Fartbrothers ($FART)
⚖️ LP: FsTR7auTGkqnLzCwvTLYjPvJg3t4ZSDK5cLzHThqFXw2
🎯 Exchange: Raydium
💡 Market Cap: $145.83K
💧 Liquidity: $22.45K
💰 Token Price: $0.0001458
⛽ Pooled SOL: 106.6 SOL
💰 Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
💰 Liquid Supply: 0.01%
👥 Holders: 77
🏦 Top holders: 15.31% | 8.20% | 7.43% | 5.65% | 4.98% | 4.63% | 4.31% | 4.04% | 3.80% | 3.42%
🔥 Burn: 0.01999999999999602%
👤 Renounced: ✅
🗯️ Freeze Revoked: ✅
👨🏻💻 Creator info:
- Balance SOL: 0.338334919
- Balance USD: $71.27
- Transactions: 100
- 🚩 Dev Wallet Empty
- 🟢 Wallet Has Decent History
📖 Description:
LEGEND is in da house! Real fart humor straight from Terrance and Phillip – the Fartbrothers have arrived, baby! 💨💥
📈 MevX.io | 📈 DexScreen | 📈 Dextools | 📈 Birdeye | 🔥 Raydium | ⚖️ Owner | ⚖️ Pair
⚖️ LP: FsTR7auTGkqnLzCwvTLYjPvJg3t4ZSDK5cLzHThqFXw2
🎯 Exchange: Raydium
💡 Market Cap: $145.83K
💧 Liquidity: $22.45K
💰 Token Price: $0.0001458
⛽ Pooled SOL: 106.6 SOL
💰 Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
💰 Liquid Supply: 0.01%
👥 Holders: 77
🏦 Top holders: 15.31% | 8.20% | 7.43% | 5.65% | 4.98% | 4.63% | 4.31% | 4.04% | 3.80% | 3.42%
🔥 Burn: 0.01999999999999602%
👤 Renounced: ✅
🗯️ Freeze Revoked: ✅
👨🏻💻 Creator info:
- Balance SOL: 0.338334919
- Balance USD: $71.27
- Transactions: 100
- 🚩 Dev Wallet Empty
- 🟢 Wallet Has Decent History
📖 Description:
LEGEND is in da house! Real fart humor straight from Terrance and Phillip – the Fartbrothers have arrived, baby! 💨💥
📈 MevX.io | 📈 DexScreen | 📈 Dextools | 📈 Birdeye | 🔥 Raydium | ⚖️ Owner | ⚖️ Pair