Фильтр публикаций

Next session at 9 pm

It's very 1st session so do corporate, we will improve gradually, as the hosts are also students ☺️.

New things from next session
👉 Ncert highlights pdf
👉 We will tell page number
👉 Quiz after session

(open ncert Infront of you for better understandig and join at time if you join in between you will not understand 😅)

Here is the recording of WORKSHOP 1

Guys this was the very 1st session, hosts will improve gradually

In the ncert workshop we will be doing
👉 Ncert reading
👉 Pointing key points
👉 Solving some doubts of audience


Tissues are categorized as −
🌺Plant Tissue
🌺Animal Tissue

❀❀❀Plant Tissue❀❀❀
Following are the major types of plant tissue −
➖Meristematic Tissues
➖Permanent Tissues

🐾Simple Permanent Tissues🐾

❀🌸Complex Permanent Tissue🌸❀

❀❤️Meristematic Tissue❤️❀
➖Meristematic tissue mainly consists of actively dividing cells, and helps in increasing the length and thickening the stems of the plant.

➖Meristematic tissue, commonly, present in the primary growth regions of a plant, for example, in the tips of stems or roots.

➖Depending on the region (where the meristematic tissues are found); meristematic tissues are classified as apical, lateral, and intercalary (see the image given below).

➖Apical meristem (as shown in the above image) is present at the growing tips of stems and roots and helps in their growth.

➖Lateral Meristem is found in stem or root region and helps in their growth.

➖Intercalary meristem is found at the base of the leaves or internodes (on twigs) and helps in growth.


💛Permanent Tissue
Cells of meristematic tissue later differentiate to form different types of permanent tissue.

💎Permanent Tissue is further categorized as −
➖Simple Permanent Tissue and
➖Complex Permanent Tissue

🥀Simple Permanent Tissue
Simple Permanent Tissue further categorized as −

🌼Parenchyma tissue provides support to plants and also stores food.
🌸Sometimes, parenchyma tissue contains chlorophyll and performs photosynthesis, in such a condition, it is known as collenchyma.
🌼The collenchyma tissue provides flexibility to plant and also provides mechanical support (to plant).
🌸The large air cavities, which are present in parenchyma of aquatic plants, give buoyancy to the plants and also help them float, are known as aerenchyma.
🌼The Sclerenchyma tissue makes the plant hard and stiff. For example, the husk of a coconut is made up of sclerenchymatous tissue.
🌸The cells of Sclerenchyma tissue normally are dead.
🌼The outermost layer of cells is known as epidermis.
🌸The epidermis is usually made up of a single layer of cells.
🌼The entire surface of a plant has the outer covering of epidermis, which protects all the parts of the plant.

🌻Complex Permanent Tissue
The complex tissue, normally, consists of more than one type of cells which work together as a unit.

🌺Complex tissues help in the transportation by carrying organic material, water, and minerals up and down in the plants.

🍃Complex Permanent Tissue is categorized as;


🌺Xylem, normally, consists of tracheid, vessels, xylem parenchyma, and xylem fibers.

🌼Xylem is accountable for the conduction of water and mineral ions/salt.

🌸Phloem, normally, is made up of four types of elements namely −
➖Sieve tubes
➖Companion cells
➖Phloem fibers and
➖Phloem parenchyma

🌸Phloem tissue transports food from leaves to other parts of the plant.


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Jiska v launching date guess shi hua hoga, usse allen handbook gift milega.. (we had conducted a giveaway few days back)


(1) Definition: (Gk – mito = thread ; chondrion = granule) Mitochondria are semi autonomous having hollow sac like structures present in all eukaryotes except mature RBCs of mammals and sieve tubes of phloem.

(2) These are absent in all prokaryotes like bacteria and cyanobacteria.


(3) Mitochondria are also called chondriosome, chondrioplast, plasmosomes, plastosomes and plastochondriane.

(1) Definition: Plastids are semiautonomous organelles having DNA, RNA, Ribosomes and double membrane envelope which store or synthesize various types of organic compounds as ATP and NADPH + H+ etc.

(2) These are largest cell organelles in plant cell.

(3) History: Haeckel (1865) discovered plastid, but the term was first time used by Schimper (1883).


📕📕Set up the reminder and be ready for WORKSHOP 1⏰⏰

👇👇👇Know more👇👇👇

❤️Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium🤍


⚡️Equilibrium is the state of a process in which the properties like temperature, pressure, and concentration etc of the system do not show any change with passage of time.

