Psychologs Magazine

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Category: Psychology

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Orthosomnia is a recently identified sleep disorder fueled by the growing dependence on sleep-monitoring technology. Although the devices are useful in tracking sleep, excessive use leads to undue stress and interferes with sleep.

#orthosomnia #sleepmonitoring #sleepdisorder #sleepdeprivation #selffulfillingprophecy #insomnia #sleephygiene #REM #sleep #sleepcycles #sleeptracker

Characters like Wednesday Addams from "Wednesday" and Eric Forman from "That 70s' Show," tend to differ from their existing social groups. They're referred to as the Black sheep within the flock of white sheep. This article shall delve into the psychological elements surrounding the "Black Sheep" within families and friend circles.

#wednesdayaddams #ericforman #blacksheep #blacksheepoffamily #borderlinepersonalitydisorders #anxiety #majordepressivedisorders #psychiatricdisorders #eatingdisorders #substanceabuse #psc

Researchers find that people from every corner of the world rate happiness as more important than other desirable personal outcomes, such as obtaining wealth, acquiring material goods, and getting into heaven.

#happiness #storytelling #feelgoodmovies #perseverance #forrestgump #goodwillhunting #therapy #eatpraylove #thebucketlist #resilience #passion #hope #psychologs

In a world obsessed with speed and self-promotion, slowing down feels counterintuitive. Yet, slow living is emerging as a powerful antidote to modern life's relentless pressure.

#slowliving #anxiety #success #productivity #ellencohen #modernlife #stress #pressure #personalgrowth #mindfulness #relationships #clarity

Pets are truly lovable, and once they enter your home, they quickly become a cherished part of the family. Have you ever felt that your pet sometimes recognized that you are sad?

#pet #petstory #dogs #cats #depression #emotions #anxiety #stress #dopamine #selfimage #confidence #empathy #emotionalsupport #unconditionallove #companionship

The Goldilocks Rule, a theory that keeps you motivated by focusing on tasks that are "just right," enters the picture here. Not so simple. Not too difficult. Just enough of a challenge to keep you going.

#goldilocksrule #motivation #motivational #stevemartin #progress #success #achievement #burnout #danshapero #overburdened #achievement #psychologs

Couple therapy, conventionally known as “marital therapy” or “marriage counselling” is an attempt to improve a romantic intimate relationship by reducing relationship distress and increasing relationship satisfaction.

#coupletherapy #maritaltherapy #marriagecounselling #relationship #romanticrelationship #emotionalintimacy #love #empathy #dopamine #divorce #emotionalvalidation

The National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) offers a two-year, full-time M.Phil program in Clinical Psychology. This program includes high-quality coursework, clinical training, supervised internships, and research projects.

#clinicalpsychology #nimhans #nimhansmphil #mphilclinicalpsychology #mphiladmission #admissions #nimhansadmissions #psychologystudents

Only you have the right to make yourself happy or inferior and only you can change how you feel what others say or think should not affect your way of thinking. No one has the power to control your mind.

#gratitude #positive #negativity #negativitybias #productivity #loneliness #anger #frustration #goals #mindfulness

The 10th World Congress of Women’s Mental Health, organised by the International Association for Women’s Mental Health (IAWMH), co-hosted by the NIMHANS and the Psychotherapy Advanced Research Centre (PARC), commenced on 5th March 2025 at the NIMHANS Convention Centre in Bengaluru.

#nimhans #womenmentalhealth #womenday #womensday #convention #news

Praise and encouragement are essential components of a child’s development, which play a crucial role in fostering self-worth, and motivation, as well as enhancing a positive self-image.

#selfworth #motivation #selfimage #childdevelopment #parenting #motivation #overpraising #selfesteem #confidence #appreciation #talent #resilience

Have you ever heard of a condition where people hear colors or see letters in specific hues? If Rohan sounds blue and Lisa feels yellow, you might be experiencing synaesthesia—a rare phenomenon affecting 1 in 2000 people, where sensory cross-wiring in the brain enhances perception (Carpenter, 2001).

#synaesthesia #perception #hues #Sensoryperception #overstimulation #cognitiveoverload #learningdisabilities #autism #dyslexia #anxiety

Con Artists and Hoaxes are good at manipulating people and they use a variety of techniques. By Understanding the Psychology behind this, one can take the necessary precautions and stay safe from these scams.

#conartists #hoaxes #manipulation #scams #financialscams #trust #credibility #greed #fear #cybercrime #onlinescam #onlinehoax #manipulator

How sensitive are you to your own clients and of these who are totally different? Does one view different cultures as equally valuable to yours? Is your cultural group superior to another?
#cultureandcounselling #culturalsensitivity #ethnicity #ethnicidentity #familydynamics #socialization #crossculturalpsychology

If you’ve ever had a close connection with a person and when you least expected it, they disappeared leaving you no clues of understanding why they left or their whereabouts – you have experienced ghosting before.

#ghosting #onlinedating #dating #romanticdate #datingapps #socialmedia #anger #bodyimageissues #decisionmakingskills #healthyboundaries #selfawareness #selfworth

What drives criminal behaviour—genes or environment? We inherit a genetic foundation, but environmental stressors influence gene expression. Both factors must be considered.

#criminalbehaviour #criminalmind #naturevsnurture #empathy #depression #violence #antisocialpersonalitydisorder #ASPD #crime

Deep conversations are essential to all healthy relationships, emotional grounding, and attachment. While small chats carry their meaning they don't need to offset big conversation.

#deepconversations #emotionalintimacy #friendships #relationships #happiness #trust #smalltalk #family #romanticrelationships #conversations

Playing games can be an irresistibly fun activity where we embark on a journey into a virtual space, full of wonder, adventure, connections and fun. People play games for many reasons such as the consequent dopamine rush, to unwind, to enjoy a narrative story, to explore, etc.

#playinggames #gaming #dopaminerush #narrative #videogames #gamingpsychology #gamingaddiction #dopaminerush #emotionalintelligence #gamingmotivation

Our decisions are driven by feelings rather than logic or goals. Research shows we often choose what feels easy over what is truly best for us.

#procrastination #productivity #comfortzone #5secondrule #hardwork #selfdoubt #confidence #overthinking #selfperception #Melrobbins #charlesduhigg #antoniadamasio

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