Фильтр публикаций

Name: ChatGPT Bot

Description: ChatGPT Telegram bot is a helpful AI chatbot that you can chat with directly in @LatestChatGPTBot. It can chat with you and answer your questions.
#ChatGPT #ChatGPTBot

📌 ⚠️ Telegram has updated its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

To prevent criminals from misusing its search feature. It clarifies that if someone breaks the rules, Telegram may share their IP address and phone number with authorities if there is a valid legal request.

Pyrogram Session String Generator

1. API ID (Get it from Here: https://my.telegram.org)
3. Phone Number
(i). OTP
(ii). Password (If Two-Step Verification enabled)

⚠️ Warn: Never share Your Session String to any other Unreliable Person/Bot.
⚠️ Doing tasks by using Session String is against Telegram's Terms of Service, and you may get banned for using it.

Name: DC Tracker Bot

Description: DC Tracker Bot provides information about the decentralized data center (DC) infrastructure of Telegram. Telegram's infrastructure comprises five data centers (DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4, and DC5), each of which operates independently and is located in various parts of the world.

Source: https://core.telegram.org/bots/payments-stars#star-pricing

Important Notice:

Telegram has announced a change in payment options for bot developers. Starting now, third-party payment options (such as UPI, Payeer, PayPal, Crypto, etc.) must be discontinued.

Telegram now requires all bot developers to sell paid features using its new currency -
"Telegram Stars (XTR)"

This decision is driven by pressure from Apple and its App Store guidelines.

Need to know:
Telegram Stars: Users can acquire Stars from Telegram using standard Apple and Google in-app purchases or via @PremiumBot.

Expiration: Stars earned by Bots are valid for 3 years from the date they are received.

Balance Access: The Telegram Stars our Bots earn are displayed in a balance accessible from the Telegram account that owns Bots.

Termination: Non-compliance with these terms or the Telegram Terms of Service may result in a temporary or permanent ban from the Bot Platform or Telegram apps. Bot may also be removed from the Bot Platform.

Conflict of Rules: If there's a conflict between Bot Developer Terms and other service terms, it will be resolved to favor Telegram as much as allowed by law.

✶ For this reason our third-party payment options (like UPI, Payeer, PayPal, Crypto, etc.) have now been removed from some bots, or will be removed from all bots before June 12th.

This notice means – bot users will have to spend 40-50% more. (Apple/Google 30% commission + Telegram Administrative Costs)

New Update ✅

✶ Audio Bitrate:
Now added Default audio bitrate option.
/settings >> Audio Settings >> Audio Quality

Supported: Audio Converter, Audio Trimmer, Bass Booster, Treble Booster, 8D Converter, Speed Changer, Volume Changer.

Unsupported: Audio Merger and Bulk Mode.

✶ Photo Upload:
Photo upload support added to upload jpg files.

✶ Thumbnail:
Now added new option to save thumbnail /save_thumb command.

Thumbnail supports both Telegra URL and photo.

This will solve thumbnail issue for DC5 users (India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc.).

New Update

MP3 Tag Editor:

1. Audio Tag Customization: Edit file details such as name, title, artist, album, comment, genre, lyrics, and album art directly from the bot.

2. Bulk Mp3 Tag Editing: Save time and effort with our bulk mode, allowing you to edit multiple MP3 files simultaneously.

3. Customizable Settings: There is option of Mp3 Tag Settings in /settings command.
(File name, title, artist, album, comment, genre, lyrics, album art) to skip, ask or save during editing.

Save Mp3 tag settings, no need to enter the same thing again and again.

New Function:

BPM counter:
This tool measures the tempo of music in Beats Per Minute (BPM)


Audio Merger:
Now can merge upto 2-20 Audios. (Can be merged unlimited, but added limits due to spammers)

Url Uploader:
Added default downloader "aria2c"
>> Url Upload Mode /usettings

Archive Extractor (Unzipper):
Added Options [Rename file , Delete file, Upload as zip], Improved file list pagination.

Google Drive Downloader:
Added authorisation option for downloading unlimited. (If folder link, Then file preview and Range selection option. Ex 1-50, 1-10)

If authorised, then Cancel button will appear while downloading Google drive file/folder.

*Note: Our Google Drive app is not verified yet, so it warns while authorisation.

Bulk Url Uploader:
Improved File name detection. And added time-out for format selection

Image Resizer/Compressor Bot.

Old to New Image Resizer Bot
@ImageResizerNewBot [New] ✅

Added Option for pixels (px) and centimetre (cm).

There are 3 options for Resizing image:
(1). In desired size (KB):
For Example: 100 KB or 100
Then It'll resize the image to around 100 KB.

