Mindset Therapy

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Категория: Психология

Here we will share Psychological Facts, Lessons, Tricks, and Tips to understand Human Psychology, Self Improvement and Empower each other to live a Better, Happier, and Successful Life.
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What makes a person look confident?

1. Good posture.

2. They speak slowly.

3. They remain calm.

4. They have control over their emotions and thoughts.

5. They don’t care what others think of them and do what makes them happy.

6. They treat themselves with respect.

7. They help others.

8. They can make fun of themselves because they feel comfortable in their own skin.

9. They maintain eye contact.

10. They dress well.

11. They take care of their health.

12. They lift others up and never show off.

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What is one piece of simple advice that actually changed your life?

I asked my boss one day how he always seemed totally at peace in a high-stress environment. Totally chill, no mater how messed up things got. He replied "Someday, someone you love will die, and everything else will seem totally irrelevant."

Totally morbid way of saying "Life is too short to be mad/sad/stressed all the time," but it gets to the point and it's stuck in my head.

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Don't share these 6 secrets with anyone

1. Financial Situation:

You shouldn't tell anyone:

• Your income

• How much property you own

• How much debt you have

• Your past bankruptcies

- You should remain more mysterious about these matters

2. Your Dreams and Goals:

People you tell this to can ridicule & belittle you or dismiss your dreams:

• They think your dreams are either basic & easy to achieve or impossible

Saying these things will lower your morale and motivation.

Many won't believe in your vision - until you've made it!

3. Old Relationships:

- People's lives are shaped by relationships.

• Don't tell anyone which mistakes you've made in your past relationships or how flirtatious you were...

• What you say may reach the ears of your new partner

- Avoid this if you don't want them to stigmatize you before they even meet you.

4. Your Weaknesses:

Guard your vulnerabilities, even with your closest friends, whenever possible

• Revealing weaknesses provides ammunition for others to exploit.

• Protect yourself from potential manipulation.

5. Past Lies and Mistakes:

- Don't tell people about the lies, failures & mistakes you've made.

• Sharing these with others will cause great harm to your relationships. Resist the urge to share.

• Those you confide in will perceive you as untrustworthy.

Being transparent about past errors will lead to distrust or misunderstandings, impacting how others perceive you. Maintain integrity to preserve trust.

6. Family Problems:

You should keep your family problems to yourself.

• The people who know can pass them on to other people.

• Talking negatively about your family displays disloyalty & a lack of familial unity, making your family vulnerable & open for attack.

Sharing such matters risks spreading gossip & unwanted attention. Maintain privacy to safeguard the family. We don't want everyone to know about our family problems now, do we?

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What is the saddest truth about life?

All my life, I kept shouting-

My life.

My wealth.

My wants.

My dreams.

My respect.

My success.

My miseries.

My happiness.

My failures.

My future.

My past.

Apart from this I kept worrying about my future and regretted my past.

Rest everything appeared irrelevant.

And then I died one day.

As my body lay down, I flew up higher and higher.

I couldn't feel any weight in me, all my pains went away.

I landed at an unknown place.

Stood in a long line, the end wasn't visible.

My right hand had a big yet weightless file of my deeds.

Surprisingly, I could easily recall every moment of my life.

As I went ahead, I could see an old man with white moustache and beard, and a wrinkle free beautiful face.

I realised that he is the God whom we fear and make deals with on Earth.

He just looked at every transparent body of light (just like me) for a moment and pushed it forward.

As I reached near him, I could smell a mesmerizing scent and feel the freshest breeze I could ever imagine.

And then suddenly, I was in front of him.

He looked at me and time stopped for everyone else except us.

He looked at my file and said-

“A life is only each active moment you live and nothing else”

I nodded my head in acceptance.

He then raised his tone and said-

“Did I ever burden you with two moments to live at a point of time?”

“No God” I replied.

“Did I ever tell you your future?” he said.

“No God" I replied again.

“Then why were you always so stressed and worried about your future?”

“How did you assume everything in advance and complicate your life so much?”

I was silent and just thinking about how right he was.

All my life I was just concerned about what hadn't happened and kept wasting the precious moments which were actually happening.

