📢 Hey friends! Let's talk about the difference between "say" and "tell"! 🗣️
👉 Have you ever wondered when to use "say" and when to use "tell"? Here's a simple explanation:
🗯️ "Say" is used to report or quote what someone has expressed, while "tell" is used to communicate information directly to someone.
👉 For example:
1️⃣ "She said, 'I love chocolate.'"
Here, "said" is used to report the exact words spoken.
2️⃣ "He told me he loves chocolate."
In this case, "told" indicates a direct communication between the speaker and the listener.
📝 Remember, "say" is used with direct quotations or reported speech, while "tell" is followed by an indirect object (the person being spoken to) and often a direct object (the message being conveyed).
So, next time you're expressing yourself, choose between "say" for reporting and "tell" for direct communication! 🙌
For English classes 👉