Web Development

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🔰 Drop Cap In CSS

Drop cap is a typography technique where the first letter of a new chapter is dropped to occupy multiple lines. You may be familiar with this through books!

🔥 In CSS, this can be achieved through the initial-letter property, with a value indicating the number of lines to drop the character to

This property works only inside the ::first-letter pseudo element (and some other exceptions)

This also supports a multi value syntax of the format initial-letter: 3 2; where 2 indicated to have the baseline at line 2 (leave a gap of one line)

⚠️ This is not widely supported and required a vendor prefix to work in all browsers

💻 Security concerns when using target _blank!!

When using target="_blank" in links, it's important to ensure security by preventing malicious sites from manipulating the original page.

💻 Top Pens of 2024 on CodePen

Plenty of superb inspiration, demos, and neat tricks on show here. Whether that’s a neat parallax effect, a retro VHS look achieved with CSS, a rad web component that adds particles to your pointer, or this 3D image carousel. Lots of cool stuff to dig into.

🔗 Link to the top

🔅 Learning Regular Expressions

🌐 Author: Kevin Skoglund
🔰 Level: Advanced

Duration: 3h 18m

🌀 Learn to use regular expressions to define complex text patterns that can be used for powerful search and replace techniques.

📗 Topics: Regular Expressions

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🖐 Multimedia Tags In HTML

🔰 display: contents in CSS

These are ways to hide elements in different ways, affecting visibility, layout, or accessibility.


🔰 Some useful CSS shortcuts!

💻 Using box shadow in a way you might not have expected

Box shadows in CSS can be layered. You can apply multiple box shadows for the same element. This is generally used for a rich and realistic box shadow, but what's stopping us hacking this 🤭

▪️ Here we create a box shadow with 0 blur and some offset to create a duplicate layer

▪️ Then we create a similar layer but a pixel more of spread, to create a pseudo border

▪️ Finally another actual box shadow layer

12 last posts shown.