Participate Virtually in the Ati Rudra Maha Yajnam – Digital Portal for Rudram ChantingLoving Sairam and greetings from Prasanthi Nilayam,
By the Grace and Blessings of our Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre offers at His Divine Lotus Feet the Ati Rudra Maha Yajnam Digital Portal for Rudram Chanting.
This webpage/app allows devotees across the country and the globe to participate in the Yajnam virtually by registering themselves and offering their counts of Sri Rudram Chanting.
How It Works:
• Upon visiting the homepage, you will see global statistics displaying the number of devotees registered worldwide and the total number of Sri Rudram chants offered.
• You will also find an embedded Prasanthi Mandir Livestream link and a Namakam Audio Player with corresponding lyrics to assist with chanting when the live stream is not available.
• To register your chant counts, you must log in or register using either your email and password or your Gmail account.
Registering Your Chant Counts:
• During the live stream or while using the audio player, you can offer your Namakam chanting.
• If you are using the audio player, you must complete the entire audio (one full Namakam chanting) for the count to be registered.
• Once your chant is registered, you can view your personal chanting statistics, including the total number of times you have completed the chant and the timestamp of your last completed count.
Wherever you are, you can participate and chant using our webpage/ app on any mobile device. This allows you to join this sacred offering seamlessly, no matter where you may be.
This initiative offers devotees a divine opportunity to be a part of this sacred Yajnam and contribute their prayers from anywhere in the world.
Let us come together in this global offering of Sri Rudram at the Divine Lotus Feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Loving Regards,