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Категория: Психология

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You deserve nice things.

You deserve to be happy.

You deserve to be heard.

You deserve to be confident.

You deserve to exist in nice places.

You deserve to speak highly of yourself.

You deserve to prioritize your well-being.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋


Anyone can appear mature and grown when the conditions are right — when people are being nice to them.

The truest indicator of growth is when you’re facing difficult people — when the conditions don’t suit you.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋


Being open may not always feel comfortable at first, but it’s worth being vulnerable.

Expressing your thoughts & feelings in a safe space will allow you to blossom.

There’s magic in the gentleness and softness of being open. 🫶🏼

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋


Start small but don't give up.

Even a little progress is much better than stagnation.

Even one percent improvement in a day deserves appreciation.

You can transform your life to unimaginable heights.

You just have to believe in yourself and give yourself a chance.

Keep moving.


▪️Want better sleep? Follow these:

• Stick to a sleep schedule.
• Pay attention to what you eat and drink.
• Create a restful environment
• Limit daytime naps.
• Include physical activity in your daily routine.
• Manage worries.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋


Confidence isn't walking into a room thinking you are better than everyone; it's walking in not having to compare yourself to anyone at all.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋


I found the answers in my room.

1. Roof said: Aim high
2.  Fan said: Be cool
3. Clock said: Every min. is precious
4. Mirror said: Reflect before you act
5. Window said: See the world
6. Calendar said: Be up-to-date
7. Door said: Push hard to achieve your goals.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋


Be grateful for those who see you for who you truly are and love you not in spite of your imperfections, but because of them. Thank them for being your safe harbour in each storm and for reminding you of your worth when you forget.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋


You are not running behind the schedule just because someone else arrived there before you.

You still have time to to make your dreams come true, to live the life you deeply desire, to grow into your best self.

Be kind to yourself on this journey and never give upon your dreams.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋

#SelfHelp 🤍

How to Stop Taking Things Personally

Ever wondered why some people seem unaffected by criticism while others get deeply hurt?

🙋 What does it mean to take things personally?

When we take things personally, we internalize negative comments or actions, feeling like they attack our identity. For example, if someone says "It's not you, it's me" during a breakup, we might think, "What did I do wrong?" Instead of seeing the real issue, we blame ourselves.

🤔 Why do narcissists take everything personally?

Narcissists can't separate their actions from their identity. If you criticize a narcissist for being drunk, they don't see the problem as their drinking but as a personal attack. They play the victim and never change their behavior.

💡 How can we stop taking things personally?

1. See through others' eyes: Practice empathy. Try to understand what specific behavior or words might be bothering the other person.
2. Separate identity from behavior: If you fail an interview, don't think, "I'm a failure." Instead, consider, "I need to improve my skills."

🛠 What's the actionable step?

Whenever you feel attacked, ask yourself:
- What behavior is being criticized?
- How can I improve that specific action?

🎯 Examples to practice

- Feedback on work: If your boss says your report needs improvement, focus on the report, not on your abilities as a person.
- Relationship issues: If someone says you're not attentive, think about specific ways to show more attention, rather than feeling inadequate.

By focusing on behaviors and not internalizing criticism, you can improve relationships and self-esteem. It’s all about shifting your perspective and taking constructive action.

Remember, the key is to understand that criticism is often about specific actions, not about you as a person. Practice empathy, focus on behaviors, and take actionable steps to improve.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋


Focus more on yourself than the people who do you wrong and judge you. Their action is not in your control but your reaction is always your choice. Those who stand by you in your hard times are your people.

Rest don't matter at all.

You deserve those who add to your peace & joy.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋


You won't have perfection every day

Healthy relationships aren't always glamorous.

No matter how much you're in love, you are bound to experience conflict, resistance, hurt and destabilizing moments.

Precious relationships allow you to see the worst side of yourself and your partner but still choose love.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋


When you spread positive energy, it comes back manifolds to you.
When you uplift others without agenda, you see yourself evolving.
Inspirely holds power and the rewards you get are beyond comprehension.
Create happiness where there's none.

Be the blessing the world needs.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋

#SelfHelp 🤍

You are a work in progress and there is a lot that you still need to become.
Yet at the same time you can love yourself for what you are right now.
At some point you weren't even sure if you can be your current radiant self.
Honor your journey with self love and a grateful heart.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋

#SelfHelp 🤍

Forgive yourself for the mistakes and decisions of the past. You were doing the best you could at that time.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋


Anyone can say they care. But watch their actions, not their words.


🦋 @NoFapT 🦋

#SelfHelp 🤍

Your self-respect is the core of your self-worth.

Your confidence
Your boundaries
Your life choices

Everything reflects your self-respect.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋

#SelfHelp 🤍

Don't be scared of challenges on your journey. Destination doesn't bring as much joy as handling each challenge & making a little progress does. Keep celebrating each milestone instead of worrying about road ahead. Keep conquering the barriers & you'll have lived a fulfilled life.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋


Stop deferring your plans or waiting to be ready. There is no magical tomorrow that will grant you the discipline that is required today.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋


Learn to accept rather than expect, and you'll have far fewer disappointments.

🦋 @NoFapT 🦋

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