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The recent podcast with Lex Fridman is now available in multiple languages! This aims to make the conversation accessible to a wider audience. Do hear it…


PM Modi’s podcast with Lex Fridman dubbed in Indian languages
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Birthday wishes to Union Minister Shri Jual Oram Ji. He is making exceptional efforts to empower the tribal communities and ensure that their dreams are fulfilled. Praying for his long and healthy life.


वीरों और महान विभूतियों की पावन धरती बिहार के अपने सभी भाई-बहनों को बिहार दिवस की ढेरों शुभकामनाएं। भारतीय इतिहास को गौरवान्वित करने वाला हमारा यह प्रदेश आज अपनी विकास यात्रा के जिस महत्वपूर्ण दौर से गुजर रहा है, उसमें यहां के परिश्रमी और प्रतिभाशाली बिहारवासियों की अहम भागीदारी है। हमारी संस्कृति और परंपरा के केंद्र-बिंदु रहे अपने इस राज्य के चौतरफा विकास के लिए हम कोई कोर-कसर नहीं छोड़ेंगे।

𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞! 🇮🇳

India has crossed a monumental 1 BILLION TONNES of coal production!

With cutting-edge technologies and efficient methods, we’ve not only increased production but also ensured sustainable and responsible mining. This achievement will fuel our increasing power demands, drive economic growth, and ensure a brighter future for every Indian.

Under the visionary leadership of Hon'ble PM Shri @narendramodi ji, India is on its path to becoming a global energy leader.

By: G Kishan Reddy

A Proud Moment for India!

Crossing the monumental milestone of 1 Billion tonnes of coal production is a remarkable achievement, highlighting our commitment to energy security, economic growth and self-reliance. This feat also reflects the dedication and hardwork of all those associated with the sector.

By: Narendra Modi

ટેકનોલોજીની મદદથી આજે, હું ઠાકરધામ બાવળીયાળી ખાતે ઉપસ્થિત વિશાળ જનસમુદાય સાથે સંવાદ કરી શક્યો. આ સ્થળ ભરવાડ સમુદાય માટે શ્રદ્ધાનું કેન્દ્ર છે.

પુનઃ પ્રાણ પ્રતિષ્ઠા મહોત્સવ અને શ્રીમદ્ ભગવદ્ જ્ઞાન ગોપ ગાથા કાર્યક્રમનું આયોજન કરવા બદલ હું સમુદાયના તમામ સભ્યોને અભિનંદન આપું છું. આજે સવારે હજારો બહેનોએ પારંપરિક ગોપી હુડો રાસ રજૂ કર્યો. સ્થાનિક સંસ્કૃતિ અને પરંપરાની જાળવણી કરતા આ પ્રયાસો લાંબા ગાળા સુધી અસરકારક રહેશે.

આદરણીય સંતો, ગુરુઓ અને સમુદાયના વડીલોના ઉપદેશોથી પ્રેરિત થઈને, ભરવાડ સમુદાયે કૃષિ, ડેરી, પર્યાવરણીય સંરક્ષણ, શિક્ષણ અને પશુપાલન જેવા ક્ષેત્રોમાં ઉત્તમ પ્રયાસો કર્યા છે.

ઠાકરધામ બાવળિયાળી ખાતે આયોજિત કાર્યક્રમમાં મારા વકતવ્ય દરમિયાન, મેં વિકસિત ભારતના સ્વપ્નને સાકાર કરવા માટે એમના સહયોગ અને યોગદાનની અપેક્ષા વ્યક્ત કરી તેમજ રસીકરણ દ્વારા પગ અને મોંને લગતા રોગો અટકાવવા તથા વન-આવરણ વધારવા જેવા વિવિધ પ્રયાસોમાં જનજાગૃતિ અને જનભાગીદારીની અપીલ કરી.

Navroz Mubarak!

May this special day bring abundance of happiness, prosperity and good health to all. May the coming year be marked by success and progress, and may the bonds of harmony be strengthened.

