Psychologs Magazine

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Category: Psychology

India's Mental Health/ Psychology Magazine.
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Biofeedback is one of the techniques that could help people learn to control some basic and sometimes uncontrollable processes of the body, such as breathing, heart rate, and muscle tension which are often automatic and not consciously controlled.

#biofeedback #anxiety #biofeedbackmechanism #relaxationtechniques #breathing #heartrate #psychologs

Sports psychology is about maximizing yourself, it's about your doubts, fears and anxieties, about letting the positive you defeat the negative you. "Psychology is a battle of you v/s you" - said Billy Beswick, one of the most respected sports psychologists.

#Sports #sportspsychology #psychology #sportsmentalhealth #mentalhealtholympics #resilience #teamwork #stress #goalsetting #confidence #selfesteem #dedication #meditation #psychologs

While striving for a healthy diet is a noble goal, it's important to be aware of Orthorexia Nervosa—an unhealthy obsession with "pure" eating. This condition can lead to severe nutritional deficiencies and social isolation. If you or someone you know is excessively preoccupied with food quality and struggling with rigid dietary rules, it's crucial to seek professional help. Remember, a balanced approach to health is key! 🥦💪

#orthorexia #orthorexiarecovery #orthorexianervosa #orthorexiaawareness #healthyeating #mentalhealthawareness #nutrition #eatingdisorders #wellness #anorexianervosarecovery

Are you running on sleep debt? 😴 Discover how chronic sleep deprivation impacts your health and learn effective strategies to manage and reduce its effects. Prioritize your rest for a healthier, more productive you!

#sleep #sleeping #sleepdebt #debt #health #insomnia #sleepproblems #rest #wellness #wellbeing #sleephygiene #productive #psychologs

Depression can be thought of as a heavy fog within your mind that blocks out everything from view and obscures how you feel. It’s often a mix of sadness and numbness, making it hard to describe exactly what you’re feeling. Naming those emotions, however, is a very crucial step in managing depression and finding ways of dealing with it.

#depression #emotions #CBT #cognitivebehaviourtherapy #meditations #mindfulness #selfcompassion #trust #numbness #sadness #selfreflection #journal #behaviour

Consider Rana Chaudhary, portrayed by the immensely talented Irrfan Khan in Piku. Rana is a perfect example of an introvert. Shy yet fun-loving and witty, his character embodies the complexities of introversion. His introversion is not about being antisocial or shy; rather, it’s about finding comfort in his own space and navigating social interactions with a unique perspective.

#piku #ranachoudhary #shy #introverts #typesofintroverts #socialinteractions #communication #emotions #socialintroverts #anxiousintrovert #thinkingintroverts #restrainedintroverts #socialisolation #peace

Imagine being a child and being told that you are only loved when you achieve the perfect grades, when you behave perfectly and make your parents proud. You must feel the weight of constantly being “on” and striving to be perfect to receive that love and approval from your parents.

Messing up, even a little, means that you could lose that love, affection and warmth that your parents show you. How did this impact a child’s growth, their self-concept and how they view the world?

#love #parenting #conditionallove #conditionalparenting #confidence #attachment #peoplepleasing #empathy #discipline #selfesteem #anxiety #depression #success #fearofrejection

Ever heard of Kleine-Levin Syndrome? 💤 Known as the 'Sleeping Beauty Disorder,' it causes prolonged sleep episodes and changes in behaviour. Learn about its symptoms, triggers, and how to manage this rare condition.

#kleinelevinsyndrome #sleepingbeautysyndrome #sleepingbeauty #sleep #excessivesleep #SleepDisorder #kls #hypersomnia #neurologist #healthawareness #mentalhealth #psychologs

With over a billion active users, Instagram is shaping our digital lives, but its impact on mental health is profound. 🌐 From boosting self-expression to causing stress and body image issues, Instagram's effects are mixed. However, overuse can lead to anxiety, depression, and body image disturbances. It’s essential to strike a balance—be mindful of your time online, take breaks when needed, and focus on real-life connections.