After a pause God spoke again.

“Me, me, me, me” that's all what mattered for you?”

“You were born, you had to die like trillions of others, why so much self importance?”

This time I gave a reply.

“But God this was my life, I had an individual identity, I was ought to focus on myself”

God lifted a handful of sand from down.

As the sand slowly drifted away from his hand.

He smiled and said-

“If my hand is the whole universe, you are no more then a particle drifting away each second”

“Why do you think you were so relevant?”

He paused for a while, and said-


He then showed me a glimpse of life continuing without me.

All my loved ones were living a normal life without me.

There were some new people and new things, only I was missing.

I cried seeing them again, but they were normal.

Everything I thought wouldn't run without me was functioning quite well.

Suddenly I started feeling like an outsider.

In that moment I lost all importance of my previous identity.

Finally God said-

“This time I will give you a tougher life and expect a better performance.”

And pushed me.

Suddenly I fell down miles in air and landed in a small space, between human organs, everything was dark, I felt like a seed.

For the next nine months I just rembered what God said and kept promising myself to lead the correct life this time.

And then one day, I was out, I could breathe again, I saw the lights, back in the world.

But I couldn't remember anything.

Except Me!

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I want to change myself. What habits should I follow?

1. Control your screen time. Avoid wasting hours scrolling through shorts or reels.

2. Learn to say no. Stop being always available; it's okay to set boundaries.

3. Let go of the past. Don’t hold onto it—learn to move forward.

4. Exercise at least 3 hours a week. Your body needs movement. Whether it's yoga, gym, or dance, choose what suits you best.

5. Start meditating. Even 10 minutes a day will benefit your mind—consistency matters.

6. Take walks in nature. It’s a simple way to reconnect with yourself and unwind.

7. Follow the "early to bed, early to rise" routine. Waking up early can make your day more productive.

8. Read the newspaper daily. Stay updated with current affairs to expand your knowledge.

9. Spend quality time with family and friends. Life is unpredictable; cherish the moments you have with them.

10. Eliminate negative influences. The people you hang out with significantly affect your thoughts and mindset.

11. Have a clear goal, but also a Plan B. Flexibility will keep you on track.

12. Read books that add value to your life. They can offer lessons and inspiration.

13. Treat others how you want to be treated. Kindness creates lasting connections.

14. Consider getting a pet, preferably a dog. Pets can bring joy and companionship into your life.

15. Pursue your passion. Don't give up on it just because you're in a 9-to-5 job. In the end, it will be worth it.

16. Sleep 6-9 hours daily. Rest is essential to function at your best.

17. Write down your goals and make a timetable. Be punctual and respect time—it’s one of the most valuable things you have.

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What are ten truths everyone should accept in life?

Read at your own RISK. I may hurt your feelings!

1. You’re walking towards DEATH

2. You’re replaceable in every field. From your family to your job.

3. None is responsible for making you happy, it’s not other people’s job(not even your spouse’s). You make your own happiness. Others just amplify it sometimes!

4. Your parents are not saints! They can be wrong most of the time. Don’t depend on them blindly!

5. Your friends are not as loyal as you think.

6. Hiding emotions is not a great virtue, it’s just an act of a weak person who tries to pretend to strong.

7. Hating people for your belief is just a waste of time and energy.

8. The organization you work in isn’t your family.

9. Saying sorry can make your life easier than you think!

10 “Good Behavior” is the most important thing that people will remember about you.

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How did you change yourself?

I changed myself over a 5 year period.

Here’s how I changed myself from a depressed 18-year-old to an irrationally optimistic 24-year-old:

First, I stopped making excuses.

Some people will read this advice and say that I’m propagating a toxic hustle culture, but the truth is that if you want to do anything extraordinary, you’re going to have to work your way past your limiting beliefs.

I realized that my excuses were just verbal expressions of my limiting beliefs that had been hammered into my head by a lifetime of mental illness, bullying, and verbal abuse.

With a lot of hard work on myself, I trained myself to stop making excuses. When I feel an excuse coming now, I don’t deny its existence, I work my way through it. Every excuse is a problem for you to solve.

If you can’t solve the problem, you’ve reached a limit, not an excuse.

