ip1 Demand deposit 3-150USDT with 9% interest per day
vip2 demand deposits of 150-1500USDT or more, 10% interest per day
vip3 Current deposits of 1500-4500USDT and above, with a daily interest rate of 11%
vip4 Demand deposits of 4500-10500USDT or more, with a daily interest rate of 12%
vip5 Current deposits of 10,500-22500USDT and above, 13% interest per day
vip6 Demand deposits of 22,500-45000USDT and above, 15% interest per day
vip7 Demand deposits of 45,000 -90000USDT and above, with daily interest of 18%
vip8 Current deposits of 90,000-120000USDT and above, with a daily interest rate of 21%
vip9 Demand deposits 120,000-150000USDT or more, with a daily interest rate of 27%
vip10 Current deposits of more than 150,000 -1500000USDT, 35% interest per day
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vip2 demand deposits of 150-1500USDT or more, 10% interest per day
vip3 Current deposits of 1500-4500USDT and above, with a daily interest rate of 11%
vip4 Demand deposits of 4500-10500USDT or more, with a daily interest rate of 12%
vip5 Current deposits of 10,500-22500USDT and above, 13% interest per day
vip6 Demand deposits of 22,500-45000USDT and above, 15% interest per day
vip7 Demand deposits of 45,000 -90000USDT and above, with daily interest of 18%
vip8 Current deposits of 90,000-120000USDT and above, with a daily interest rate of 21%
vip9 Demand deposits 120,000-150000USDT or more, with a daily interest rate of 27%
vip10 Current deposits of more than 150,000 -1500000USDT, 35% interest per day
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