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Репост из: Call Analyser
🌀We’re out of slots for mass DM ad in @CallAnalyserBot today.
Mass DMs have been overbooked these days.
We recommend booking other ads like pinned post ads in @CallAnalyser and @TokenPingBot (which is currently used by 2,000 groups and channels - Your ad will be displayed there).

✅To reduce the load on mass DM ad during these days and avoid spamming users, we’re offering discounted rates if you book other types of ads.

*FYI: We believe we’re still offering the lowest price in the market, for example just 0.18 ETH for mass DMs to 34k monthly users out of a total of 70k users.

Репост из: Call Analyser
👍@TokenPingBot is currently being used by nearly 2,000 groups and channels.

✔️We’re launching the Pro version soon, focusing on:

1. Allowing you to create ads in all posts on your channels.
2. Customizing how posts are displayed.
3. You can add your referal trading bot links so you can earn $ directly.

Ultimately, benefits like ads, referral links, and more will be entirely yours as you grow your channel.

✔️Many newcomers ask if it mirror calls from @Callanalyser, and the answer is no, it should be better in some ways. In fact, we’ve added multiple filtering layers for you to choose from. Simply put, only calls from callers with good performance make it through. The lower the risk you choose, the higher the quality of the calls.

More importantly, you can select calls based on your strategy. Many users have mastered this feature by picking the right strategies for the right times. They even turn the bot on and off depending on market conditions, which makes their channels incredibly high-quality.

✔️About @TokenPingBot https://t.me/CallAnalyserPortal/161

🎄Merry Christmas! 🎄
Have a wonderful holiday season and all the best for the New Year!

👍 Thank you for all your feedback on @TokenPingBot. Many of you have mentioned that the call quality now are incrediable: That's partly due to the strategy how you choose the calls.
With examples like mostly of calls from SOL risk level 1 delivering at least 2x returns.

We are continuing to monitor and adjust the parameters to make it even better.

❄️We’re also pleasantly surprised by the rapid growth in the number of channels and groups using TokenPingBot so far.🚀

Working on the next version of the Bot. Stay tuned!

Again, thanks for all the kind words.

Happy aping and have a great week!

We just updated the system to improve it and fix some existing issues. There may be some minor bugs; if you find any, please let us know. Thank you!💘

Reached 38k subs on the main channel just now btw💖.

Репост из: Call Analyser
✨Below are the stats of @TokenPingBot

✅️Total Active Groups/Channels so far: 883

🟢 Risk Level 1 (SOL) = 563
🟡 Risk Level 2 (SOL) = 425
🟣 Risk Level 3 (SOL) = 314
🟢 Risk Level 1 (ETH) = 195
🟡 Risk Level 2 (ETH) = 119
🟣 Risk Level 3 (ETH) = 90
🟢 Risk Level 1 (SUI) = 110
🟡 Risk Level 2 (SUI) = 65
🟣 Risk Level 3 (SUI) = 46

✅As of now, you can choose calls based on the following criteria:
1. By chain
2. By risk level
3. By market cap

✅Over time, you'll have more options in the bot to choose the strategy you want. This also means that different channels/groups will have different calls based on the owners' preferences.

🥇The quality of the calls will depend on your choices.

Of course, we have already filtered calls based on certain criteria, and if a caller's performance declines, their calls will no longer be picked by the bot.

Репост из: Call Analyser
⭐️@TokenPingBot update⭐️

✅Now you can choose calls based on market cap: type ‘/risk’ then “Advance setting MC”. (You should only choose one of the two: normal risk levels or advanced setting MC)

✅As of now, you can choose calls based on the following criteria:
1. By chain
2. By risk level
3. By market cap

✅You know that at @CallAnalyser, we only list channels that are qualified. We list new channels and delist those that don’t meet the criteria any more on a weekly basis. And @TokenPingBot is an additional filtering layer.

🧠Over time, the more options you have to filter calls, the more the quality of the calls you receive from @TokenPingBot will depend on the strategy you choose. This also means that different groups and channels will have different calls.

Partner up with TradeWiz and integrate in all Sol calls.
1. Providing you most profit wallets for free: Click Start -> Smart Money -> Give me a smart money address.
2. Smart Money: analyze most profit wallets of a token.
3. Analyze profit of the specific wallets.

✅Then you can do copy trade right in the bot with advanced copy trading features.

✅Also, of course trading is very fast with TradeWiz.

TradeWiz links: Portal | Docs

It’s done, type ‘/risk’ then click “Advance setting MC” to filter calls by market cap

Репост из: Call Analyser
🔥600 groups and channels have been using @TokenPingBot in a few days, there are a lot of bangers. It must also be acknowledged that it's partly because the market is pumping as well.

✅Will add new fearture: filtering calls by market cap, soon.

For example: Sol risk level 2 low mc (below 200K), sol risk level 3 medium mc (below 1M mc) etc.

✅SUI chain has been added to @TokenPingBot . Type ‘/risk’ to select SUI calls.

🟠There are calls that seem repeated, but they are not duplicates. It’s because multiple qualified callers are calling the same CA.

🟢We will continue to improve the parameters and there will be more options for @TokenPingBot.

In 2 days, there are more than 400 groups and channels have been using the bot.

*Risk level 1 SOL has been updated.

fixed, thanks for reporting, the bot is working properly now

✔️Our new bot: https://t.me/TokenPingBot

This bot will automatically post good calls for you based on the risk levels you choose. It can post calls in both groups and channels.

✅Select calls by chain: If you choose the risk levels for a specific chain, you will receive calls from that chain. You can select multiple risk levels.

✅The lower the risk level, the higher the quality and safety of the call. If you are seeking for low mc calls and want “high risk high return” you may want to enable high risk levels.

1. The usage is simple:
- Add the bot to groups and channels, and grant it the necessary permissions.
- Type ‘/risk’ on the groups and channels to choose risk levels.
- ‘/stop @TokenPingBot’ and ‘/start @TokenPingBot’ to stop and resume the bot.

2. Logic:
- Based on the ROI and the CPW of callers over a period of time and other criteria.
In short, it is based on the performance of the callers. If they are doing good, their calls will be selected by the bot.

We believe this benefits the callers too, because if they perform well, their calls will be widely promoted.

✅We will run it for a while and continue to adjust the parameters to improve it. Feedback is always welcome.

Репост из: Call Analyser
⚡️Help to boost us if you are a premium TG acc: https://t.me/CallAnalyser?boost

Thanks for that.

Added SUI

✔️TRON (TRX) calls only: https://t.me/CallAnalyserTRX

All the TRX calls (first and update) will be there, total calls will remain on the main channel @CallAnalyser.

❄️All channels: https://t.me/addlist/rV1KJiyIYTdkMTM1

🪙From now on, all pump.fun calls will be posted and counted towards ROI, CPW

In the post, you can find the link to pumpfun at ‘🔎Scan:’ .

Репост из: Call Analyser
➕Please boosting us if you are a premium TG acc: https://t.me/CallAnalyser?boost


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