Pʀɪᴠᴀᴛᴇs Bᴏᴛs ⚡

Гео и язык канала: Индия, Английский
Категория: Telegram

🖐🏻 Welcome to @Privates_Bots!
🤖 Hello Guys I Learn You About How To Make Telegram Bots.
➡ Discussion Group: @Private_Bots_Chats
📞 Contact For Sponsorship/Buy Ads/Promotion ~ @PB_Sponsorship

Связанные каналы  |  Похожие каналы

Гео и язык канала
Индия, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

🎨✨ Introducing @DalleXLRoBot - Your Ultimate Image Generator! 🤖🖼️

Get ready to unleash your creativity and generate stunning images with ease using Dalle 3, Dalle-XL, and Prodia Modules!

Transform your ideas into visual masterpieces with just a few clicks. It's time to explore endless possibilities in image creation! 🎨💫

Don't miss out on this incredible tool! Follow @DalleXLRoBot now and start creating magic! 🌟🔥🎉

#ImageGenerator #Creativity #DalleXLRoBot @DalleXLRoBot 🖌️🤖

🔔 New User Notifications[Bots Business Codes].

💓 Command:

🔍 BJS:
var hh = ""
if (!User.getPropert
y("UserDone")) {
User.setProperty("UserDone", true, "boolean")
Libs.ResourcesLib.anotherChatRes("status", "global").add(1)
chat_id: 1789993737,//admin telegram id here
"➕ New User Notification ➕\n\n👤User: " +
user.first_name +
" +
hh +
"\n\n🆔 User ID : " +
user.telegramid +
"\n\n🌝 Total User's Count: " +
Libs.ResourcesLib.anotherChatRes("status", "global").value() +
parse_mode: "html",
disable_web_page_preview: true
🧑🏼‍💻 Created By: @Swastik_Raj


🚀 Want to download all your favorite social media content effortlessly? We’ve got the perfect solution for you!

🌟 Join the Fun! 🌟

1️⃣ Make a post about this giveaway!
2️⃣ Tell your followers to head over to 👉 @PBAllSaverBot and send /send 📩
3️⃣ Enter your Bot's Business (BB) Mail 📨

Get ready to unlock the ultimate downloader bot!

🔗 Don’t miss out on this chance to elevate your social media game! 💪

#Giveaway #SocialMedia #DownloaderBot #PBAllSaverBot

🚀 Introducing @MultipleFileShareBot! 🚀

✨ Share your files like never before! 🌟 Whether it's documents, images, or videos, our bot makes it super easy to send multiple files in just a few taps! 📂➡️📂

🔗 Why Choose @MultipleFileShareBot?
- Fast & Efficient ⚡: Share files in seconds!
- User-Friendly 🖱️: Simple commands for everyone!
- Secure 🔒: Your files are safe with us!

💬 How to Use:
1. Start a chat with @MultipleFileShareBot
2. Upload your files 📤
3. Hit send and watch the magic happen! ✨

🌈 Perfect for:
- Team projects 👥
- Family photos 📸
- Sharing videos 🎥
- And so much more!

Join the file-sharing revolution today! 💥 Don’t forget to invite your friends to use @MultipleFileShareBot!

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi 🙏🏻🤍

792 0 14 1 25

Do report on this account also if you have a channel post this on your channel .

User permanent link - [click here]

〽️ Random Hindi And English Joke Sender With Refresh Button [Telebot Codes].

💓 Command:

🔍 TPY:
chnl = "@Privates_Bots"#edit with channel username
= InlineKeyboardMarkup()
markup.add(InlineKeyboardButton(text="🔁 Refresh", callback_data="/joke edit"))
ran = libs.Random.randomInt(100000, 999999999)
anime = "https://telegra.ph/file/041ba93a1a78a5be851fa.jpg"
response = HTTP.get(
quotes = response.json()
joke = quotes['jokeContent']

content = HTTP.get(
trans = content.json() # Convert the response to JSON
translate = trans['translation'] # Access the 'translation' field

Text = f'''
📍 Random Jokes!
\n🇮🇳 Hindi:
\n🇬🇧 English:
🎙 Last Clicked By {u}
media = InputMediaPhoto(media=f"{anime}", caption=f"{Text}", parse_mode='html')

if params == 'None':
bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=chnl, photo=anime, caption=Text, reply_markup=markup)

if params == "edit":
bot.editMessageMedia(chat_id=chnl, message_id=message.message_id, media=media, reply_markup=markup)
🧑🏼‍💻 Created By: @Swastik_Raj

🖖🏻 Good Morning!

