How to find the analogue of your favorite movie or series?
Alas, online movie theaters do not always guess our preferences, no matter how many filters it has. Still, here's a service to help you find a movie to your liking.
Movie Map utilizes a neural network to find movies and shows based on your preferences. All you have to do is enter the name of the movie/serial and click the search icon.
The specified movie appears in the center of the map, and other movies and TV series similar to yours are displayed around it. The closer the film title is to yours, the more alike they are.
Alas, online movie theaters do not always guess our preferences, no matter how many filters it has. Still, here's a service to help you find a movie to your liking.
Movie Map utilizes a neural network to find movies and shows based on your preferences. All you have to do is enter the name of the movie/serial and click the search icon.
The specified movie appears in the center of the map, and other movies and TV series similar to yours are displayed around it. The closer the film title is to yours, the more alike they are.