Hinduism As It Is

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This channel propagates the profound wisdom of Sanatan Dharma. Words of scriptures & sages are posted here, to guide the seekers towards the Truth. #Hinduism #Hindu
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​​🌿आसं प्रथममेवाहं वर्तामि च सुरेश्वराः .
भविष्यामि च लोकेऽस्मिन्मत्तो नान्यस्ति कश्चन 11

🌿व्यतिरिक्तं च मत्तोऽस्ति नान्यत्किञ्चित्सुरेश्वराः .
नित्योऽनित्योऽहमनघो ब्रह्मणां ब्रह्मणस्पतिः 12

🌿दक्षिणाञ्च उदञ्चोऽहं प्राञ्चः प्रत्यञ्च एव च .
अधश्चोर्ध्वं च विदिशो दिशश्चाहं सुरेश्वराः 13

🌿सावित्री चापि गायत्री स्त्री पुमानपुमानपि .
त्रिष्टुब्जगत्यनुष्टुप च पंक्तिश्छन्दस्त्रयीमयः 14

🌿सत्योऽहं सर्वगः शान्तस्त्रेताग्निर्गौर्यहं गुरुः .
गौर्यहं गह्वरं चाहं द्यौरहं जगतां विभुः 15

🌿ज्येष्ठः सर्वसुरश्रेष्ठो वरिष्ठोऽहमपांपतिः .
आर्योऽहं भगवानीशस्तेजोऽहं चादिरप्यहम 16

🌿ऋग्वेदोऽहं यजुर्वेदः सामवेदोऽहमात्मभूः .
अथर्वणश्च मन्त्रोऽहं तथा चाङ्गिरसो वरः 17

🌿इतिहासपुराणानि कल्पोऽहं कल्पवानहम .
नाराशंसी च गाथाहं विद्योपनिषदोऽस्म्यहम 18

🌿श्लोकाः सूत्राणि चैवाहमनुव्याख्यानमेव च .
व्याख्यानानि परा विद्या इष्टं हुतमथाहुतिः 19

🌿दत्तादत्तमयं लोकः परलोकऽहमक्षरः .
क्षरः सर्वाणि भूतानि दान्तिः शान्तिरहं खगः 20

🌿गुह्योऽहं सर्ववेदेषु आरण्योहमजोऽप्यहम .
पुष्करं च पवित्रं च मध्यं चाहमतः परम 21

🌿बहिश्चाहं तथा चान्तः पुरस्तादहमव्ययः .
ज्योतिश्चाहं तमश्चाहं तन्मात्राणीन्द्रियाण्यहम 22

🌿बुद्धिश्चाहमहंकारो विषयाण्यहमेव हि .
ब्रह्मा विष्णुर्महेशोहमुमा स्कन्दो विनायकः 23

🌿इन्द्रोऽग्निश्च यमश्चाहं निरृतिर्वरुणोऽनिलः .
कुबेरोऽहं तथेशानो भूर्भुवः स्वर्महर्जनः 24

🌿तपः सत्यं च पृथिवी चापस्तेजोऽनिलोऽप्यहम .
आकाशोऽहं रविः सोमो नक्षत्राणि ग्रहास्तथा 25

🌿प्राणः कालस्तथा मृत्युरमृतं भूतमप्यहम .
भव्यं भविष्यत्कृत्स्नं च विश्वं सर्वात्मकोऽप्यहम 26

O Devas! Know that in this entire universe, there is none other than me. I'm the non-dual one. I'm the ancient one. I'm the one who is eternal and I'm the non-eternal too, I'm the one who is blemishless [sinless]. I'm the one called as Brahmanaspati. I'm all the directions. I'm Savitri, I'm Gayatri. All these male, female and eunuchs also are me. I'm the Thrishtup, Jagati, Anushthup, Pankti chandas. I'm the one known through Vedas, I'm the truth, I'm peace, and I'm respect. I'm the lord of the universe, I'm the oldest, I'm the lord of all, I'm the Bhagawan [supreme personality of godhead], I'm the Lord, I'm the divine light. I'm the Itihasa, and Purana. I'm the Kalpa [eon], I'm the Upa-Kalpa [minor-eon], I'm the one who create these Kalpas, I'm the knowledge, I'm in the hymns of Upanishads, I'm the mantra, and I'm the Vyakhyana [commentary] also. I'm the sacrificial offerings, I'm the donor, I'm the donation, I'm Ihaloka [this material world where jiva takes birth], I'm Paraloka [world where Jiva goes after departure], I'm Akshara [imperishable] and I'm kshara [perishable] too, I'm all these creatures. Self-control, serenity, and secrecy are also me. I'm the one having faces everywhere. I'm the end, and middle, I'm the door, I'm outside, I'm inside, I'm the front and back as well. I'm the imperishable one. I'm light and also I'm darkness, I'm the Indriyas [senses organs] and the Tanmatras as well. I'm the mind, intellect and ego. I'm the Vishayas [subjects] also. I'm Brahma, I'm Vishnu, I'm Maheshwara, I'm Uma, I'm Skanda, I'm Vinayaka. I'm Indra, Agni and Yama also. I'm Nairuti, Varuna and Vayo [anil]. I'm Kubera, I'm the fourteen worlds [lokas]. I'm the Sun, I'm the moon, I'm stars and planets as well, I'm all these creatures, I'm the Prana [life energy], I'm the time, death, and eternity. I'm the past, present and future. I'm everything indeed!