Then, I dove headfirst into something I loved.

I don’t really know how to make you or anyone else “successful”, but I can tell you what I did.

At 18, I decided that I was going to either become a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu world champion or die trying. In the end, I achieved my goal, and I almost did die trying due to burnout, mental illness, and overtraining.

Again, it might seem like I’m telling you to work yourself to the brink of death. Don’t work yourself to the brink of death. What going “all-in” on my passion taught me is that passion cannot make you indestructible. If you want to be happy, you also need longevity.

The only way I was able to learn this lesson was by diving headfirst into my passion and finding out what I was really capable of.

Lastly, I processed all the shit I went through.

This is the most important one, because if you don’t take the time to reflect on what you’ve seen or experienced, it does not make you stronger. Mental strength comes through reflection, not pain.

If you don’t journal, think, go to therapy, write, or find some other way to reflect on your experiences, what doesn’t kill you will actually make you weaker.

In the gym, strength is built in the time spent away from the gym. It’s built through recovery. The same is true in life.

For the first time in my life, I’m wildly excited about where my life is going and all of the opportunities that I have coming. Everything that I’ve worked for for the last 5 and a half years (not including the 5 years of unconscious work before that) is starting pay off.

It looks everything and nothing like how I envisioned it, and it’s pretty freaking wild.

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What is the most under-rated pleasure?

You walk into your room at 11PM after an exhausting day, turn on the fan and go crashing on the bed.

Just when the sleep is about to hit you, you realize somebody fiddled with the regulator. Your fan is moving faster than your ideal. You bury your head into the pillow to save yourself from the cold breeze. Doesn’t help, but you don’t want to get up. Just then someone comes in and puts a soft blanket over you.

Yes! This is what you needed.

Thank you Mom ^_^

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What can I do for 10 minutes every day that will change my life?

My mother has told me about this incident. I have an uncle (I don't know him). He is a businessman. He followed one simple rule for all his life. That was-

He always had morning tea with his mother. If they are at home, they sit together and take sips of tea and when they are far, they call each other and at same time start having tea and talk to each other.

This thing seems so simple but here is it's power. When his mother died, she told

I would have died 10 years ago, it's your morning cup of tea that kept me alive.

Your couple of seconds can give someone all they need. Because here you are giving the best thing you can give to your loved ones that is Your time.

Spend your time with them and if you are far, talk to them at least once in a day. It will not only make them feel happy but will also put a smile on your face.

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How can I improve myself in 1-2 months?

1. Spend at least 150 minutes weekly on cardio and strength sports.

2. Visit another city that is entirely different from your city.

3. Ignore the news, just update yourself on world affairs weekly.

4. Read a book for at least 30 minutes or 5 pages daily.

5. Pick one from many of your bad habits and replace it with an habit loop “The cue, routine and reward” . Let say you are an alcoholics and want to stop, anytime you feel like drinking alcohol, drink water and reward yourself.

6. Look for a failure-success story, study and learn from the failure part.

7. Deactivate notifications on all your social media applications.

8. During this period, try to disappear from the crowd and you can re-appear with results after your 2 months goal.

9. Don’t brag or announce to the world that you are trying to improve yourself within this period. Let the result speak for itself. That’s the easiest way to learn how to keep your goals as a secret.

10. At the end of your 2 month goal, set a year goal, at the end of your a year goal, set 2 years goal. The sky is your limit, you are your own best asset, keep working hard on yourself for a better tomorrow!

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What are 5 habits that can improve my life?

1.Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and get 8 hours of sleep

2. Give up sugar. The difference in your mental clarity and health will be phenomenal.

3. Start taking time for yourself, even if it is just a 15 minute walk. Take deep breaths and appreciate the things around you.

4. BE nice! if you see someone who looks down, complement them on something… Their shoes, their hair anything; but be genuine about it. Smile at people and say good morning, yes it sounds corny, but you will feel good and so will the people you interact with. Say please and thank you more often.

5. Save. Even a few dollars a day: put it in a savings account. Don’t touch it! Your future self will thank you.

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Why do some married men search for another woman?