#instagram #socialmedia #mentalhealth #instagramimpact #digitalwellbeing #dopamine #eatingdisorder #viral #infulencer #instagramaddiction #kevinsystrom #metaplatforms #mikekrieger #socialcoparison #socialmediabalance #bodyimage #dopamine

👁️ Can You Spot a Psychopath by Their Eyes? 🔍

The eyes may be the windows to the soul, but spotting a psychopath isn’t always clear-cut. While a predatory stare or lack of pupil dilation might be clues, they're not foolproof. Understanding these signs, along with behaviors like manipulation and a lack of empathy, can help you protect yourself from those who might use charm for harm. 🕵️‍♂️✨

#psychopathy #psycho #abuse #covertnarc #psychopath #psychopaths #manipulation #predatorystare #emotionalabuse #domesticabuse #recovery #emapthy #relationship #lovebombing #abandonment #discard #loss #mentalhealthawareness #knowthesigns

A great teacher not only educates but also nurtures mental well-being, inspiring hope and resilience in every student. Happy Teachers’ Day!

Today, we celebrate the teachers who support not just academic growth but also mental health and well-being. Your compassion and encouragement make a profound difference. Thank you for being a beacon of hope and strength! 🌟📚

#TeachersDay #MentalHealthMatters #Inspiration #ThankATeacher #Resilience #WellBeing

Understanding the Psychological Impact of Fear, Uncertainty, and Trust on Consumer Behavior During Crises 🌍💡 Learn how these factors shape our purchasing patterns and discover strategies for businesses and policymakers to foster stability and resilience.

#socialmediamanagerita #socialmediamarketing #consumerbehavior #psychology #buyingbehaviour #fear #trust #uncertainty #business #policymakers #stability #resilience #purchase #panicpurchase #influencermarketing #businessgrowth #marketingdigital #buyer #mentalhealth #psychologs

Domestic violence isn't always visible, but its impact is profound. It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover sheds light on the silent struggles and the strength it takes to break free. If you're in danger or know someone who is, remember, there’s always a way out.

#EndDomesticViolence #ItEndsWithUs #YouAreNotAlone #ColleenHoover #blakelively #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealth #psychologs #violence #domesticviolence #abusiverelationship #domesticabuse #emotionaltrauma #toxicrelationship

Premarital Counseling is a kind of counselling that is intended to prepare couples for marriage. This is not solely meant for troubled couples but all those who wish to start their marriage on a good note.

#premaritalcounseling #counselling #marriage #couples #love #relationship #intimacy #goalsetting #healthyrelationships #psychologs

It has always been interested in understanding the human behaviour behind obedience. Why do we obey, what are the reasons behind obedience, etc? Many historical experiments were conducted to study obedience. Let us dive deeper into the world of obedience through the lens of psychology!

#obedience #psychology #peerpressure #authority #deindividuation #authority #respect #socialacceptance #rewards #Footinthedoor #Buffers #decisionmaking #Criticalthinking

Emotional intelligence and leadership go hand-in-hand. It plays a determining role in how well a leader will perform and how effectively they interact with their subordinates. Emotional intelligence in leadership is like the ace of a volleyball team when it comes to leadership skills.

#emotionalintelligence #leadership #emotions #power #empathy #selfawareness #selfregulation #socialskills #motivation #IQ #psychologs

In 2022, a systematic review conducted by Hossain et al. (2020) found that about 20-25% of urban Indians reported that they frequently felt lonely in their daily lives. And on a more global level, a study conducted by Project for Public Spaces, in 2020 reported that people were more likely to feel connected to their community and others when they have access to spaces such as libraries, cafes, parks, etc.

#thirdspaces #parks #publicspaces #connectedness #libraries #cafes #community #lonely #relationship #socializing #socialisolation #loneliness #psychologs

During a critical period, certain factors can influence the brain. If someone fails to seize this window, the brain loses its flexibility and becomes unyielding, like a hard, dried piece of clay. Let’s understand what this critical period in brain development is all about and how the brain is most receptive to learning.

#criticaldevelopment #brainplasticity #neuroplasticity #learning #languagelearning #braindevelopment #neuralnetworks #psychologs

PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal infections) affects children with scarlet fever or strep throat and tends to develop the symptoms of this disorder.

#pandas #ocd #ticdisorder #adhd #attentiondeficithyperactivitydisorder #anxiety #panicattack #pans #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #anxiety #psychology

Maladaptive Daydreaming is often an underestimated psychological disorder which is otherwise known as excessive daydreaming. It can be defined as the excessive behaviour of engaging in daydreaming that disrupts the normal flow of their regular activities.

#Maladaptive #daydreaming #maladaptivedaydreaming #daydreamer #depression #anxiety #OCD #dissociativeidentitydisorder #focus #CBT

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