β Identify core ethical issue in the case. Write that in the beginning. It will become introduction to the case.
β Identify other peripheral ethical issues in the case. Mention them using vocabulary of the paper.
β If the question has not asked to do the analysis, then the above will serve as short analysis and introduction to the case. If the question has specifically asked to do the analysis, then follow the next step.
β Identify the stakeholders in the case:
πΈ Individuals : look at virtues of individuals, rights, duties etc.
πΈ Institutions : look for issues like autonomy, efficiency, common good, right to get paid for services, trust of people, institutional integrity etc.
πΈ Government : look for points like fiduciary responsibility, objectivity, economic and administrative value, fulfilling expectations of citizens etc.
πΈVarious communities : look for points like religious sentiment, fundamental right of drinking water etc.
πΈ Society : look for points like tolerance, cohesion, fraternity, peace etc.
πΈ Then look for relation between various stakeholders. For example,
πΈ Duty of government to maintain the standard of institutions of National
πΈ Loyalty of an employee towards his/her company.
πΈ Social responsibilities of corporates.
β If you have been given options in the case, then write pros and cons of all the options before choosing an appropriate option. You have to do evaluation of the options before coming to a conclusion.
β If options have not been provided, then generate some options yourself. But do take care that the options should be either legally correct or ethically correct or both. An option that is neither legally correct nor ethically correct is not an option!
β You can use point format or table to write pros and cons. Saves time and space!
β Give reasons from philosophy, core theory of the paper to justify the final position you have taken in the case.
β Identify core ethical issue in the case. Write that in the beginning. It will become introduction to the case.
β Identify other peripheral ethical issues in the case. Mention them using vocabulary of the paper.
β If the question has not asked to do the analysis, then the above will serve as short analysis and introduction to the case. If the question has specifically asked to do the analysis, then follow the next step.
β Identify the stakeholders in the case:
πΈ Individuals : look at virtues of individuals, rights, duties etc.
πΈ Institutions : look for issues like autonomy, efficiency, common good, right to get paid for services, trust of people, institutional integrity etc.
πΈ Government : look for points like fiduciary responsibility, objectivity, economic and administrative value, fulfilling expectations of citizens etc.
πΈVarious communities : look for points like religious sentiment, fundamental right of drinking water etc.
πΈ Society : look for points like tolerance, cohesion, fraternity, peace etc.
πΈ Then look for relation between various stakeholders. For example,
πΈ Duty of government to maintain the standard of institutions of National
πΈ Loyalty of an employee towards his/her company.
πΈ Social responsibilities of corporates.
β If you have been given options in the case, then write pros and cons of all the options before choosing an appropriate option. You have to do evaluation of the options before coming to a conclusion.
β If options have not been provided, then generate some options yourself. But do take care that the options should be either legally correct or ethically correct or both. An option that is neither legally correct nor ethically correct is not an option!
β You can use point format or table to write pros and cons. Saves time and space!
β Give reasons from philosophy, core theory of the paper to justify the final position you have taken in the case.