💓 Making A Genuine "Dalle-3 Dalle XL" Image Generation Bot. Drop ⭐ Reaction.

💬 Making A Chat Gpt Bot With 12 Available Modes.

❔Should I Add Any Other Modes.

🦈 Find How Much Have Vowel In Your Text.

❤️ Command:- /vowel

function countVowels(s) {
var count = 0
var vowels = "aeiouAEIOU"

for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (vowels.indexOf(s[i]) !== -1) {

return count

var s = params
var vowelCount = countVowels(s)

Bot.sendMessage("Number of vowels: " + vowelCount)

👨‍💻 Credit By:- @algoraushan

Drop 5 ⭐ Reaction For Giveaway Of @PBAllSaverBot.

1k 0 2 13 39

🎞 Movie Details BJS By Name.

❤️ Command:- /details

💞  Answer:- Send Me Your Movie Name.

Wait For Answer :- On

  chat_id: chat.chatid,
  action: "typing"
  chat_id: chat.chatid,
  action: "typing"
var ko = data.message
var ko = ko.replace(" ", "%20")
var ko = ko.replace(" ", "%20")
var ko = ko.replace(" ", "%20")
var ko = ko.replace(" ", "%20")
var ko = ko.replace(" ", "%20")
var ko = ko.replace(" ", "%20")
var ko = ko.replace(" ", "%20")
var ko = ko.replace(" ", "%20")
var ko = ko.replace(" ", "%20")
var ko = ko.replace(" ", "%20")
var ko = ko.replace(" ", "%20")
var ko = ko.replace(" ", "%20")
var ko = ko.replace(" ", "%20")
User.setProperty("movie", message, "string")
  url: "http://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=4d146d7&t=" + ko + "",
  success: "/onMode ",
  on_error: "/onMerror"

❤️ Command:- /onMode

var movie = User.getProperty("movie")
  chat_id: chat.chatid,
  action: "typing"

Bot.sendMessage("*Searching movie: " + movie + " ....*")
  chat_id: chat.chatid,
  action: "typing"
  chat_id: chat.chatid,
  action: "typing"

var c = JSON.parse(content)
var study = c.Poster
var t = c.Title
var y = c.Year
var r = c.Rated
var re = c.Released
var rt = c.Runtime
var im = c.imdbRating
var ac = c.Actors
var l = c.Language
var plot = c.Plot
var gen = c.Genre
var dir = c.Director
var wri = c.Writer
var coun = c.Country
var awar = c.Awards
var ratee = c.Ratings.Value
var metas = c.Metascore
var tpe = c.Type
var boxo = c.BoxOffice
var prod = c.Production
if (study == undefined) {
    "No results were found that included all of your search._Your search -  " +
      movie +
      " -  did not find any movie.*Suggestion:*🔘 Check that all words are spelled correctly.🔘 Try entering other keywords."
} else {
    photo: study,
      "*📽 Movie Details\n\n▪️Title:* " +
      t +
      "\n*▪️Year Runned:* " +
      y +
      "\n*▪️Rated By:* " +
      r +
      "\n*▪️Release Date:* " +
      re +
      "\n*▪️Runtime:* " +
      rt +
      "\n*▪️Genre: *" +
      gen +
      "\n*▪️Director: *" +
      dir +
      "\n*▪️Writer: *" +
      wri +
      "\n*▪️ Actors:* " +
      ac +
      "\n*▪️Plot:* " +
      plot +
      "\n*▪️Language:* " +
      l +
      "\n*▪️Country: * " +
      coun +
      "\n*▪️Awards: *" +
      awar +
      "\n*▪️Rate: *" +
      im +
      "/10\n*▪️MetaScore: *" +
      metas +
      "\n*▪️IMDB Rating:* " +
      im +
      "\n*▪️Type:* " +
      tpe +
      "\n*▪️BoxOffice: *" +
      boxo +
      "\n*▪️Production: *" +
      prod +
      "\n*▪️Logo: [* [Click Here](" +
      study +
      ") *]" +
      "\n\n☆ Deatails By : @" +
      bot.name +
    parse_mode: "Markdown"

