Quotes for UPSC

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Gulzarilal Nanda was evicted from a rented house. Nanda, who served as Prime Minister twice and held various Union Ministerial roles, found himself in difficult circumstances in his later years. He did not own a house and struggled financially, unable to pay rent, which led to his eviction after several months of arrears.

At that time, a passing journalist witnessed the eviction and thought it would make an interesting story for his newspaper. He even finalized the headline for the news piece, unaware of Nanda's true identity. The journalist also took some pictures of the elderly tenant and the rented house.

The journalist told the owner of the press about the incident. The owner looked at the pictures and was shocked, asking him if he knew the old man. The journalist replied no. The following day, shock rippled through the nation as the news appeared on the front page with the headline, "Gulzarilal Nanda, former Prime Minister of India, living in hardship."

When news of his plight became public, central officials intervened, convincing him to accept the Rs 500 allowance given to freedom fighters. Upon learning of Nanda's background as a former Prime Minister, the landlord apologized for the eviction. This incident sheds light on the personal challenges faced by leaders who have dedicated their lives to public service.

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Our school teachers day celebration 😭

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I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers.

Khalil Gibran

"Teaching is the profession that teaches all  the other professionals".!!

💐🙏Happy Teachers Day .🙏💐

The Story of an Eagle

The eagle has the longest lifespan of its species, living up to 70 years. However, to reach this age, the eagle must make a very difficult decision.

In its 40th year, the eagle’s long and flexible talons can no longer grasp prey, which serves as food. Its long, sharp beak becomes bent, and its aging, heavy wings—due to thick feathers—stick to its chest, making flight difficult. At this point, the eagle is left with only two options: die or undergo a painful process of change.

This transformation lasts for 150 days (5 months). The eagle must fly to a mountaintop and sit on its nest. There, it knocks its beak against a rock until it plucks it out. Afterward, the eagle waits for a new beak to grow back before plucking out its talons. Once its talons have regrown, the eagle begins to remove its old feathers. Finally, after this arduous process, the eagle takes its famous flight of rebirth and lives for an additional 30 years!

Why is Change Needed?

Change is essential for survival and growth. We, too, must embark on our own change processes. Sometimes, we need to let go of unpleasant memories, negative habits, and fixed mindsets. Only by freeing ourselves from past burdens can we fully embrace the present.

If an eagle can make a life-saving and transformative decision at the age of 40, why can’t we? To embark on a new journey ahead, we must release our limiting beliefs and negative thoughts. Open your mind and allow yourself to soar high like an eagle!

When it rains, all birds seek shelter; however, the eagle avoids the rain by flying above the clouds. The challenges may be common to all, but it is our attitude toward solving them that makes the difference.

Don’t be afraid of change—accept it gracefully!

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Truth resides in every human heart, and one has to search for it there and to be guided by truth as one sees it. But no one has a right to coerce others to act according to his own view of truth.

Mahatma Gandhiji

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The best Mahabharata characters and their iconic values:

1. Yudhishthira - Truthfulness
2. Arjuna - Courage and Self-Doubt
3. Bhima - Strength and Loyalty
4. Nakula - Wisdom and Adaptability
5. Sahadeva - Intelligence and Humility
6. Draupadi - Courage and Resilience
7. Karna - Generosity and Loyalty
8. Krishna - Divine Guidance and Strategic Thinking
9. Bhishma - Duty and Sacrifice
10. Vidura - Wisdom and Integrity

Some other iconic values from Mahabharata characters include:

- Dharma (Righteousness) - Yudhishthira
- Karma (Action) - Arjuna
- Moksha (Liberation) - Krishna
- Rajdharma (Duty of a King) - Dhritarashtra


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