(2). In pixels (px):
Format: width*hight px
For Example: 300*400 px

(3). In centimeter (cm):
Format: width*hight cm
For Example: 12*16 cm

#TheNiceBots #NiceBots #TelegramBots #ImageResizerBot

Updated  ✅

✶- Archive Extractor (unzip) : Fixed stucking issue.

✶- Added support Suffix texts, prefix texts, words Remover in Bulk converter ( video to file) or (file to video)

✶- Added Renaming option in (Google drive downloader, Mega Downloader, Mediafire Downloader)

What's New:

✶- Added Bulk Files Renamer, Mp3 converter in [Bulk Mode].

✶- Added support Auto Suffix texts & prefix texts in Renamer & Bulk Renamer

✶- Added Bulk Links Downloader Also support links of .txt file. Command  /bulk_url (*Supports custom Name)

✶- Added JSON Formatter in Command  /json_formatter (json file & Json Texts Both support)


Hey 👋

As you know, We made only Multi Usage Bots. All Users want speed ⚡.

So, Now Introducing Fast Downloader Bots of Telegram files. [Multi Usage Bots]

Note: Files/Videos (🎥/📁) Allowed. Currently URL 🔗 functions Desabled.


✶  Currently Running Bots












✶  Fixed All Known Issues

✶  Added Some New Functions :

✶- Mega Downloader (File/Folder)

✶- Bulk Mode For (Zip/Rar/Video/File/MP4/MKV/Thumbnail Changer)

✶- Subtitles Converter

✶- Video + Subtitles Merger

✶- Video Splitter

✶- JSON formatter

✶- Pytube Downloader (Using Pytube) (Desired Video format + Audio Format)

Old Bot @videoconverter_cbot Back Online ✅ 🔥

New Update ✅

1. Bulk Url Uploader:
Fixed Requested Format not available issue and Audio missing issue.

2. Stream Extractor:
Added Option for extracting All audios/Subtitles/Streams.

3. Stream Remover:
Added Option for removing All audios/Subtitles/Streams (Except: Default streams)

4. Metadata Editor:
Fixed all known issues.

New Functions* ✅

1. Metadata Editor

>>> Can be edit title and language of any streams of a video.

>>> There are many options for editing. (By clicking specific stream, All audios, All Subtitles or All Streams at once, just in a click)

>>> Can be added File Name, you need to set "Rename File: Yes" in /settings

2. Media Forwarder

>>> It can be used for forwarding Buttons added files to a Channel/Group without forward tag.

(i) Bot should be admin in that Channel/Group. And

(i). Need Username/Id/link of That Channel/Group.

Now ✏️ Caption and Buttons Adder option will come into use.

Bug fixes and stability improvements.

@MultiUsageBot Supports to Upload upto 4 GB in All functions:

(1). Video Merger 

(2). Video And Audio Merger

(3). Video converter (Stream, mkv, mp4) (Thumbnail Changer)

(4). Video Renamer

(5). Archive Creater (zip, rar, 7z)

(6). URL Uploader

(7). YouTube Playlist Downloader

(8). Mediafire link downloader

(9). Google Drive Downloader

Etc 👉  https://t.me/TheNiceBots/17

🌐 Nice Bots

Bots Updated

✶ Downloading Issue Fixed of Mediafire Link Downloader

Added :
(1). YouTube Video Trimmer ✂️ (Quality HD)
(2). Upload YouTube Video Without Downloading (Quality HD)

Both Bots Support Uploading upto 4 GB, These Functions. 👇

(1). @MultiUsageBot
(2). @MultiUsage2Bot

Supported Functions:


@MultiUsageBot Updated

Now Paid Users can use upto 4GB files in these Functions 👇

(1). Url Uploader (Link to file)
(2). Google Drive Downloader
(3). Mediafire Link Downloader
(4). YouTube Video/Playlist Downloader
(5). (File to video) or (Video to file) converter (Thumbnail change)

I can't provide in Free bots 😥
Unable to use my session_string in both bot.
⚠️ UserBot Error: Telegram says: [406 AUTH_KEY_DUPLICATED]

🙂 Bot Users can use without 🌟 Telegram Premium.

New Update

(1). Words Remover Expanded: You can remove multiple words in caption of files.

You can set in /usettings multiple words by space.

Ex. One Two three four
If any of above Words found in File name, that will be removed.

(2). Updated extention detection: Now extention doesn't matter while Uploading.

It was mainly problem while uploading Telegram private contents.

Also improved url to file extension detaction.

(3). Updated thumbnail option: YouTube Thumbnail supports in splited files and Up 4 GB files.