✨🦋 Random Anime Pic Generator
With Refresh Button In TPY[Telebot Creator]

❤️ Command:- /anime

☣ BJS:-
markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup()
InlineKeyboardButton( text="🔁 Refresh", callback_data="/anime edit"))
ran = libs.Random.randomInt(100000, 999999999)
anime = f"https://ashlynn.serv00.net/husbando.php?r={ran}"

media = InputMediaPhoto(media=f"{anime}")

if params == 'None':
bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=u, photo=anime, reply_markup=markup)

if params == "edit":
bot.editMessageMedia(chat_id=u, message_id=message.message_id, media=media, reply_markup=markup)

👨‍💻 Created By: Allen
🎖 API By: ᴳᵒᵈ乂Aⱥℝⱥbh♛🖤♛
© Credit: @Privates_Bots

1.1k 0 23 29 11

❤️ Command:- /withdraw

if (!params) {
Bot.sendMessage("🛻* For Withdraw Use This Method*\n\n`/withdraw amount upi`")
var am = params.split(" ")[0]
var upi = params.split(" ")[1]
var token = "HDUJ738JSK" //your token Here
var channel = "@CloudSting"
var balance = Libs.ResourcesLib.userRes("balance")
var payouts = Libs.ResourcesLib.anotherChatRes("payouts", "global")
function isNumeric(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n)
var value = am
if (!isNumeric(value)) {
Bot.sendMessage("*📛 Invaild Amount Value. Enter A Valid Amount Value.*", {
is_reply: true
if (am < 5) {
Bot.sendMessage("🚫* Minimum Withdraw Amount Value Is ₹5.*", {
is_reply: true
if (balance.value() < am) {
Bot.sendMessage("❌* You Don't Have ₹" + am + " For Withdrawal.*", {
is_reply: true
"https://As-gateway-solutions.co.in/Api/upi.php?token=" +
token +
"&upi_id=" +
upi +
"&amount=" +
am +
"&comment=" +
"*✅ Withdrawal Requested Successfully\n\n💳 Transaction Details = \n 💰Amount = " +
am +
" INR\n💼 Wallet = " +
upi +
"\n\n⏰Wait 1-2 Minutes We Will Check And Pay You🎧*"
chat_id: channel,
"🔋 New Withdraw Requested 🏦\n\n▪️ Status : Success\n▪️ User : " +
user.first_name +
\n▪️ User ID : " +
user.telegramid +
"\n▪️ Amount : " +
am +
" ₹\n▪️ User Referrals : " +
RefLib.getRefCount() +
"\n\n💳 Address :\n " +
upi +
"\n\n👮🏻‍♂️ Bot : @" +
bot.name +
parse_mode: "html",
disable_web_page_preview: true
🦋 Get Your Token: https://as-gateway-solutions.co.in

⚠️ Notice: Other Gateway Charge ₹1.8 + 3% Charge. In this Gateway Charge Flat(₹2) On Every Transaction.

👨‍💻 Credit:- @Private_Projector

🌟 Hey everyone! 🌟

We’re back and thrilled to announce that our community has grown to 11,000 members! 🎉 Thank you all for being a part of this amazing journey!