Wishing a joyful and fulfilling year ahead!

অসমৰ নামৰূপৰ বিভিএফচিএলত নতুন ব্ৰাউনফিল্ড এমোনিয়া-ইউৰিয়া কমপ্লেক্সৰ বাবে কেবিনেটে জনোৱা অনুমোদনে ঘৰুৱা ইউৰিয়া উৎপাদনৰ হাৰ বৃদ্ধি, উত্তৰ-পূব আৰু পূব ভাৰতৰ কৃষকসকলক উপকৃত কৰাৰ লগতে নতুন কৰ্মসংস্থাপনৰ সুযোগ সৃষ্টি কৰিব। তদুপৰি সাৰ সুৰক্ষা সুনিশ্চিত কৰাৰ লগতে শক্তি-দক্ষ উৎপাদনক প্ৰসাৰিত কৰি আত্মনিৰ্ভৰ ভাৰতৰ আমাৰ সপোন শক্তিশালী কৰিব।


I had a great discussion with @narendramodi about India’s development, the path to Viksit Bharat @ 2047, and exciting advancements in health, agriculture, AI, and other sectors that are creating impact today. It's impressive to see how innovation in India is driving progress locally—and globally.

By: Bill Gates

As always, an excellent meeting with Bill Gates. We spoke about diverse issues including tech, innovation and sustainability towards making a better future for the coming generations.

By: Narendra Modi

Today, the Union Cabinet has approved an important infrastructure related project, the construction of 6- lane access controlled Greenfield Highway starting from JNPA Port (Pagote) to Chowk (29.219 km) in Maharashtra. This is in line with our vision of PM Gatishakti and ensuring quicker connectivity to and from our ports. This project will add momentum to the growth of the regions around Mumbai and Pune.


केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडळाने आज पायाभूत सुविधांशी संबंधित एका महत्त्वाच्या प्रकल्पाला, महाराष्ट्रातील जेएनपीए बंदर (पागोटे) ते चौक (29.219 किमी) यादरम्यानच्या 6 पदरी प्रवेश-नियंत्रित ग्रीनफिल्ड महामार्गाच्या बांधकामाला मंजुरी दिली. हे आमच्या पीएम गतीशक्ती आणि बंदरांपासून बंदरांपर्यंत जलद कनेक्टिव्हिटी सुनिश्चित करण्याच्या दृष्टीकोनाला अनुसरून आहे. हा प्रकल्प मुंबई आणि पुणे क्षेत्राच्या विकासाला गती देईल.


The incentive scheme on promoting low value UPI transactions, which has been approved by the Cabinet today will encourage digital payments and further 'Ease of Living.'


The Cabinet’s approval for a new Brownfield Ammonia-Urea Complex at BVFCL, Namrup, Assam will enhance domestic urea production, benefit farmers in the Northeast & Eastern India and create new employment opportunities. It will also strengthen our vision of an Aatmanirbhar Bharat by ensuring fertilizer security and promoting energy-efficient production.


The Cabinet’s decision relating to the Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM) will boost milk production, improve indigenous breeds and empower several dairy farmers. It is a major effort towards self-reliance in the livestock sector.


A major boost for India's dairy sector!

The Cabinet’s approval for the revised National Programme for Dairy Development will contribute to the sector’s transformation, ensuring better pricing for farmers, job creation and more.


Welcome back, #Crew9! The Earth missed you.

Theirs has been a test of grit, courage and the boundless human spirit. Sunita Williams and the #Crew9 astronauts have once again shown us what perseverance truly means. Their unwavering determination in the face of the vast unknown will forever inspire millions.

Space exploration is about pushing the limits of human potential, daring to dream, and having the courage to turn those dreams into reality. Sunita Williams, a trailblazer and an icon, has exemplified this spirit throughout her career.

We are incredibly proud of all those who worked tirelessly to ensure their safe return. They have demonstrated what happens when precision meets passion and technology meets tenacity.



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