Periodic Table elements and their Properties
1. Lowest electronegativity : Cs
2. Highest electronegativity : F
3. Highest ionization potential : He
4. Lowest ionization potential : Cs
5. Highest electron affinity : Chlorine
6. The radioactive element most commonly detected in humans is: Potassium-40
7. Least electropositive element : F
8. Lowest melting point metal : Hg
9. Highest melting point and boiling point metal : W (Tungsten)
10. Lowest melting point and
boiling point non-metal : He
11. Notorious element : Hydrogen
12. Lightest element : Hydrogen
13. Smallest atomic size : H
14. Largest atomic size : Cs
15. Largest anionic size : I–
16. Smallest cation : H+
17. Most electropositive element : Cs
18. Element with electronegativity next to Fluorine : Oxygen
19. Most abundant element in the universe : Hydrogen
20. Total number of gaseous elements in the periodic table : 11 (H, N, O,
F, Cl, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn)
21.At standard room temperature, only two elements are liquid: Mercury (Hg) and Bromine (Br).
Cesium, Rubidium, Francium, and Gallium can become liquid at slightly higher temperatures than room temperature, they are not considered "liquid elements" at standard conditions.
22. Smallest anion : F–
23. Francium is the only radioactive element that is liquid at normal temperature and pressure (NTP). It's also the most electropositive and radioactive element.
24. Most abundant gas in the atmosphere : Nitrogen
25. Volatile d-block elements : Zn, Cd, Hg, Unb
26. Element containing no neutron : H
27. Most abundant element in earth’s crust : Oxygen
28. Rarest element on earth : At (astatine)
29. Most abundant metal in crust earth : Al
30. Elements have a maximum tendency for catenation in periodic table : Carbon
31. Non-metal having the highest melting point, boiling point : Carbon
32. Metals showing highest oxidation state : Os (+8)
33. Most abundant d-block metal : Fe
34. Most abundant s-block metal : Ca
35. Strongest base : CsOH
36. Strongest basic oxide : Cs2O
37. Best electricity conductor among metals : Ag
38. Best electricity conductor among non-metals : Graphite
39. Most poisonous element : Polonium (Po), Pu (Plutonium)
40. Liquid non-metal : Br
41. Element kept in water : Phosphorous (white phosphorus)
43. Elements sublime on heating : I2
44. Noble metals : Au, Pt etc.
45. Amphoteric metal : Be, Zn, Al,
Sn, Pb
46. Amphoteric metalloid : Si
47. The six most well-known metalloids are boron (B), silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), and tellurium (Te).
48. Non-metals having metallic lusture : Graphite, Iodine
49. Heaviest naturally occurring element : Uranium
50. Poorest conductor of electricity : Diamond
51. Hardest naturally occurring element : Diamond
52. Lightest solid metal : Li
53. Osmium (Os) is the densest naturally occurring element
54. Dry ice : Solid CO2
55. Technetium (Tc) was the first man-made element, synthesized in 1937. The name comes from the Greek word for "artificial".
56. Smallest period : Ist (2 elements)
57. Largest period in periodic table : 6th
(32 elements)
58. Highest density (metals) : Os
59. Highest density (non-metals) : Iodine
60. Uranium is a radioactive chemical element with the symbol U and atomic number 92.
There are three naturally occurring isotopes of uranium:
Uranium-238, the heaviest and most abundant, uranium-235 and uranium-234.
Uranium is found in solid-state at NTP.
61. Cobalt-60: It is a radioactive isotope of cobalt used as a radiation source in many common industrial applications.
It is used to treat cancer
62. Iodine-131: It is a radioisotope of Iodine. It is most commonly used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism i.e Thyroid therapy.