, and we are committed to ensuring a safe experience for all. Stay informed, stay cautious, and rely only on Shoonya's official updates.
For any queries or concerns, please contact our customer support team at +91-172-474-0000 or +91-172-675-0000 or on or connect with us on live chat.
Thank you for your continued support and confidence in Shoonya.
Team Shoonya