🔗 Join us here: @Private_Bots_Chats

🛑 Important Reminder: Please remember to keep our discussions respectful and avoid any offending content. Let's create a positive and supportive community together! 💬

Thank you for your understanding, and let's make this space amazing! 💖

Do You Need Auto Upi Pay Code With Lowest Charge.??
  •   Yes
  •   No
185 голосов

Pined Any Message In Your Bot

❤️ Command :- pin

Wait For Answer - On

🙈 Answer :- *📌 Send Your Massage Which You Want Pined*

🔆 BJS :-
let text = "+message +"
text: message, 
on_result: "/pin" 
❤️ Command :- /pin

🔆 BJS :-
var chat_id = options.result.chat.id 
var message_id= options.result.message_id 
chat_id: chat_id, 
message_id: message_id 

📓 Note :- Don't 🔇Muted And Leave My Channel For Your Profit....

🎚 Force Join Channel in Group [Telebot Creator Code]
❓ Using this you can mute the users in your group until they join your Telegram channel once they join and they can click unmute button then the bot will unmute the user if he join the channel and if he / she left the channel then fhe bot  will automatically mute the user back in group until they join your channel.

👻 Command: *

☢️ TPY:
def check():
channels = "@Privates_Bots"#edit with channel username or with id
for i in channels:
check = bot.getChatMember(str(i), u)
if check.status != 'left':
return False
return True

usernm = f"""{message.from_user.first_name} {message.from_user.last_name}"""
if message.from_user.last_name is None:
usernm = f"""{message.from_user.first_name}"""

markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup()
text="🟢 Joined",
callback_data=f"/joined {u}"))

tim = int(time.time())
until = tim + 600

if not check():
bot.deleteMessage(chat_id=message.chat.id, message_id=message.message_id)
bot.restrictChatMember(chat_id=message.chat.id, user_id=u, can_send_messages=False, until_date=until)

txt = f"""
📛 Hello {usernm}, Please Join Our Channel To Send Message in This Group

➤ {channels}

❇️ After Joining, Click 🟢 Joined

bot.replyText(chat_id=message.chat.id, text=txt, reply_markup=markup)
👻 Command: /joined

☢️ TPY:

if params != str(u):
bot.answerCallbackQuery(call.id, '⛔ This Message is Not For You', show_alert=True)
raise ReturnCommand()

def check():
channels = ["@Privates_Bots"] # edit with channel username
for i in channels:
member = bot.getChatMember(str(i), u)
if member.status != 'left':
return False
return True

usernm = f"""{call.from_user.first_name} {call.from_user.last_name}"""
if call.from_user.last_name is None:
usernm = f"""{call.from_user.first_name}"""

if check():
bot.restrictChatMember(chat_id=message.chat.id, user_id=u,
can_send_media_messages=True, # This includes audios, videos, photos, etc.
can_send_other_messages=True) # This includes polls and documents
bot.editMessageText(chat_id=message.chat.id, message_id=message.message_id,
text=f"🚀 {usernm}, Thanks For Joining Our Channel\n\n💬 Now You Can Send Message")
bot.answerCallbackQuery(call.id, '❌ Must Join Our Channels', show_alert=True)
⚠️ Give credit if you are posting on your channel.
👨‍💻 Created By:
© Credit: @Privates_Bots.

1.9k 0 23 14 15

🔮 Generate All Time New Trx Account.

❤️ Commands:- /wallet

    url: "https://txt.cwtip.site/tron/build/",
    success: "/onWalletCreate"

❤️ Commands:- /onWalletCreate

var ddata = JSON.parse(content)
var wallet = ddata.Address
var key = ddata.PrivateKey

👨‍💻 Credit By:- @AlgoRaushan

1.5k 0 13 17 14

✨ Try To Send Loop Message In TPY.

❤️ Command:- /loop

➡️ Format:- /loop 10#@Privates_Bots

if not params is None :
    pr = params.split("#")
    nn = int(pr[0])
    tt = pr[1]
    txt = ""

    # Gen message
    for i in range(nn):
        cnt = i + 1
        txt += f"{cnt}. {tt}\n"
    bot.sendMessage(chat_id=message.chat.id, text=txt)

👨‍💻 Created By @AlgoRaushan

Показано 20 последних публикаций.