Listen up, and listen well, because I’m about to break it down for you in a way that no one else will dare. We’re diving into the gritty truth of why some married men go seeking another woman, and if you thought you were ready for this, think again. But here we go.

First off, throw out every sweet little lie you’ve been fed about "till death do us part." Reality isn’t a fairy tale. Human desires don’t switch off with a ring and a vow. According to slay motivation on Slaylebrity VIP social network Marriage is a continuous battle, a daily decision to fight for something that society says should be effortless. Wake up! Nothing worthwhile is effortless.

Now, why do some men look elsewhere? Let’s break this down:

1. Adventure and Excitement: Life’s not meant to be lived in the slow lane. Some men thrive on thrill, on the chase, on the conquest. Marriage, with its routine and comfort, can feel like a death sentence to excitement. So, they search outside for that adrenaline rush, that reminder that they’re alive.

2. Feeling Underappreciated: In every warrior, there’s a need for recognition, to feel valued. When a man battles the world every day, comes home, and feels like just another piece of furniture, that’s a problem. Men seek admiration, respect. If they’re not getting it in the fortress they come back to, they’ll find it elsewhere.

3. Desire for Validation: Every king wants to know he still has his crown, that he’s still got it. Often, it’s not even about the other woman but about proving to themselves that they can attract someone. It’s a dangerous game of ego, a self-worth measured in attention and desire from the opposite sex.

4. Emotional Disconnect: Let’s get real. Relationships can become battlefields. When communication breaks down, when intimacy feels like a chore, men find themselves on an island. Instead of building bridges back, some choose to swim to another shore, seeking connection, understanding, something to fill that void.

5. The Illusion of a Better Option: The grass is always greener syndrome. Social media, movies, every billboard screams at men that there’s an ideal out there, a perfect match. It’s a mirage, a trick of the light. But it’s enticing, and in moments of weakness, it’s convincing enough to make a man step out, searching for something that doesn’t exist.

Understand this - I’m not condoning, I’m explaining. There’s a cause for every effect, a reason for every action. In a world that wants to paint everything in black and white, understand the grey. Understand that human emotions, needs, and desires are complex. And when societal constraints, personal expectations, and the raw truth of human nature collide, you get chaos.

So, what’s the solution? Simple to say, hard to execute - communication, respect, and effort, from both sides. A continuous revival of the reasons you chose each other in the first place. Keep the fire burning, always. Because in the end, it’s those who fight together, not against each other, who make it through.

Men stepping out isn’t the disease; it’s a symptom of deeper issues. Face them head-on.

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What are 5 habits that can improve my life?


yes, instead of working out in gym go for running daily without failing. it will meditate you. The feeling you get after completing each session of running is unbeatable. you will feel more accomplished.




Give up the habbit of delaying things which are important for your future goal’s achievement. otherwise you will regret it later for sure.


Save some amount of money you earn on the daily or monthly basis. This will help you in your bad time.


Set some micro goals like going for a trip once in every 3 month. or accomplishing 5kms or 10kms running endurance within 2 months. or finishing 2 or 3 books in a month and so on . This habbit will keep you busy and most importantly you feel accomplished by achieving one goal after another.

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I've mentioned this in another post too. This is something I noticed that has really changed my life. This is actually about reading and sharing. You learn so much every day even if you visit Quora just once daily. The amount of knowledge you gain from subjects you want to know about and the responses you get from experts in every field is just priceless. I will say that Quora is even better than books because it gets to the point and avoid the unnecessary parts you get in books. Start first by reading on Quora, then commenting, and then writing answers. It will improve your life in many ways.

Oh and while doing this I would advise to quit other social media platforms too, unless you filter your contents to only news and information that is relevant to your goals. Believe me following social media sites with ‘look what I’m eating’ and ‘look at my shoes’ and ‘look what the cute cat is doing’ is a total waste of time which you can use to invest in productive work that will actually improve your life.

Hope this helps.

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What 3 habits can transform my life completely?

1. Waking up at 4 am

Firstly, waking up this early can be the most difficult thing in the world. I mean early morning is when we are in our deepest sleep. The world is quiet, the air is fresher, the atmosphere is cold. If its too cold, your body temperature under the blanket must have produced the coziest temperature for you to sleep.