(4). Forwarder option added: It will forward files to your channel/Group. Purpose: Added buttons won't hide (without forward tag) /forward

Bug fixes and improvements


New Update ✅

For Files -

✶- Added Audio & Subtitles Extractor

✶- Added Audio & Subtitles Remover

✶- Added Video Optimizer (Just added reorder streams option, need to add more) [Incomplete]

✶- Caption & Buttons Editor

✶- Added Song slowed & Reverb Maker

✶- Added Some audio formats for converting (m4a, opus, wma, acc)

✶- Added Audio compressor


Supported Functions: 👇

✶ You can customise /Settings (Rename File, Upload Mode)

If you send Video, Then this option will appear. 👇

(1). Audio & Subtitles Remover

(2). Audio & Subtitles Extractor

(3). Caption & Buttons Editor

(4). Video Trimmer

(5). Video Merger

(6). Mute Audio in Video File

(7). Video And Audio Merger

(8). Video And Subtitle Merger

(9). Video to GIF Converter

(10). Video Splitter

(11). Screenshot generator

(12). Manual Screenshot generator

(13). Video sample generator

(14). Video to (wav, mp3, ac3, aac, flac, wma, m4a, opus, ogg) Converter in Customisable Quality.

(15). Video Optimizer

(16). Video converter (Stream, mkv, mp4, avi, m4v)

(17). Video Renamer

(18). Media Information

(19). Create Archive File (zip, rar, 7z) (Password Optional)

If you send Audio, Then this option will appear. 👇

(1). Caption & Buttons Editor

(2). Song Slowed & Reverb Maker

(3). Audio Converter (wav, mp3, ac3, aac, flac, wma, m4a, opus, ogg etc) in Customisable Quality.

(4). Make Archive File (zip, rar, 7z)

(5). Audio Merger, Set Quality in

(6). Audio 8D Converter With many options.

(7). Music Equalizer (Volume, Bass, Treble, Speed)

(8). Audio Bass Booster with Range (-20 To 20)

(9). Audio Treble Booster with Range (-20 To 20)

(10). Audio Trimmer - from Start_time to End_time.

(11). Auto Audio Trimmer with Start_time and Trim Duration

(12). Rename Audio files or documents

(13). Audio Tag Editor (Album Art) ✍️

(14). Audio speed Changer 50-200%

(15). Volume Changer, changes volume of audio 10 to 200%

(16). Media Information

(17). Compress Audio, Customise audio compress Range in

If you send Document, Then these option will appear According to Your file 👇

(1). File Renamer

(2). Create Archive (zip file maker)

(3). Archive Extractor (Unzipper)

(4). Caption & Buttons Editor

(5). Forwarded tag remover

(6). Subtitles converter (srt, vtt, ass, sbv)

(7). JSON Formatter (Indent 1,2,3,4)

Bulk Mode Options: 🌟 Bulk Mode is very Convenience Option. It makes easy for converting many files one by one Automatically. 👇

(1). Archive Creater (zip, rar, 7z)

(2). Remove Audios (Remove all audios in video)

(3). Convert to MP3 (Audio or Video to MP3)

(4). Files Renamer (Videos rename in Bulk)

(5). Video converter (Stream/Video, Document/File, MP4, MKV)

If you send URL, Then these option will appear According to Your Link 👇

(1). Pytube Downloader (In Desired video & audio format)

(2). 🖼️ Thumbnail Downloader

(3). 🔗 Make Direct/Stream Link

(4). Extract Archive via Direct Link (Extract zip, rar, 7z, tar etc)

(5). 🔗 URL Uploader
(Link To File)

(6). Link Shortner & Unshortener

(7). If your 🔗 url will be a direct link Then you can use Audio & Video related functions.

(8). YouTube Subtitles Downloader

(9). Fast Download: It Uploads YouTube video Without Downloading (Quality HD)

(10). YouTube Video Trimmer ✂️, It Trims YouTube video (Quality HD)

(11). YouTube Music & Video, You can download High Quality Music with YouTube Music link.

(12). YouTube Playlist Downloader, with 3 options (Default, Specific Range, Custom Specific Range).

(13). Mega Downloader (Downloads Mega public links)

(14). Mediafire link downloader

(15). Google Drive Downloader ( You can Download anything (Photo, video, archive, documents etc) & Folder too.

(16). Spotify Songs Downloader (Track/Playlist/Album/Artist Link) With Option Of Audio Format (mp3/m4a/flac/opus/ogg/wav)

(17). Bulk Links Downloader Also support links of .txt file. Command  /bulk_url (*Supports custom Name)

✶ Note : 🔗 Dirct link supports. And Custom thumbnail Supports in All Video functions, Just send an image to set as Custom Thumbnail

Показано 20 последних публикаций.