➖In all processes which attain equilibrium, two opposing processes are involved.
➖Equilibrium is attained when the rates of the two opposing processes become equal.
➖If the opposing processes involve only physical changes, the equilibrium is called Physical Equilibrium.
➖If the opposing processes are chemical reactions, the equilibrium is called Chemical Equilibrium.

🥀Physical Equilibrium

➖Solid – liquid Equilibrium: H2O(s) = H2O(l)
➖Liquid – Gas Equilibrium: H2O(l) = H2O(g)
➖Solid – Solution Equilibrium: Salt(Solid) = Salt(in solution)
➖Gas –Solution equilibrium: CO2(g) = CO2(in solution)

🥀Equilibrium in Chemical Process
Reversible reaction:

⚡️A reaction in which not only the reactants react to form the products under certain conditions but also the products react to form reactants under the same conditions


3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g) \rightleftharpoons Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g)

🥀Irreversible reaction:

⚡️A reaction cannot take place in the reverse direction, i.e. the products formed do not react to give back the reactants under the same condition.


AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq) → AgCl(s) + NaNO3(g)

🥀Characteristics of Equilibrium State

⚡️It can be attained only if the reversible reaction is carried out in closed vessel.

⚡️It can be attained from either side of the reaction.

⚡️A catalyst can hasten the approach of equilibrium but does not alter the state of equilibrium.

⚡️It is dynamic in nature i.e. reaction does not stop but both forward and backward reactions take place at equal rate.

⚡️Change of pressure, concentration or temperature favours one of the reactions (forward or backward) resulting in shift of equilibrium point in one direction.

⚡️Law of Mass Action & Equilibrium Constant

“The rate at which a substance reacts is directly proportional to its active mass and rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to product of active masses of reactants each raised to a power equal to corresponding stoichiometric coefficient appearing in the balanced chemical equation”.

💫For reaction aA + bB \rightleftharpoons cC + dD

💫Rate of reaction ∝ Aa.Bb

💫or rate of reaction = KAaBb

⚡️where K is rate constant or velocity constant of the reaction at that temperature.

⚡️Unit of rate constant (K)
K = \frac{Rate\ of\ reaction}{A^aB^b}=\frac{molL^-^1 s^-^1}{(molL^1^)^a^+^b } = (molL^-^1)^1\ ^t^o\ ^n\ s^-^1

🥀Ionic Product:

a) Product of ionic concentration due to ions already present in water or from a salt.

b) I.P. may be and may not be equal to Ksp.

c) If ionic Product (IP) > Ksp ; precipitation takes place till I.P. equals Ksp

d) If Ionic Product < Ksp ; a precipitate will not be formed and the solution will be unsaturated.

e) If Ionic Product = Ksp ; a precipitate will not form an the solution is satuated in that salt.

✅#Point_to_remember 😇





🤝 Workshop will hosted by 🤝

👩‍🦰 Rifa & 👩‍🦰Soumya

⏰Set your timer guys


👉 It is free for #APNI_SENA
👉 You simply need to join channel voice chat at given time
👉 Recording will be available too

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This workshop series is a gift for every member as we are reaching 15k in no time


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May Lord Parshuram fulfill all your desires and fill your life with beautiful moments.

Happy Parshuram Jayanti from Team @APNI_ACADEMY

✅Antalgic gaitAn antalgic gait is an abnormal gait pattern which develops as a result of pain. Typically the stance phase is reduced on the affected leg resulting in a limping appearance.


Any cause of lower limb pain such as:➖Osteoarthritis
➖Inflammatory joint disease
➖Lower limb fracture
➖Nerve entrapment (e.g. sciatica)


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Apni academy is registered and authorized by gov.in you can check, link in description

🌵 *Biology Trick* 🦋

Learn the type of epithelium present at various sites in our body:

1. Simple Squamous: BLEM
B - Bowmans Capsule
L- Lung Alveoli
E- Endothelium
M - Mesothelium

2. Simple Cuboidal: ROT
R- Renal tubules
O -Outer Enamel Epithelium
T- Thyroid Follicles

3. Simple Columnar: BIG SIR
B - Brain
I - Intestines
G- Gall Bladder
S- Stomach
I - Inner Enamel Epithelium
R - Resp Tract

4. Pseudostratified Columnar: Pls doNNT Booze
P - Paranasal Sinus
N- Nasal Cavity
N- Nasopharynx
B- Bronchi


Hello friends, we have decided that we will inform you about all the scholarships, competitions and all. Even if that is taken by other platforms☺️

Also APNI ACADEMY will arrange many writing, skill based competitions, etc.