~Lord Shiva to Devas 🕉
•Shiva Gita, Chapter 6, Verses 11-26

Let's all worship Paramatma Shiva Shankar on this auspicious occasion of Mahashivaratri, with full fervour, love, dedication, intensity and surrender. May Bhagavan's Grace be with each and everyone of us. Har Har Mahadev!


🌿🌸Shubh Mahashivratri🌸🌿

This auspicious event falls on the 14th day of the dark half of Phalgun [Feb-Mar]. The name means "the night of Shiva". The ceremonies take place chiefly at night. This is a festival observed in honour of Lord Shiva. Shiva was married to Parvati on this day.

People observe a strict fast on this day. Some devotees do not even take a drop of water. They keep vigil all night. The Shiva Lingam is worshipped throughout the night by washing it every three hours with milk, curd, honey, rose water, etc., whilst the chanting of the Shiva's Mantras continues. Offerings of bael leaves are made to the Lingam. Bael leaves are very sacred as, it is said, Lakshmi resides in them. Hymns in praise of Lord Shiva, such as the Shiva Mahimna Stotra of Pushpadanta or Ravana's Shiva Tandava Stotra are sung with great fervour and devotion. People repeat the Panchakshara Mantra.

He who utters the Names of Shiva during Mahashivaratri, with perfect devotion and concentration, is freed from all sins. He reaches the abode of Shiva and lives there happily. He is liberated from the wheel of births and deaths.

⭐️Lord Shiva's Assurance⭐️

When creation had been completed, Shiva and Parvati went out to live on the top of Mount Kailash.

Parvati asked, "O venerable Lord! which of the many rituals observed in Thy honour doth please Thee most?"

The Lord replied, "The 14th night of the new moon, in the dark fortnight during the month of Phalgun, is my most favourite day. It is known as Shivaratri. My devotees give me greater happiness by mere fasting than by ceremonial baths and offerings of flowers, sweets and incense. The devotee observes strict spiritual discipline in the day and worships Me in four different forms during each of the four successive three-hour periods of the night. The offering of a few bael leaves is more precious to Me than the precious jewels and flowers. My devotee should bathe Me in milk at the first period, in curd at the second, in clarified butter at the third, and in honey at the fourth and last. Next morning, he should feed the Brahmins first and, after performing the prescribed ceremonies, he can break his fast. O Parvati! there is no ritual which can compare with this simple routine in sanctity."

Parvati was deeply impressed by the speech of Lord Shiva. She repeated it to Her friends who in their turn passed it on to the ruling princes on earth. Thus was the sanctity of this occasion broadcast all over the world.

☀️Spiritual Significance🌙

The two great natural forces that afflict man are Rajas [the quality of passionate activity] and Tamas [that of dullness and inertia].

The Shivaratri Vrata aims at the perfect control of these two. The entire day is spent at the Feet of the Lord. Continuous worship of the Lord necessitates the devotee's constant presence in the place of worship. Motion is controlled. Evils like lust, anger, and jealousy, born of Rajas are ignored and subdued. The devotee observes vigil throughout the night and thus conquers Tamas also. Constant vigilance is imposed on the mind. Shivaratri is a perfect Vrata.

The formal worship consists of bathing the Lord. Lord Shiva is considered to be the Form of Light [which the Shiva Lingam represents]. He is burning with the fire of austerity. He is therefore best propitiated with cool bathing.

While bathing the Lingam the devotee prays: "O Lord! I will bathe Thee with water, milk, etc. Do Thou kindly bathe me with the milk of wisdom. Do Thou kindly wash me of all my sins, so that the fire of worldliness which is scorching me may be put out once for all, so that I may be one with Thee-the One alone without a second."

~Swami Sivananda


🌿May this gracious and auspicious occasion of Mahashivratri bestow upon you the highest good, wisdom andhmm realisation of the truth. May Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati shower upon you all, good health, prosperity and happiness.🌿




🌿The farthest place on earth is the hour that is just over. Make the best use of the hour that has just begun.

🌿God has created us and poured love into our hearts so that we may do our best to alleviate the suffering that is around us. If you want to be happy, make others happy.

