🔥 Rally Report 🔥
The price of MOVE has rallied by 43% in the past 24 hours.
📈 Part of a broader market recovery following recent market volatility.
🕯 Most of MOVE’s price action seems to come from speculative trading activity on the South Korean exchange Upbit. Over the past 24 hours, Upbit accounted for 35% of MOVE’s global trading volume.
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The price of MOVE has rallied by 43% in the past 24 hours.
📈 Part of a broader market recovery following recent market volatility.
🕯 Most of MOVE’s price action seems to come from speculative trading activity on the South Korean exchange Upbit. Over the past 24 hours, Upbit accounted for 35% of MOVE’s global trading volume.
If you want to buy or trade MOVE, we have an exclusive offer for you at Toobit. Signup and get $20 Bonus, deposit & trade to get up to 100k in trading bonuses and 50% lifetime trading fee discounts.
🔗 https://coinbureau.com/deals/trading/toobit-cb/
Looking for a Toobit guide?! 👇
🔍 https://coinbureau.com/review/toobit-review/