Do comment feedbacks.!

Splenic palpation and percussion

A palpable spleen is at least TWICE its normal size.

Palpate from the right iliac fossa towards the left upper quadrant (ask the child to take deep breaths if appropriate). The edge is usually soft and you will be unable to get above it. The splenic notch is occasionally palpable if markedly enlarged. The spleen should move with respiration.

Measure the degree of extension below the costal margin (in cm) in the mid-clavicular line.

Percuss to delineate the lower border (splenic tissue will be dull to percussion).

✅Causes of splenomegaly
There are several potential causes of splenomegaly including:

Infection: infectious mononucleosis, malaria, leishmaniasis
Haematological: haemolytic anaemia
Malignancy: leukaemia, lymphoma
Other: portal hypertension, Still’s disease
Apparent splenomegaly: chest hyper-expansion (e.g. bronchiolitis/asthma)



Heredity is a process of transmission of heritable traits from parents to their offsprings.

Genetics is the branch of biology dealing with the principles and mechanism of inheritance and variation.

Inheritance is the basis of heredity and by this process, traits are passed on from the parents to the offsprings. Continuity of the gene pool is maintained by the process of inheritance.

Genes are the basic unit of inheritance and located on chromosomes.

Variation exists among individuals of one species. Variation is due to crossing over, recombination, mutation and environmental effects on the expression of genes present on chromosomes.

𒊹Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance

Gregor Johann Mendel is called “Father of genetics”.

Mendel performed experiments on Garden pea. He took 14 true-breeding plants of pea having seven distinguishable characters, which have two opposite traits.

He called genes as “factors”, which are passed from parents to offsprings.

Genes, that code for a pair of opposite traits are called “alleles”.

He gave three laws of inheritance based on his observation:

𒊹Law of Dominance

: One of the alleles is dominant and gets expressed in the phenotype in case of the heterozygote, e.g. When we cross homozygous tall (TT) and dwarf (tt) plants, in the offsprings we get all the tall plants having the genotype Tt, so tallness is a dominant trait over dwarfness.

➪Law of Segregation of genes:

Each allele separates during meiosis at the time of gamete formation. There is no blending and characters are passed to different gametes. Homozygotes produce only one kind of gametes and heterozygotes produce different kinds of gametes.

♲Law of Independent assortment:
It states that alleles for different traits are inherited independently. He showed that using a dihybrid cross.

Test Cross: It is to find out the genotype of the plant showing dominant trait, the given plant is crossed with the recessive homozygote. The two observations are:

If the phenotype of offsprings shows only the dominant trait, then the parent plant was homozygote to the dominant trait

If the offsprings produced are of both phenotypes, then the parent plant was heterozygote to the dominant trait

𒊹Incomplete Dominance

When neither of the two alleles is dominant and the phenotype of the heterozygote does not resemble any of the parents. The heterozygote expresses intermediate or a mixture of two parents’ traits

Example: The flower colour inheritance of snapdragon (dog flower). On crossing true breeding red (RR) and whiteflower (rr), we get all pink colour flowers in the F1 generation, which on self-pollination give red: pink: white flowers in the ratio 1:2:1 in the F2 generation



When both the alleles express themselves together in an individual, they are said to be co-dominant

Example: The inheritance of the ABO blood group in humans is controlled by the gene I. The gene I has three allelic forms, IA, IB and i. In a human being, any two out of three alleles are presentIA and IB code for different kinds of sugar polymers present on the surface of RBC and ‘i’ does not produce any sugarIA and IB are dominant over ‘i’, but IA and IB are co-dominant and express themselves together.

➪Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

Sutton and Boveri supported Mendel’s observations and stated that chromosomes are the carrier of genes

Chromosomes occur as a homologous pair and the two alleles of a gene are located on the homologous pair of chromosomes at the same site

Homologous chromosomes separate during meiosis in the process of gamete formation

Chromosomes segregate and assort independently

During fertilization, gametes combine and produce the offsprings with the diploid no. of chromosomes, that is similar to the parent

Morgan extensively worked on fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster and provided experimental evidence to support the chromosomal theory of inheritance


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