Before I started waking up at 4 am, I tried 7 am, then 6 am, then 5 am, and then 4 am. Waking up at 7 am and 6 am is no different. The sun is already up (in my country) by 6 am. I didn’t feel I was up early. Then I tried 5 am. I noticed that for me to have the highest motivation, energy and drive, I had to be at my computer by 5 am. I then tried 4 am. Was the most difficult thing on the first day but by the third day, waking up at 4 am was the thing I was looking forward the most when I slept the day before. Ok ok so this is how I do it.

Firstly, I go to sleep the night before, wanting to wake up the next day at 4 am. I also started deleting the word ‘alarm’ from my dictionary and replaced with the word ‘opportunity’. This trick works by the way. When my opportunity clock goes off at 4 am, I decide the longest I can be on bed is 5 seconds. I count to five and get up on my feet. Yes you have to stand on your feet. I then drink some water, go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. There is something magical about the toothpaste that makes me wake up. I then go out to my terrace and meditate there for 10 to 20 minutes. This is my favorite part of the morning. The world is quiet, the air is fresh, in a tropical hot country, the outside temperature at this time is just comfortable. You can do this on your balcony or even in your apartment. I would advise you to step out of your house or building and breath some fresh air at this time. Just 5 minutes will do. I then do the ‘Seven Minute Workout’ (the scientific one). For 7 minutes this is quite effective. Then hit the bathroom and watch a TED Talk while I’m on throne. I take a shower, grab a coffee and start my work at 5 am or before.

When you are up this early you know you are up for a reason and it motivates the hell out of you. You know you are up before any one else because your tasks are so important. It drives you to focus and work the most productive hours of the day.

By the way, I try to sleep latest by 10pm. If I’m unable to get enough sleep, I just take a 30 minute power nap the next day.

2. Start getting used to rejection

One thing that holds us all back is the fear of rejection. In fact, fear of rejection is one thing that slows the progress of advancement - especially in social skills. Have you ever met a person who is average looking but still manages to get the hottest chicks? Have you ever saw a sales guy that is so confident in his pitch he nearly makes every deal happens? These guys don’t fear rejection. I used to be a shy person and one that greatly feared rejection. I started reading about confidence and self esteem and all and found that facing rejection is the best way boost confidence. I started asking for odd favors, started talking to random people, etc. I would ask a person in a queue to let me pass in front, just to be rejected. Believe me if you have a reason, most of the times the people let you go. Its really that easy. And do you feel that some people are too ‘proud’ to talk to you or smile at you? A lot of the times these people are actually just shy. Decide that you will get rejected at least once per day. Make this a game with a friend, its even more fun. Test who gets rejected the most. Believe me this will be your biggest confidence booster.

3. Quora

Six things you should never tell people.

Number 1, Don't tell people your plans.

They will sabotage you.

Number 2, Don't tell people your weakness.

They will use them against you.

Number 3, Don't tell people your failures.

They will always see you as a failure and never give you opportunity.

Number 4, Don't tell people your next big move.

Move in silence. Take action and shock them with your results.

Number 5, Don't tell people your secrets.

Only a fool reveals secrets.

Number 6, Don't tell people your income or source of your income.

Always make them wonder.

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Six things to do before the age of 30.

Number one, good bank balance.

Number two, keep yourself fit and healthy.

Number three, create four to five sources of income.

Number four, give all facilities to parents.

Number five, choose a good life partner.

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4 best brain hack you must know?

1. Put your hand in front of someone who is talking, one who is very occupied, and they will give you whatever they have in their hand.

2. Have someone who is talking a lot, and doesn’t let you speak? Just drop anything, like a pen or key, and get down to pick. It’s your turn to speak now.

3. Want to make someone feel insecure? Stare at their hairline.

4. Not sure if someone is staring at you? Look at your watch or try searching for it. You’ll find them looking at theirs.

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Five tips how to control your emotions.

Number 1, Never take anything personal.

Number 2, Always control your facial expressions.

Number 3, Don't react to insults and never forget them.

Number 4, If you react to ladies, you are weak.

Number 5, Positive self-talk, say your name and tell, you can do it.

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