♐️ Yukki Commands and Help List !
❇️Playing Music :
/play - for audio only
/vplay - for video
/cplay - for playing in channel
❇️Admins :
Basic admin commands are : /pause /resume /mute /unmute /skip /stop
/seek - forward the music.
/shuffle - shuffle the queued music.
/speed - change the speed of music.
❇️Extra :
/restart - restart bot.
/lang - change language of bot.
/queue - check the queued playlist
/song - download music from youtube
Check Status of Yukki Bots : @YMStatus
List of all Yukki Bots : @YukkiBots
Support Group : @YukkiSupport
❇️Playing Music :
/play - for audio only
/vplay - for video
/cplay - for playing in channel
❇️Admins :
Basic admin commands are : /pause /resume /mute /unmute /skip /stop
/seek - forward the music.
/shuffle - shuffle the queued music.
/speed - change the speed of music.
❇️Extra :
/restart - restart bot.
/lang - change language of bot.
/queue - check the queued playlist
/song - download music from youtube
Check Status of Yukki Bots : @YMStatus
List of all Yukki Bots : @YukkiBots
Support Group : @YukkiSupport