~Dada Vaswani


🌿We are all one. There is no separation between us, only we do not realize it. The same is true with rocks, with trees, with birds, with rivers: you can speak with all of them, and you will see how you can get love from everything.

~HWL Poonja - Papaji

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup

The householder should be devoted to God; the knowledge of God should be his goal of life. Yet he must work constantly, perform all his duties; he must give up the fruits of his actions to God.

~ Swami Vivekananda, Karma Yoga.

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup

Realise with a still mind - the state between sleep and wakefulness, the interval between the recognition of one object after another or the gap between two perceptions.

This is the real Self, abiding in which one is no longer deluded. Unaware of this Truth, people have become inheritors of sorrow.

~Tripura Rahasya, Chapter 9, Verse 94, 95


☀️ You must purge yourself before finding faults in others. When you see a mistake in somebody else, try to find if you are making the same mistake. This is the way to take judgment and to turn it into improvement.

~ B.K.S. Iyengar

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup


☀️In God there are both Vidya Maya and Avidya Maya. The Vidya Maya takes man towards God, whereas the Avidya Maya leads him astray. Knowledge, devotion, dispassion, compassion—all these are expressions of Vidya Maya; only with their help can one reach God.

☀️It is Maya which reveals Brahman. Without Maya, who could have known Brahman? Without knowing Sakti, the manifested power of God, there is no means of knowing Him.

☀️It is only due to Maya that the attainment of supreme knowledge and final beatitude becomes possible for us. Otherwise who could even dream of all this? From Maya alone spring duality and relativity; beyond Maya there is neither the enjoyer nor the object of enjoyment.

☀️The cat catches her kitten with her teeth and they are not hurt; but when a mouse is so caught, it dies. Thus Maya never kills the devotee, though it destroys others.

~Ramakrishna Paramahansa
•From: Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna, Chapter 2, Verses 62-65



🌿Who is Kal Bhairav? Complete Story of Kaal Bhairav that will Destroy Your Sins🌿

In this video, we uncover the incredible story of Kal Bhairava, one of Lord Shiva’s most powerful and fierce manifestations, as described in the Shiva Purana. Discover how this fierce form of Shiva came into being, why we must worship Bhairava and what is his profound significance in Hindu spirituality.

From: Shiva Maha Purana

•Duration - 24:00 minutes

👉Video Link - https://youtu.be/bLgJlYmaYfU?si=EcsRBVoVy3bUbDBI

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💎He who wears unclean garments, has dirty teeth, is a glutton, speaks unkindly and sleeps after sunrise - although he may be the greatest personality - will lose the favour of Lakshmi.

💎What good is a cow that neither gives milk nor conceives? Similarly, what is the value of the birth of a son if he becomes neither learned nor a pure devotee of the Lord?

~Acharya Chanakya

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup

​​🌿Are you growing spiritually? Can you love others? Can you feel oneness with others? Have you peace within yourself? and do you radiate it around you? That is called spiritual growth, which is stimulated by meditation inwardly, and by work done in a spirit of service [to God] outwardly.

🌿Blessed is the heart that does not collect resentments and dwells on them.

~Swami Ranganathananda

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup


🌿Lord Ganesha's Secret to Break Free From Karma🌿

This Timeless advice from Ganesha Gita reveals how a wise person should live and what should be done to rise beyond karmic bondage.

By: Lord Ganesha

•Duration - 1:00 minute

👉Video Link - MUST WATCH❗️

🌿Lord Ganesha's Secret to Break Free From Karma🌿

This Timeless advice from Ganesha Gita reveals how a wise person should live and what should be done to rise beyond karmic bondage.

By: Lord Ganesha

•Duration - 1:00 minute

👉Video Link - https://youtube.com/shorts/NiV9tw8r_q0?si=ftgiKWTgroallPw5

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🌿12 Easy and Practical Meditation Tips for Beginners🌿

Are you a beginner looking to start your meditation journey? Or you have started meditation and are facing difficulties and issues? In this video, we explore powerful meditation tips and guidance, that will enhance the quality of your meditation and help you grow spiritually in an effective manner.

By: Paramahansa Yogananda

•Duration - 8:42 minutes

👉Video Link - https://youtu.be/p8j0SRDdNE0?si=oOPTJ3XP0v0TytTw

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Wishing you all a very auspicious Diwali! 🙏😇

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup


🌿Disturbed by Sexual Thoughts? Watch This!🌿

Are you struggling to overcome sexual or lustful thoughts and seeking a higher, more peaceful state of mind? In this video, we delve into the wisdom of Annamalai Swami, a revered disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi, who talks about his personal struggles with sexual desire and how he overcame it.

By: Annamalai Swami

•Duration - 10:03 minutes

👉Video Link - https://youtu.be/nCs69t-4vrU?si=IsDXEja42vMR0aK2

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