Clarity for UPSC by Dr.Shivin (AIR - 297)

Гео и язык канала: Индия, Английский
Категория: Образование

AIR - 297
Youtube :
I will tell you where to look, but I won't tell you what to see.

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Hello all!

I’d like to wish all of you a very happy teachers day. You’ve all taught me so much, made me learn and grow and genuinely empowered me to be a better version of myself. I hope to keep learning from you, always.

I have 2 other things I’d like to announce, on this very important day.

Firstly, for everyone who is giving mains this year (or giving mains next year) I understand that revising bulky content gets difficult. I’ll be taking a class on 10th September for GS3 revision, live on youtube. We will revise the entire one pagers together in one go. Now I realise this might take the entire day, probably more than 8 hours. But we will be able to revise the entire GS3 content in one day and I feel it would be really really helpful for people giving Mains.

Secondly, starting this week, I would be starting a new series called ‘India with Clarity’. It is an idea that came from all of you, my students who teach me to keep innovating and improving. In this series, I plan to pickup topics related to our country and break them down with all relevant information and research in one place. The objective is to raise awareness and provoke thoughts about what is happening around us, in a fun way. I Hope all of us will enjoy it.

Thank you, for everything.
-Shivin :)

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Just got done with my final lecture of Write Smart for Mains 2024. This was my first course as a full time teacher. It has been nothing short of scintillating for me to have this experience. I hope I have been able to contribute positively to all who have studied from me. Thank you, for everything.

When I made the decision to come to this field full time, I was full of doubts on what lay ahead. However, having done this course, reading your chats and your feedback, I have gained a lot of confidence on what lies ahead.

Thank you so much for giving me the empowerment to follow my dreams. Hopefully, I have given you to tools and learnings to follow yours.

Forever in your debt,

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Hello all!
2 Important Announcements :

1. Batch - 2 of Write Smart starts next week. This is my last live batch this year of Write Smart for Mains 2025. It is aligned with the schedule of MMP+ and MRBD. You can check out the details here :

2. From tomorrow, in Mains Ready by December, We will be starting Gs-3. If you have missed the first month of this free initiative where we have covered ethics, please do not fret. This is a brilliant opportunity to get back into the groove for studying as we’re starting with a new subject. It will include daily targets, content and strategy help as well as answer evaluation sessions.

I will be uploading a gs-3 strategy video tomorrow morning at 9am so that we can study and complete gs-3 and it’s answer writing in the next 40 days.

You can check out mains ready by december here :

All the best :)

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Hello all!
After reading your comments on the above post, I’ve decided to make a series of Mains - Subject wise strategy videos.

For example, I’ll start with a video on history. I’ll talk about the syllabus, topics to be paid attention to and the sources to refer. I’ll do a thematic PYQ analysis too, so that whenever you study history from mains perspective, you know what ground to cover.

Similarly, I’ll make videos on every subject for the mains.

Hope this helps.

In the comments of this post, you can ask me your doubts concerning history for mains. The video will be up tomorrow morning.

Thanks :)

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Happy Independence day! 🇮🇳

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I’m turning the comments back on. Been a while since I heard from you. Thanks for being here. From now, I’ve decided to only smile at the miniscule negativity that exists here and appreciate the massive love and support I get.

In the comments of this post, let me know what content you would like to see next on youtube, I was thinking of analysing all subjects for mains with thematic and PYQ analysis.

Also, just letting you know, with the upcoming independence day, Sarrthi IAS has announced a sale on all its courses.

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Had a tumultuous last week. I think all of us did. However, we also have a responsibility to ourselves and our parents to study diligently. This is your reminder (and my reminder) to study, put in as much effort as we can and focus on the tasks at hand.

I’ve not uploaded any videos on YouTube in the past week either. Tomorrow, i will be uploading a video on the role of PYQs in the Mains Examination. After that, I’ll be going subject by subject and doing a thematic analysis of every mains paper. Hope that helps.

All the best!
Have a great week ahead.

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I went to ORN in the afternoon today, to meet the students. Salute to their spirit.

Due to heavy rains in delhi right now, ORN has flooded again. Please stay safe and away from waterlogged areas. There is heavy lightening happening too, so please do not stand beneath electricity poles. Naked wires from poles are also a threat.

Please stay safe. Nothing matters more than our safety. I hope this issue gets resolved as soon as possible, but solutions to problems like this are long term. Till then, please prioritise your safety. Also, I would recommend that you call your parents once and let them know that you’re okay. It would mean a lot to them and in this tough time, it’s always better to seek refuge in the love of our family.

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Hello all.
Would just like to share a few things :

1. Nothing is more important than our safety and security. Whenever we are taking decisions, such as where to stay, where to study (in which library etc.) we must account for safety as a variable. The exam is very stressful, and we often ignore safety as a variable when taking decisions. However, that should be a primary concern. I myself used to study in a basement library with a narrow entry (in gurgaon). Despite being aware of the issues with the same, I did not take my safety seriously. Henceforth, mentally and physically, health and safety comes first.

2. We often think that we need ‘freedom’ and we wish to stay away from our home. However, we must realise that nothing can replace the safety of our homes. Our parents are our greatest well wishers. Nothing can beat the mental safety and physical nourishment of staying at our homes.

3. Let us all ensure that this movement is not politicised. Political agendas of student unions will hinder a lasting solution.

4. A huge respect to everyone who reached out for this. We might be in a competitive space, but the fact that we’re able to come together and raise issues that affect all of us shows that we’re human first.

I’m here.
In support of student solidarity.

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Deeply, deeply saddened by the gut wrenching events that have unfolded in ORN today. I hope the deceased souls find peace in heaven. My deepest condolences to the families.

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Hello All!
Will be conducting a live mentorship session tomorrow at 8PM on youtube, for any and all questions for Mains Ready By December, Mains 2024 and any other questions that you might have. Do tune in!

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